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Campaign 2016: Targeting Broadcast TV By Voter Outlook Programs and Genres for both sides of the Political Spectrum 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Campaign 2016: Targeting Broadcast TV By Voter Outlook Programs and Genres for both sides of the Political Spectrum 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Campaign 2016: Targeting Broadcast TV By Voter Outlook Programs and Genres for both sides of the Political Spectrum 1

2 Utilizing data from GfK MRI, the following will look at examples using indexes as the measurement. An index of 100 means the same density of the target audience as the overall general audience, while indexes greater than 100 means there is a higher concentration of that target audience. 2

3 NewsNews 3 Source: 2015 Doublebase GfK MRI – Base = All (Adults 18+) Adults who consider themselves “Somewhat Conservative” are 25% more likely than the U.S. average to watch Early Morning/Talk/Information/News programs.

4 Daytime / Syndication 4 Source: 2015 Doublebase GfK MRI – Base = All (Adults 18+) Adults who consider themselves “Middle of the Road” are 19% more likely than the U.S. average to watch Daytime Talk/Variety programs.

5 Syndication – A Great Way to Reach the Neutral Voter 5 Source: 2015 Doublebase GfK MRI – Base = All (Adults 18+) Political Outlook/Affiliation & Voting – Usually Think of Yourself As:

6 Prime / Late Night 6 Source: 2015 Doublebase GfK MRI – Base = All (Adults 18+) Adults who consider themselves “Very Liberal” are 19% more likely than the U.S. average to watch Late Night Talk/Variety programs.

7 Of course, everyone has their favorite 7 Source: 2015 Doublebase GfK MRI – Base = All (Adults 18+) Political Outlook/Affiliation & Voting – Usually Think of Yourself As:

8 SportsSports 8 Source: 2015 Doublebase GfK MRI – Base = All (Adults 18+) Adults who consider themselves “Very Conservative” are 40% more likely than the U.S. average to watch Auto Racing - Specials. More>>>

9 Sports (…continued) 9 Source: 2015 Doublebase GfK MRI – Base = All (Adults 18+) Adults who consider themselves “Somewhat Liberal” are 36% more likely than the U.S. average to watch Hockey.

10 The “Big” Games 10 Source: 2015 Doublebase GfK MRI – Base = All (Adults 18+) Political Outlook/Affiliation & Voting – Usually Think of Yourself As:

11 Rentrak Political Segments Local Broadcast & Political: Selectivity & Scale 11

12 Tampa-St. Petersburg (Sarasota) 12 Source: Rentrak Political Segments, Tampa, August 2015 (Only Programs with an Index of 133 or greater) August ’15 Top 10 Broadcast Programs (Index over 133)

13 Miami-Ft. Lauderdale 13 Source: Rentrak Political Segments, Miami, September 2015 (Only Programs with an Index of 133 or greater) September ’15 Top 10 Broadcast Programs (Index over 133)

14 Thank You! 14

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