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Identifying Barriers - Sustaining Change October 2015 1.

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1 Identifying Barriers - Sustaining Change October 2015 1

2 Change » A specified change is Embedded when the new practices that you are seeking to introduce are accepted and demonstrated by a majority of those who need to do so. » To embed a new practice in your organisation you need to enable a change in the component of the culture that impacts upon the new behaviour required of individuals.

3 Culture is simply defined as ‘ the way things are done around here’

4 Clear Strategic Vision » In order to make a cultural change effective a clear vision of the Organisation’s new strategy, shared values and behaviours related to that specific change is needed. This vision provides the intention and direction for the culture change. 4

5 Management Commitment » Culture change must be managed from the top of the organisation, as willingness to change of the senior management is an important indicator. » The top of the organisation should be seen and heard to be very much in favour of the change in order to actually implement the change in the rest of the organisation. 5

6 » Model culture change at the highest level: » The behaviour of the senior management needs to symbolize the kinds of values and behaviours that should be realised in the rest of the institution. » Modify the organisation to support organisational change. » This means addressing what gets in the way of the change required. This includes identifying what current systems, policies, procedures and rules need to be changed in order to align with the new values and desired culture. 6

7 » Highlight the benefits of the new practices: » The institution’s leaders and managers should be able to articulate the connections between the desired behaviour ( the adoption of new practices) and how it will impact and improve the organisation’s success. » Ensure there is a connection between the interests of the institution and of those affected. » Changes in practice can be seen to be counter to cultural norms and thus can lead to tensions between organisational and individual interests, which can result in ethical concerns for those practitioners involved. 7

8 Culture and Alignment » To ensure that the change you wish to implement is going to be successful you will need to analyse the culture of your institution and evaluate how the changes in practices and behaviours you are asking individuals to adopt align with the important cultural norms. » If there is a dissonance between the cultural norms and how individuals view the new practice the task can be much harder to achieve. October 20158

9 Schein's model 9 Artefacts Values Tacit Assumptions

10 Artefacts » At the first and most cursory level of Schein's model is organisational attributes that can be seen, felt and heard by the uninitiated observer - collectively known as artefacts » Examples: offices, visible awards and recognition, how each person visibly interacts with each other and with organisational outsiders, Slogans and mission statements 10

11 Values » Professed & Shared values are individuals’ preferences regarding certain aspects of the organisation’s culture (e.g. loyalty, customer service). » At this level, local and personal values are widely expressed within the organisation. » Basic beliefs and assumptions include individuals' impressions about the trustworthiness and supportiveness of an organisation, and are often deeply ingrained within the organisation’s culture. 11

12 Tacit Assumptions » At the third and deepest level, the organisation's tacit assumptions are found. » These are the elements of culture that are unseen and not cognitively identified in everyday interactions between organisational members. » Additionally, these are the elements of culture which are often taboo to discuss inside the organisation. » Many of these 'unspoken rules' exist without the conscious knowledge of the membership. 12

13 Anchoring Change » When changes in the way individuals behave in an organisation are permanent and little regression to former practices take place, it means that the change has been anchored in the organisation. » It also means that the changes achieved are aligned to some degree with the culture and that some of the essential elements that form the culture, artefacts, values and even tacit assumptions had changed. October 2015 Creating persuasive digital narratives 13

14 14 Vision 5% Difficult to Create Must be Strategic Is Values Driven Anchoring Begins here Planning 5% Relatively Easy Systematic Structural Implement ation Educating 15% Hearts and Minds Must address cultural norms Must be involving Can be Expensive and Time Consuming Anchoring 75% Alignment with Cultural Norms is the key to success Intense leadership and management modelling needed Cost is often underestimated Reinforcement is essential It’s about Behaviours and New Practices Can be a victim of the next initiative

15 What are the things you are planning to do with regards to Anchoring the change? 15

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