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How to produce high quality hay I: Forage species, harvest timing and forage quality John Andrae Forage Specialist Clemson University.

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Presentation on theme: "How to produce high quality hay I: Forage species, harvest timing and forage quality John Andrae Forage Specialist Clemson University."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to produce high quality hay I: Forage species, harvest timing and forage quality John Andrae Forage Specialist Clemson University

2 Basic Production Inputs and Practices that Affect Hay Quality Which of the following factors impacts quality the most? Forage Species and Variety A. A. Soil Fertility B. B. Plant Maturity

3 Which of following species has the highest quality (assuming equal maturity and fertility)? A. A. Bermudagrass B. B. Bahiagrass C. C. Crabgrass D. D. Johnsongrass

4 Higher QualityLower Quality LegumesCool SeasonWarm Season Crop Residue AlfalfaTall FescueBermudagrass Wheat Straw CloversOrchardgrassPearl Millet Cotton Stalks SoybeanSmall GrainsSorghum-Sudan Corn Stover Potential for Hay Quality Annuals>Perennials

5 Which bermudagrass hybrid typically has the highest quality? A. Coastal B. Russell C. Alicia D. Tifton 44 E. Tifton 85

6 Yield and Digestibility of Bermudagrass Hybrids G.W. Burton, unpublished data fertility and maturity equal

7 Production Inputs and Practices that Affect Hay Quality Forage Species and Variety Fertility Plant Maturity

8 Nitrogen Rates Impact Yield and Protein Content of Bermudagrass Annual lbs N/Ac Hoveland, 1971

9 20 lbs 10 lbs Digestibility and Energy Content are Related Crude protein is easy to understand but digestibility indicates energy content or “calories” of hay

10 Effect of Nitrogen Rates on Bermudagrass Crude Protein and Digestibility Burton et al.

11 Effect of N fertilization on hay quality- Orchardgrass Poulton et al. (1957) All same maturity

12 Fertilization has the largest impact on what quality factor? A. A. Digestibility B. B. Crude Protein C. C. Nitrates D. D. Color

13 Production Inputs and Practices that Affect Hay Quality Forage Species and Variety Fertility Plant Maturity at Harvest

14 Bermudagrass Harvest Interval: Effects on Protein and Digestibility McCollough and Burton., 1962 DMI 11.9, 8.8, 9.5 lbs ADG 1.2,.9, 0 lbs

15 Bermudagrass Harvest Interval: Effects on Yield and Protein Hoveland et al., 1971

16 Fescue Maturity- Effects on Yield and Protein

17 Fescue Maturity- Digestibility Majority of hay harvested at hard seed stage Only truly applicable with spring harvest Hard seed

18 Which Factor is Most Important?

19 Does fertility or harvest timing affect quality more?- Crude Protein Colovos et al. 1961 (4X as much N) Bromegrass

20 Does fertility or harvest timing affect quality more?- Digestibility Colovos et al. 1961 (3.8 X as much N)

21 The Maturity Balancing Act YieldQuality

22 Yield and quality are related, but... Yield is influenced by:   Species/Variety +   Fertility +   Maturity + Quality is influenced by:   Species/Variety +   Fertility +   Maturity - Forage species and varieties that are adequately fertilized have the potential to yield high quality and high yielding hay. All can be lost with improper harvest timing!!!!

23 Harvesting hay at the proper maturity is the only way to potentially bale high quality hay! Fertilizer drives yield. Economics should drive fertilization strategies.

24 Harvest Timing Recommendations Hybrid Bermudagrass – –1st cut at 15-18 inches – –Subsequent cuttings at 3.5-5 week intervals Tall Fescue, small grains, ryegrass, orchardgrass – –Spring cut at early flower stage – –Mid to late boot stage for higher quality – –Affects regrowth potential – –Subsequent cuttings at 12 inches (better quality)

25 Summary Choose forage species and variety to match environment and management goals Follow soil test fertility recommendations Harvest at proper maturity and protect high quality hay Store hay properly to protect your investment!

26 Questions?


28 Quality can also be a factor in marketing and profitability. High quality hay increases marketing and personal use options If selling: Premiums can often be realized for high quality hay If feeding: There are lower supplemental feed costs associated with good to high quality hay

29 Relative Feed Value (RFV) for pricing hay Way to estimate the quality of hay relative to full bloom alfalfa (100) Uses estimates of digestibility (ADF) and dry matter intake (NDF) to arrive at a value One number estimate of forage energy value Does not use crude protein in any way NOT intended to be used for balancing diets IS useful to price hay.

30 SELECTED CULTIVARS AND GENERAL LOCATIONS Most SoutheastMost Southeast Coastal, Tifton 44, Alicia, RussellCoastal, Tifton 44, Alicia, Russell South of I-20 and E. TXSouth of I-20 and E. TX Coastal Tifton 44 Tifton 78 Tifton 85 (USDA-GA)Coastal Tifton 44 Tifton 78 Tifton 85 (USDA-GA) Alicia (TX) Russell (AL) Jiggs (TX) Summerall (MS)Alicia (TX) Russell (AL) Jiggs (TX) Summerall (MS) Grazer (LA) Brazos (TX)Grazer (LA) Brazos (TX) Worldfeeder (OK)Worldfeeder (OK) South FloridaSouth Florida Florikirk (FL)Florikirk (FL) Southern Plains (OK,KS MO)Southern Plains (OK,KS MO) Midland, Greenfield, Hardie, Midland 99 (OK)Midland, Greenfield, Hardie, Midland 99 (OK) Tifton 44 (USDA-GA), Guymon (OK),Tifton 44 (USDA-GA), Guymon (OK), Quickstand (KY)Quickstand (KY) Russell (AL), Grazer (LA)Russell (AL), Grazer (LA) Worldfeeder (OK-Corp.) ??Worldfeeder (OK-Corp.) ??

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