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Presentation on theme: "EUROPEAN WEIGHTLIFTING FEDERATION TECHNICAL OFFICIALS SYMPOSIUM 06 - 07 November 2015 © Steve Cannon, EWF."— Presentation transcript:


2 Incorrect Movements 1. Pulling from the hang, defined as: stopping the upward movement of the barbell during the pull. Bucharest - Poulgar A3.wmv Bucharest - Poulgar A3.wmv Bucharest - Nykanen A5.wmv Bucharest - Nykanen A5.wmv Tirana - Tretiacova - A3.wmv Tirana - Tretiacova - A3.wmv © Steve Cannon, EWF

3 Incorrect Movements 2. Touching the platform with any part of the body other than the feet. Knee Touched Platform-1 (342).mpg Knee Touched Platform-1 (342).mpg 73 Machavariani Snatch 1.wmv 73 Machavariani Snatch 1.wmv © Steve Cannon, EWF


5 Incorrect Movements 3. Pause during the extension of the arms. The same as: Finishing with a “Press out”. © Steve Cannon, EWF

6 Incorrect Movements 4. Finishing with a press-out, defined as: continuing the extension of the arms after the athlete has reached the lowest point of his/her position in the squat or split for both the Snatch and the Jerk. Tallinn - Faciano A3.wmv Tallinn - Faciano A3.wmv © Steve Cannon, EWF

7 Incorrect Movements 5. Bending and extending the elbows during the recovery. Tallinn - Livinov A6.wmv Tallinn - Livinov A6.wmv Tel Avi - Demanov A5.wmv Tel Avi - Demanov A5.wmv © Steve Cannon, EWF

8 Incorrect Movements 6. Leaving the competition platform or touching the area outside the competition platform with any part of the body before the complete execution of the lift. Pressing out and out of platform (224).mpg Pressing out and out of platform (224).mpg Toes over platform edge..mpg Toes over platform edge..mpg © Steve Cannon, EWF

9 Incorrect Movements 7. Dropping the barbell from above the shoulders. Tallinn - Hansson - A3.wmv Tallinn - Hansson - A3.wmv © Steve Cannon, EWF

10 Incorrect Movements 8. Failing to replace the complete barbell on the competition platform. 60 Vaspori Jerk 3.wmv 60 Vaspori Jerk 3.wmv © Steve Cannon, EWF

11 Incorrect Movements 9. Not facing the Centre Referee at the beginning of the lift. Tallinn - Kentli A1.wmv Tallinn - Kentli A1.wmv © Steve Cannon, EWF

12 Once the bar passed the knee, press Red ! OK ! Addition in Incorrect movements (2.4.12) ‘Not facing the Center Referee at the beginning of a lift’ becomes NO LIFT. © Steve Cannon, EWF

13 Incorrect Movements 10. Releasing the barbell before the Referees’ signal. Tallinn - Kaneva A4.wmv Tallinn - Kaneva A4.wmv Tallinn -Klicki - A4.wmv Tallinn -Klicki - A4.wmv © Steve Cannon, EWF

14 Incorrect Movements for the Snatch 1. Pause during the lifting of the barbell. Same as: Pulling from the Hang. Finishing with a “Press out”. © Steve Cannon, EWF

15 Incorrect Movements for the Snatch 2. Touching the head with the bar; hair and any items worn on the head are considered to be part of the head. Tallinn - Michaelas A1.wmv Tallinn - Michaelas A1.wmv 79 Luhova U17 63k Snatch 3.wmv 79 Luhova U17 63k Snatch 3.wmv © Steve Cannon, EWF

16 Incorrect Movements for the Clean 1. Resting or placing the barbell on the chest at an intermediate point before its final position producing a “double clean”; often referred to as a dirty clean”. Tirana - Berntsson A5.wmv Tirana - Berntsson A5.wmv © Steve Cannon, EWF

17 Incorrect Movements for the Clean 2. Touching the thighs or the knees with the elbows or the upper arms. Tallinn - Oja - A5.wmv Tallinn - Oja - A5.wmv Tallinn - Sararakova - A5.wmv Tallinn - Sararakova - A5.wmv © Steve Cannon, EWF

18 Incorrect Movements for the Jerk 1. Any apparent effort to Jerk which is not completed: including, lowering the body or bending the knees. Bucharest - Vautard A6.wmv Bucharest - Vautard A6.wmv Tallinn - Gedik - A2.wmv Tallinn - Gedik - A2.wmv © Steve Cannon, EWF

19 Incorrect Movements for the Jerk 2. Any deliberate oscillation of the barbell to gain advantage. The athlete must become motionless before starting the Jerk. Tallinn - Szcepanik - A6.wmv Tallinn - Szcepanik - A6.wmv Tel Aviv - Aramnau A5.wmv Tel Aviv - Aramnau A5.wmv © Steve Cannon, EWF

20 Oscillation ( Shaking arms, shoulders Repeated slight knee bending The athlete and the barbell must become motionless before starting the Jerk Oscillation is different from the bar’s natural elastic movement. Press Red, if you see; If the athlete is motionless, no problem!! But, © Steve Cannon, EWF

21 Incorrect Movements and Positions 1. Uneven or incomplete extension of the arms at the completion of the lift. Tirana - Karapetyran - A4.wmv Tirana - Karapetyran - A4.wmv Tirana - Karapetyran - A6.wmv Tirana - Karapetyran - A6.wmv 19 Kerekes 56B62B Jerk 1.wmv 19 Kerekes 56B62B Jerk 1.wmv © Steve Cannon, EWF


23 Incorrect Movements and Positions 2. Failing to finish with the feet and the barbell in line and parallel to the plane of the trunk. Tallinn - Overas C&J1.wmv Tallinn - Overas C&J1.wmv Tallinn - Alexsidze A6.wmv Tallinn - Alexsidze A6.wmv © Steve Cannon, EWF

24 Feet and Barbell in line What do you think ? Not yet !! You have to wait until the feet are in line © Steve Cannon, EWF

25 Arms and legs fully extended OK ! Not yet !! You must wait until legs are fully extended. What do you think ? © Steve Cannon, EWF

26 Feet and Barbell parallel to plane of trunk What do you think ? Not yet !! You have to wait until the feet and Barbell are parallel to the plane of trunk Not parallel © Steve Cannon, EWF

27 You have to wait until Final Motionless Position Still rotatingStill walking You have to wait until the Athlete becomes motionless © Steve Cannon, EWF

28 Incorrect Movements and Positions 3. Failing to fully extend the knees at the completion of the lift. Tallinn - Music - A1.wmv Tallinn - Music - A1.wmv © Steve Cannon, EWF

29 General Rules In both lifts the Referees must count as “No Lift” any unfinished attempt in which the barbell has reached the height of the knees. Tirana - Olshanetskyi A4.wmv Tirana - Olshanetskyi A4.wmv 29 Valodzka Jerk 1.mp4 29 Valodzka Jerk 1.mp4 © Steve Cannon, EWF

30 Controversies 4 Ozkan 48A Jerk 1.mp4 4 Ozkan 48A Jerk 1.mp4 4 Ozkan 48A Jerk 1.mp4 4 Ozkan 48A Jerk 1.mp4 11 Scarantino 56A Jerk 3.mp4 11 Scarantino 56A Jerk 3.mp4 11 Scarantino 56A Jerk 3.mp4 11 Scarantino 56A Jerk 3.mp4 32 Getts Jerk 3.wmv 32 Getts Jerk 3.wmv 32 Getts Jerk 3.wmv 32 Getts Jerk 3.wmv © Steve Cannon, EWF

31 Other Considerations: Tirana - Minchev A2 (Rotation).wmv Tirana - Minchev A2 (Rotation).wmv Tirana - David Matam Snatch.wmv Tirana - David Matam Snatch.wmv Tirana - David Matam Clean & Jerk.wmv Tirana - David Matam Clean & Jerk.wmv © Steve Cannon, EWF

32 Acknowledgements: European Union Broadcasting. European Union Broadcasting. Easy Weightlifting Easy Weightlifting International Weightlifting Federation International Weightlifting Federation Kian Panjavi (Stars for the Future, London) Kian Panjavi (Stars for the Future, London) Mike Hoffler:( Mike Hoffler:( © Steve Cannon, EWF


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