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Objective: Students will review classroom rules and begin discussion of success and how we define success. Bellwork: Get out your FACTS notebook.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective: Students will review classroom rules and begin discussion of success and how we define success. Bellwork: Get out your FACTS notebook."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective: Students will review classroom rules and begin discussion of success and how we define success. Bellwork: Get out your FACTS notebook.

2  What does FACTS stand for?  What is the purpose of FACTS?  What will we cover in my classroom?

3 How do you answer a question? How many tardies before you get a detention? ◦ On your 5 th tardy you get a lunch detention ◦ On your 10 th tardy you get a 1 hour detention ◦ On your 15 th tardy you get a late school How many bathroom breaks are you allowed per Quarter? ◦ What happens if you exceed that number?

4  Where/When is food/drink allowed?  How/When do you exit the classroom?  What should you bring with you to class?  Who should get materials off my desk? When?

5 I will give you 3 minutes to think of a special fact about your name: – Are you named after someone? – What does your name mean? – Is there something that makes your name different or unique? – Example: My name is Nichole and it’s spelled differently because my mom didn’t know how to spell Nichole

6  In my class I will sometimes as you to find your elbow partner.  Your elbow partner is the person sitting usually to your left or right who you can share without have to get up and move out of your seat.

7  I want you to tell your elbow partner YOUR Name and 1 fact about your name.  I will be calling on each elbow partner group and you will STAND and introduce YOUR PARTNER.  Tell us THEIR NAME and 1 fact about their name.  Whoever is the tallest will start.

8  First we need to setup your notebooks, if you do not have a notebook I have some I can sell you for a Quarter.  Write your name and FACTS on the front cover.  You MUST have a notebook specific for FACTS class! This is not to be shared or combined with other classes and you will turn this in.  If you are absent from class you are responsible for anything you missed. I have a sample class notebook that you can borrow to copy your missing Bellwork and notes.

9  For today’s bellwork I want you to write about what success means to you? What do you think of, what does it mean?  I will give you 5 minutes to write.

10  Now underneath your finished Bellwork on the next blank line write the work Notes:  This is the format for your FACTS notebook.  DATE  Bellwork  Notes  Each of these should start their own line and may go multiple lines but should not run together.  You may choose to have multiple dates on one page, or start a new page for each date whatever works best for you.


12  What was our objective for today?  On our next class day we will continue with this theme of success with a group assignment that you will work on in class.

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