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ATT Questionnaire Summary Report WGISS 24 Oberpfaffenhofen ATT Kengo Aizawa.

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Presentation on theme: "ATT Questionnaire Summary Report WGISS 24 Oberpfaffenhofen ATT Kengo Aizawa."— Presentation transcript:

1 ATT Questionnaire Summary Report WGISS 24 Oberpfaffenhofen ATT Kengo Aizawa

2 Purpose Archive Task Team asked questionnaire to CEOS agencies with the purpose of identifying areas of common interest and concern - present status - future plan opportunities to share experience or lessons learned within the CEOS communities can potentially lead to cost avoidance or savings and built more effective archive system

3 SCOPE Within CEOS agencies not for all of archive system but some sample system

4 Survey contents ATT organized the questionnaire around following themes A. Present archive (system) status B. Next archive (system) plan C. Archive strategies D. Experiences to share

5 A. Present Archive status(1/4) ATT surveyed present archive (system) status regarding following items. 1) data, format, volume 2) media (current media, age, hardware) 3) concerns

6 A. Present Archive status(2/4) 1) data, format, volume - Each agency have a several kinds of datasets - Time period of acquisition is 15 – 40 years - Each agency have a several kinds of data formats – most formats were dataset specific - Data volume is 170TB - 3.3 PB

7 A. Present Archive status(3/4) 2) media (current media, age, hardware) Strage Tek 9940B LT O1 LT O 2 LT O 3 DTF2 Media age Hard w are age DLR ○ ○ 11 ESA ○ 1-22 JAXA ○ ○ 2-33 NOAA ○ 14 USGS ○ ○○ 3-5

8 A. Present Archive status(4/4) 3) Concerns regarding media or hardware - Life expectancy and performance - Media/hardware life time is limited (too short) - Convert media frequently - providing old hardware for old media

9 B. Next Archive (system) Plan(1/3) ATT surveyed next archive (system) plan regarding following items. 1) migrate newer media (when and what) ? 2) format

10 B. Next Archive (system) Plan(2/3) Present Volume Future Volume New Media When DLR170 TB2.5 PB 2012 ESA3.3 PB T10002009-10 JAXA600 TB700 TBLTO32008 NOAA300 TB LTO42009 USGS Over 1.0 PB LTO42008-9 1) migrate newer media (when and what) ?

11 B. Next Archive (system) Plan(3/3) - Worry about increasing number of formats - Should develop conversion tools - ESA plans to migrate new format “SAFE” 2) Format

12 C. Archive Strategies(1/4) ATT surveyed archive strategies regarding following items. 1) mandate to archive the data for a set period of time 2) plan or strategies to ensure long term preservation 3) concerns for long term preservation

13 C. Archive Strategies(2/4) 1) mandate to archive the data for a set period of time - Preserve data forever (all agencies) - 10 years after the end of the mission (ESA) - lifetime of mission (DLR)

14 C. Archive Strategies(3/4) 2) plan or strategies to ensure long term preservation - Replace archive system every 5-6 years - Hardware and media obsolesces - Planning for media migration - Long term viability of current data formats

15 C. Archive Strategies(4/4) 3) concerns for long term preservation - Migration and maintenance cost - Renew system every 5-6 years

16 D. Experiences to share (1/3) ATT surveyed archive strategies regarding following items. 1) Plan to change managing the system more effectively ? 2) Experience or means to reduce system costs ?

17 D. Experiences to share (2/3) 1) Plan to change managing the system more effectively ? - Robotic silo system to newer generation - develop for multi missions

18 D. Experiences to share (3/3) 2) Experience or means to reduce system costs ? - Develop system for multi missions - Robotic silos perform the media refresh effectively

19 Finding and Recommendations Findings: - Monies availability seems to be the major issue. - Most respondents have strategies and plans for migration of their long term archives. - Some are focusing on the concept of "multi- mission " - Every agency face to almost same concerns Opportunities: - Sharing of these plans and strategies may be mutually beneficial.

20 Recommendations: - Distribute replies to the respondents and archive team - Post to WGISS/ATT summary of the replies to the questionnaire - Seek a few more replies to the questionnaire (volunteers??) - Follow-up with those that indicated "they have info to share" for future WGISS meetings Finding and Recommendations

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