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Design Patterns ECE 417/617: Elements of Software Engineering Stan Birchfield Clemson University.

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Presentation on theme: "Design Patterns ECE 417/617: Elements of Software Engineering Stan Birchfield Clemson University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Design Patterns ECE 417/617: Elements of Software Engineering Stan Birchfield Clemson University

2 What is a Design Pattern? A design pattern –abstracts a recurring design structure –comprises class and/or object dependencies, structures, interactions, or conventions –distills design experience

3 Re-use Code re-use –Don’t reinvent the wheel –Requires clean, elegant, understandable, general, stable code –leverage previous work Design re-use –Don’t reinvent the wheel –Requires a precise understanding of common, recurring designs –leverage previous work

4 Some design patterns Abstract factory Adapter Bridge Command Composite Façade Subject / Observer Proxy Strategy

5 Subject-observer [from Vlissides]

6 Subject-observer (cont.) Subject Register(Observer) Unregister(Observer) NotifyAll() Observer OnUpdate() 1 * for all o in observers { o.OnUpdate() }

7 Subject-observer (cont.) Subject Register(Observer) Unregister(Observer) NotifyAll() Observer virtual OnUpdate() 1 * for all o in observers { o.OnUpdate() } ConcreteSubjectConcreteObserver virtual OnUpdate()

8 Model / view / controller (MVC) Controller Model View (displays data) (mediates) (holds data) { Model m; Controller c(&m); View v(&c); } calls Register() Main View Controller Model Create() Register()

9 MVC (cont.) Subject Register(Observer) Unregister(Observer) NotifyAll() Observer virtual OnUpdate() 1 * for all o in observers { o.OnUpdate() } ControllerView virtual OnUpdate()

10 MVC (cont.) class Observer { protected: virtual void OnUpdate(MsgId message_id) = 0; }; class Subject { public: enum MsgId {}; void RegisterObserver(Observer* obs); virtual void NotifyAllObservers(MsgId message_id) { for (int i=0 ; i<m_observers.size() ; i++) { m_observers[i]->OnUpdate(message_id); } private: std::vector m_observers; };

11 MVC (cont.) class Controller : public Subject { Controller(Data* d) : m_data(d) {} const Data* GetData() const; void AddSphere(const Sphere& s) { m_data->AddSphere(s); NotifyAllObservers(ADD_SPHERE); } private: Data* m_data; };

12 MVC (cont.) class MainWnd : public Observer, CWnd { public: MainWnd(Controller* c) : m_controller(c) { c.Register(this); } virtual void OnUpdate(int message_id) { switch (message_id) { case Subject::ADD_SPHERE:... } private: Controller* m_controller; };

13 Adapter You have –legacy code –current client Adapter changes interface of legacy code so client can use it Adapter fills the gap b/w two interfaces No changes needed for either –legacy code, or –client

14 Adapter (cont.) class NewTime { public: int GetTime() { return m_oldtime.get_time() * 1000 + 8; } private: OldTime m_oldtime; };

15 Command You have commands that need to be –executed, –undone, or –queued Command design pattern separates –Receiver from Invoker from Commands All commands derive from Command and implement do(), undo(), and redo()

16 Facade You –have a set of related classes –want to shield the rest of the system from these details Facade provides a simplified interface Encapsulates a subsystem

17 Composite You want uniformly to treat –items (atomic elements), and –groups (containing items or other groups) Composite interface specifies operations that are shared between items and groups Examples: hierarchy of files and directories, groups of drawable elements

18 Composite (cont.) GroupItem Composite

19 Proxy You want to –delay expensive computations, –use memory only when needed, or –check access before loading an object into memory Proxy –has same interface as Real object –stores subset of attributes –does lazy evaluation

20 Strategy You want to –use different algorithms depending upon the context –avoid having to change the context or client Strategy –decouples interface from implementation –shields client from implementations –Context is not aware which strategy is being used; Client configures the Context –strategies can be substituted at runtime –example: interface to wired and wireless networks

21 Strategy (cont.) Client Strategy Concrete StrategyA Concrete StrategyB Context Policy

22 Bridge You –have several different implementations –need to choose one, possibly at run time Bridge –decouples interface from implementation –shields client from implementations –Abstraction creates and initializes the ConcreteImplementations –Example: stub code, slow code, optimized code

23 Bridge (cont.) Client Implementor Refined Abstraction Concrete ImplementorA Concrete ImplementorB Abstraction

24 Design pattern space [from Vlissides]

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