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Geography Terms, Vocabulary, and Tools Compass rose- Never Eat Soggy Waffles- see diagram on board.

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Presentation on theme: "Geography Terms, Vocabulary, and Tools Compass rose- Never Eat Soggy Waffles- see diagram on board."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geography Terms, Vocabulary, and Tools Compass rose- Never Eat Soggy Waffles- see diagram on board

2 Terms continued Latitude- lines run parallel to the equator Example: 40 degrees N latitude Tropic of Cancer- 23 ½ degrees N latitude Tropic of Capricorn- 23 ½ degrees S latitude Equator- 0 degrees latitude

3 Terms continued Longitude- lines run from north pole to south pole; not parallel to prime meridian Example: 80 degrees W longitude Prime Meridian- 0 degrees longitude International Date Line- 180 degrees longitude

4 Terms continued Know the 7 continents Know the 4 oceans Know the 5 Great Lakes- HOMES Revolution- a complete trip around the sun 365 ¼ days- Leap Year Rotation- earth spinning on its axis- 24 hours- day

5 Terms continued Globe- spherical representation of earth Map- flat representation of earth Mercator projection- “grid system” map- see diagram on board Robinson projection- “globe on paper”- see picture on page 3 Know the 4 hemispheres

6 Terms continued Key- tool that gives you information on a map Example: 1 inch equals 100 miles, star- capital city

7 Types of Maps Political- shows boundaries between countries Physical- shows rivers and mountains Contour- shows elevation Geological- shows structure of earth- volcanoes and earthquakes- see page 11- Pangea- plate tectonics- moving of earth’s crust

8 Reading Charts and Graphs Bar graph- page 13 Line graph- page 14 Circle graph- page 14 Pictograph- page 15 Climograph- page 15 Charts and Tables- page 17

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