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 2007, Verizon. All rights reserved. Advanced Emergency Network Capabilities & Communications Solutions Presentation to The Joint Advisory Committee on.

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1  2007, Verizon. All rights reserved. Advanced Emergency Network Capabilities & Communications Solutions Presentation to The Joint Advisory Committee on Communications Capabilities of Emergency Medical and Public Health Care Facilities James A. Turner, Vice President IT Strategy, Communication, and Business Development

2  2007, Verizon. All rights reserved. Agenda Challenges facing emergency healthcare today Vision for the future Conceptualizing an integrated healthcare network Practical applications of technology to healthcare Closing comments

3  2007, Verizon. All rights reserved. Current systems and solutions are not sufficient for a well-connected emergency care system Increased need for real-time information between patients, responders, and care centers Health IT lags other industries who have leveraged IT to transform themselves Expand electronic patient information – estimate that 90% of current patient information is paper based Ensure patients are transported to the right facilities, at the right time, for the right care Challenges of Today’s Emergency Care System

4  2007, Verizon. All rights reserved. Today’s Emergency Care System Provides Opportunities for Evolution Current State Highly fragmented, information not always available when needed Emergency care givers lack effective inter-operative communication systems Ineffective communication systems can lead to a non- collaborative culture Inefficient coordination can result in medical complications and extended hospital stay Increasing use of Emergency Rooms for primary care Ill-prepared to handle a major disaster Future State Direct communication between first responders, biometry monitoring devices, and medical personnel “Always on” networks provide faster speed, more capacity, fixed and mobile capability, and seamless access to patient information Greater access to medical information enhances rural and remote emergency healthcare — Broadband penetration should reach 70%+ of all US Households by 2011 — Vast majority of population has access to mobile technology

5  2007, Verizon. All rights reserved. Why Now? Current convergence of network technologies and device - software - user interface improvements Culture of information consumption Consumers demand more from the healthcare sector

6  2007, Verizon. All rights reserved. Technology Enablers of the Healthcare Network Internet 2.0 is fostering high-bandwidth multimedia data IPv6 implementation allows wide-scale direct device addressability Health Information Exchanges bridging systems and solutions Smart Help – location and event based services

7  2007, Verizon. All rights reserved. Architecting the Healthcare Network Graphical User Interface Smart Applications Connected Devices Network Platform Innovative convergence for future healthcare

8  2007, Verizon. All rights reserved. Every Device on the Network

9  2007, Verizon. All rights reserved. Practical Application of Every Device on the Network Accident occurs Good Samaritan alerts emergency response team Pre-informed team responds From ambulance, first responders transmit patient data to hospital Specialists assemble Due to better coordination and quicker response, patient avoids long-term injury Hospital stay is reduced Facilitates access to patient information

10  2007, Verizon. All rights reserved. Closing Comments Healthcare sector can leverage the strengths of the communications industry Technologies being deployed today can provide emergency care specific solutions and connectivity Innovations in the emergency healthcare system must be connected to the broader healthcare solution Next generation networks with ultra high bandwidth access will enable media-rich data exchange It is about saving lives and improving outcomes

11  2007, Verizon. All rights reserved. Questions

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