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INFANT LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT. PowerPoint Outline** I. Introduction and Background II. The First 6 Months III. 7-12 Months IV. Maternal Communication Behaviors.

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Presentation on theme: "INFANT LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT. PowerPoint Outline** I. Introduction and Background II. The First 6 Months III. 7-12 Months IV. Maternal Communication Behaviors."— Presentation transcript:


2 PowerPoint Outline** I. Introduction and Background II. The First 6 Months III. 7-12 Months IV. Maternal Communication Behaviors V. Practical Activities for Stimulating Language Development

3 I. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND** nResearch: human brains begin development very early nEarly months and years of life are critical and can be predictive of eventual lifetime achievement

4 Youtube… 3 month old baby clearly says I love you (MaXi) Amazing!

5 But be careful…. Baby’s first words very funny

6 Sheehan (Stanford Child Neurology); child’s brain is:

7 II. THE FIRST 6 MONTHS** A. Introduction In the U.S., the mother is usually the primary caregiver In other cultures, extended families are more common— siblings especially

8 Babies prefer….

9 Between 6-8 weeks of age…** Babies exhibit their first social smile **This disagrees with the book, which says 3 weeks

10 Cooing occurs….

11 In terms of motor milestones…

12 III. 7-12 MONTHS

13 At 9-12 months of age…

14 By 12 months of age…

15 First words** Verbalization/1 st word at 12 mos. Vocalization within pointing Pointing

16 By 12 months of age…

17 IV. MATERNAL COMMUNICATION BEHAVIORS** A. Cultural and Socioeconomic Influences Again, in many cultures, siblings and other family members care for infants

18 There are often cultural differences in interactions

19 Low-SES mothers…

20 When parents are stressed …

21 B. Maternal Communication Behaviors** Infant-directed speech (IDS), also called motherese, is speech adapted to infants There are several characteristics of IDS

22 Infant-directed speech:

23 Listen to the mom in this youtube video cute baby playing pattycake 8 months old Londyn

24 Interestingly…

25 Joint reference is important:

26 Joint action:

27 Dialogues are important:

28 NO SCREENS!!!!!!!!

29 The research of Fowler and colleagues:** n2 groups of babies nGroup A: began language stimulation at 4 months nGroup B: began language stimulation at 12 months

30 Justice, L. & Redle (2014). Communication sciences and disorders: A clinical evidence-based approach (3rd ed.)

31 Key indicators of caregiver responsiveness:

32 Research of Tamis-LeMonda and colleagues:

33 One study showed that:


35 The most powerful mechanism…

36 Youtube Still face experiment Shows how important caregiver responsiveness is!

37 In contrast….


39 1. Start talking to the baby at birth** nFace to face contact is ideal

40 2. Begin reading to the baby very early

41 When reading to the baby,** nUse simple books with colorful pictures nLabel common objects and actions for the baby (“Look— bear. The bear is eating.”)

42 One of my personal favorites:

43 My children’s book program…

44 3. Introduce music** nSing to the baby nPlay music nThe baby can play!

45 4. Ask questions

46 5. Introduce 2 languages from birth

47 6. Introduce the baby

48 7. Play turntaking games** nPeek-a-boo nPatty cake

49 8. Remember that most newborns

50 9. Put a safe-glass mirror** nIn the baby’s crib nPoint out and label her body parts

51 10. Imitate sounds the baby makes

52 11. Use greetings and expressions

53 12. When cleaning the house or going on errands…

54 13. Provide many opportunities

55 14. Make sure

56 Even paper can work! Youtube Baby laughing at ripping paper Micah is 8 months old

57 So can bubbles Youtube Hysterical over Bubbles

58 What are some common house hold items that the baby can play with? What are some cheap/free activities to do?

59 15. Let the baby

60 16. Label

61 17. Use the same words

62 18. Start a scrapbook** nSoft cotton cloth book nCut favorite animals and favorite objects out of fuzzy cloth; glue them into the book nGo through the scrapbook with the baby; have him feel the pictures as you name them nYou can also let the baby touch other pictures and objects

63 III. LABELING PLAY: THE RESEARCH OF WILLIAM FOWLER** nLabeling play: naming common objects that babies encounter in their daily experiences nThere are ways to specifically do this that make words easier to learn

64 The keys:

65 For example:** nThere’s the cat. nHere’s your bottle! nI see Grandpa.

66 Advantages of Word Labeling over Ordinary Speech:

67 Word labeling: engages baby’s attention directly





72 The bottom line is…..

73 PowerPoint Outline** I. Introduction and Background II. The First 6 Months III. 7-12 Months IV. Maternal Communication Behaviors V. Practical Activities for Stimulating Language Development

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