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Media Policy Reporting on suicide Israel Mlambo Kate Hellig Wanita Briell Wendy Fourie Hendri Pelser.

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Presentation on theme: "Media Policy Reporting on suicide Israel Mlambo Kate Hellig Wanita Briell Wendy Fourie Hendri Pelser."— Presentation transcript:

1 Media Policy Reporting on suicide Israel Mlambo Kate Hellig Wanita Briell Wendy Fourie Hendri Pelser

2 Insensitive and Inaccurate Reporting Headline “tree-lined Rhodes University campus” ?! Name Method used Unnecessary details Inaccurate information Mention of unrelated events?

3 Aims Establish current policy and reporting trends Develop a better understanding of how to report on suicides Create a better understanding of the psychological aspects involved Troubleshoot problem-areas in current reporting. Develop a framework and set of guidelines for future reporting.

4 Methodology Literature review Critical analysis of newspaper reports In depth interviews Examination of existing policy

5 Findings No current policy Inaccuracies Assumptions and speculation Insensitivity towards family and friends Sensationalism and dramatisation Failure to include helpful information on suicide Complex situation – ethics: - Time to grieve vs. time to print - Public knowledge vs. Private knowledge

6 Values Different cultures and societies view suicide in different ways - Shameful - Honourable Journalistic values Need to balance the different values in the Grocott’s to reflect community values

7 Recommendations Withhold names of minors Be tactful and sensitive to the bereaved family. Try and contact a person close to the family who is willing to speak to the press and who will provide accurate and factual information. No reference to suicide in the headline

8 Recommendations Only include the basic relevant information Do not speculate as to the motivation or mention the method used Never romanticise suicide

9 Recommendations Photographs at the family’s discretion Never publish photographs of the family Double check press releases Include contact details for a suicide support group or help-line

10 Thank you

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