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Briefing Session on TSA for Secondary Schools Case Study – Phase 2 of OIA Reporting Platform.

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Presentation on theme: "Briefing Session on TSA for Secondary Schools Case Study – Phase 2 of OIA Reporting Platform."— Presentation transcript:

1 Briefing Session on TSA for Secondary Schools Case Study – Phase 2 of OIA Reporting Platform

2 One of the Enhancement Measures for the TSA Optimizing TSA reporting functions in a phased manner, with the provision of a more interactive reporting platform for teachers to access the system to view the students’ overall performance.

3 Phase 2 of Online Item Analysis (OIA) Reporting Platform Principal – how to make good use of TSA data Vice Principal / Academic Master – how to facilitate teachers’ analysis of students’ strengths and weaknesses Subject Panel – how to formulate teaching programmes

4 Step 1: Access the interactive reporting platform

5 Step 1: Access the interactive reporting platform (continued)


7 Step 2: Open the accounts Open the school user accounts Vice principals / Academic Masters Panel Chairs – Chinese, English and Maths Subject teachers of CEM at S.3 All school teachers

8 Step 3: Study the TSA OIA Report together Lesson planning Teacher development day Middle management – data analysis Frontline teachers – formulation of teaching programmes / design of tasks / adaptation

9 Data Analysis Which dimension? Which learning unit? Which question intent?

10 Step 4: Using Phase 2 of Online Item Analysis (OIA) Reporting Platform to analyze students’ strengths and weaknesses Item analysis report - indicating the percentages of correct student responses to each item 3-year performance – providing student performance figures over the past three years on each BC (Chinese Language) / question intent (English Language) / learning unit (Mathematics)

11 Step 4: Using Phase 2 of Online Item Analysis (OIA) Reporting Platform to analyze students’ strengths and weaknesses (continued) A case study – S3 English Language School A – all students took Mathematics (Chi version) School B – one class took Mathematics (Eng version) and the other 3 classes took the Chi version School C – all students took Mathematics (Eng version)

12 Step 4: Using Phase 2 of Online Item Analysis (OIA) Reporting Platform to analyze students’ strengths and weaknesses (continued) A case study – S3 English Language Reading BC: Using an increasing range of reading strategies to understand the meaning of texts with some degree of complexity Question Intent: -working out the meaning of unknown words and expressions -making inferences

13 Sch ASch BSch CTW A15%19%6%14% B32%37%10%21% C27%17%67%47% D26%25%17%18% Unknown words

14 Sch ASch BSch CTW A24%17%20%17% B22%17%4%18% C20%12%4%13% D32%55%73%52% Unknown words

15 Unknown expressions Sch ASch BSch CTW A16%24%9%15% B16%15%6%11% C53%55%79%63% D15%7%4%9%

16 Unknown words/expressions School A

17 Unknown words/expressions School B

18 Unknown words/expressions School C

19 For Schools A and B -The performance on ‘working out meanings of unknown words/expressions’ remained weak over the last 3 years as compared to the corresponding TSA years  Empower students’ vocabulary size (active and passive)  Develop students’ skills in predicting the meaning of unfamiliar words by using contextual clues required Step 5 – What to do next? Take action Unknown words/expressions

20 Sch ASch BSch CTW A2%0% 4% B65%79% 72% C11%9% D22%12% 15% Making inferences

21 Sch ASch BSch CTW A33%24%28%12% B2%12%2%28% C37%42%54%14% D28%21%16%45% Making inferences

22 Making inferences School A

23 Making inferences School B

24 School C – Making inferences

25 For School A -The performance remained weak over the last 3 years as compared to the corresponding TSA years For School B -The performance dropped over the last 3 years as compared to the corresponding TSA years  Introduce inferential strategies to students through explicit instruction  Help students understand when information is implied, or not directly stated, will improve their skill in drawing conclusions and making inferences. Step 5 – What to do next? Take action Making inferences

26 The achievement of Basic Competency CANNOT be deduced simply from the percentage of items correct. Details of how to calculate a given student attains the BC standard are given in Chapter 4 of the TSA Report. Reminder The school’s BC attainment % on a particular subject % of students answering items correctly in that subject

27 The percentage of students answering items correctly is affected by item difficulty. However, the school’s BC attainment % is independent of the item difficulty as a whole in a particular TSA year. Teachers are recommended that they should not merely focus on the data when doing analysis. They should also make reference to the questions, marking schemes and exemplars of students’ work provided when interpreting students’ performance. By doing so, they have a better understanding of their students’ strengths and weaknesses. Reminder (continued)

28 Thank you!

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