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Chapter 3 w Variables, constants, and calculations DIM statements - declaration temporary memory locations identifier, data type, scope data types - values.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 3 w Variables, constants, and calculations DIM statements - declaration temporary memory locations identifier, data type, scope data types - values."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 3 w Variables, constants, and calculations DIM statements - declaration temporary memory locations identifier, data type, scope data types - values string, integer, currency naming rules - conventions

2 Constants named - define with CONST - name, data type, and value –numbers or strings intrinsic - VB built in –vbRed - predefined declaring variables scope of variables - lifetime global - all procedures module - all procedures in form local - within procedure w Calculations - numbers only change text to number - VAL function

3 w Arithmetic operations order of operations, precedence * / before + - parentheses alter order w Formatting data - look formatting function values not used in calculations w Counting and Accumulating Sums module-level variable w option explicit - forced to declare variables

4 w #6 - P.E. 3.2 – pg. 119 design (name everything), print code, form, form as text, general and module comments, print one example of output; declare every variable (option explicit); val function for input text boxes; constant for the 10% fee – use in formula; format output correctly w #7 - pg. 163 - review questions 1-15

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