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1. 2  Classes are not just containers for methods ◦ Virtually all are classes ◦ Blueprint/Cookie Cutter/Recipe ◦ Objects – instance of the class (new)

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Presentation on theme: "1. 2  Classes are not just containers for methods ◦ Virtually all are classes ◦ Blueprint/Cookie Cutter/Recipe ◦ Objects – instance of the class (new)"— Presentation transcript:

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3  Classes are not just containers for methods ◦ Virtually all are classes ◦ Blueprint/Cookie Cutter/Recipe ◦ Objects – instance of the class (new) ◦ Type “prop” tab tab  OOP – vast topic 3

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10 Class publicA protected B internal C privateD SubClass publicA protected B internal C privateD ASSEMBLY SubClass (outside package) publicA protectedB internal C privateD Class (outside package) publicA protectedB internal C privateD Assembly is a chunk of precompiled code that can be executed by the.NET runtime environment. Usually, a.NET program consists of one or more assemblies

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16 16 It's the marker for Inheritance and/or the constructor call chain.

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41  static readonly field is set at run time, and can thus be modified by the containing class  the value of a const field is set to a compile time constant.  In the static readonly case, the containing class is allowed to modify it only in the variable declaration (through a variable initializer) in the static constructor (instance constructors, if it's not static)  static readonly is typically used if the type of the field is not allowed in a const declaration, or when the value is not known at compile time.  Instance readonly fields are also allowed.  Remember that for reference types, in both cases (static and instance) the readonly modifier only prevents you from assigning a new reference to the field. It specifically does not make immutable the object pointed to by the reference. 41

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