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Blois workshopK. Itakura (CEA/Saclay)1 Perturbative Odderon in the Color Glass Condensate in collaboration with E. Iancu (Saclay), L. McLerran & Y. Hatta.

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Presentation on theme: "Blois workshopK. Itakura (CEA/Saclay)1 Perturbative Odderon in the Color Glass Condensate in collaboration with E. Iancu (Saclay), L. McLerran & Y. Hatta."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blois workshopK. Itakura (CEA/Saclay)1 Perturbative Odderon in the Color Glass Condensate in collaboration with E. Iancu (Saclay), L. McLerran & Y. Hatta (BNL) Kazunori Itakura (SPhT, CEA/Saclay  KEK in two weeks) based on hep-ph/0501171

2 Blois workshopK. Itakura (CEA/Saclay)2 Outline Introduction Odderon in Regge theory and in perturbative QCD Why Odderon in CGC?? C-odd operators in CGC Relevant operators for dipole-CGC & 3quark-CGC scatterings Odderon evolutions dipole-CGC scattering  decomposition of the Balitsky equation, BFKL equation in weak-field regime 3quark-CGC scattering  new equation, reduces to the BKP eq. in weak-field regime Summary

3 Blois workshopK. Itakura (CEA/Saclay)3 Odderon Odderon = Leading “C-odd” exchange in hadron scatt. at high energies. “C-odd” counterpart of the Pomeron (see Ewerz’s talk) Odderon / Introduction (I) Regge theory  “soft” Odderon [Lukaszuk-Nicolescu ’73] Elastic amplitude odd under “crossing” (a+b  a+b vs “crossed” a+b  a+b) A -- : “particle-particle scatt” – “particle-antiparticle scatt” ODD under charge conjugation p  p -- - * Perturbative QCD  “hard” Odderon three reggeized gluon exchange in C-odd state (exists only for ) C-odd three gluon operator * * Experimental status  not conclusive so far…

4 Blois workshopK. Itakura (CEA/Saclay)4 The BKP equation for 3 gluons The BKP equation for 3 gluons [Bartels, Kwiecinski-Praszalowicz ‘80] F: amplitude for exchange of three reggeized gluons in a color singlet C-odd state Pair-wise interaction between two gluons among three  BFKL evolution H BFKL The physical amplitude is obtained after convoluting the impact factor of the projectile Two solutions for BKP eq. with 3 gluons: Janik-Wosiek (‘99), Bartels, Lipatov & Vacca (‘00) Perturbative Odderon / Introduction (II) * * * *

5 Blois workshopK. Itakura (CEA/Saclay)5 Why Odderon in CGC? / Introduction (III) Perturbative Pomeron in the Color Glass Condensate dipole-CGC scattering (  dipole operator + JIMWLK equation) The relevant operator for the Pomeron (see talks by Venugopalan, Iancu) Two reggeized gluon exchange in linear regime two Wilson lines in nonlinear regime  BFKL equation But n-reggeon dynamics (BKP) is also important at high energy Need to investigate n-reggeon dynamics in the CGC which is in principle applicable for n-reggeons. The first step: 3 gluon exchange in linear regime  Odderon ! What is the relevant operator for the Odderon exchange??? Can we reproduce the BKP equation in the CGC??? Can we reproduce the BKP equation in the CGC???

6 Blois workshopK. Itakura (CEA/Saclay)6 Determine the relevant operators for scatt. btw a projectile and the CGC A projectile traverses a strong “random” gauge field created by the CGC. - the eikonal approximation - The operator is evaluated with averaging over the color field W  [  ]: weight function  randomness General strategies in CGC ex)Dipole-CGC scattering: the relevant operator leads to the Balitsky eq. Compute the evolution equations from the JIMWLK equation JIMWLK eq. = evolution equation for the weight function in the target. easily converted into the equations for operators. can be made simple for gauge invariant operators IR finiteness manifest

7 Blois workshopK. Itakura (CEA/Saclay)7 Transition from C-odd to C-even dipole states  Relevant operator - anti-symmetric under the exchange of x and y: O(x,y) = - O(y,x) - imaginary part of the dipole operator. Weak field expansion  leading order is 3 gluons gauge invariant combination! (    + c) C-odd operatorin dipole-CGC scatt. C-odd operator in dipole-CGC scatt.

8 Blois workshopK. Itakura (CEA/Saclay)8 C-odd operator in3-quark--CGC scatt. C-odd operator in 3-quark--CGC scatt. Consider the scattering of a color singlet “3-quark state” and transition from C-even to C-odd 3 quark states  Relevant operator “baryonic Wilson lines” Weak field expansion 3 gluons with d-symbol, gauge invariant ________ ________ all the possible ways of attaching

9 Blois workshopK. Itakura (CEA/Saclay)9 Evolution of the dipole Odderon Evolution eq. for the dipole Odderon  “imaginary part” of the Balitsky eq. couple to the Pomeron N(x,y) = 1- 1/Nc Re tr(V + x V y ) becomes equivalent to Kovchegov-Szymanowski-Wallon (‘04) if one assumes factorization . initial condition computable with a classical gauge field + color averaging or in an extended McLerran-Venugopalan model (Jeon-Venugopalan ‘05) linear part = the BFKL eq. (but with C-odd initial condition)  reproduces the BKP solution with the largest intercept found by Bartels, Lipatov & Vacca (KSW,04) intercept reduces due to saturation: decreasing as  1 Evolution of N(x,y) is also modified due to Odderon: 2 Odderons  1 Pomeron BFKL * * * * * *

10 Blois workshopK. Itakura (CEA/Saclay)10 Evolution of the dipole Odderon (II) The presence of imaginary part (odderon) affects the evolution equation for the scattering amplitude N(x,y). Balitsky equation new contribution! - Two Odderons can merge into one Pomeron! N=1, O=0 is the stable fixed point.

11 Blois workshopK. Itakura (CEA/Saclay)11 3-quark--Odderon operator Baryonic Wilson line operator multiplying the identity One can rewrite 3quark-Odderon operator as manifestly gauge invariant reduces to dipole-Odderon operator when two coordinates are the same O proton (x,z,z) = O(x,z) diquark ~ antiquark can compute nonlinear evolution equation for O proton (x,y,z)  complicated

12 Blois workshopK. Itakura (CEA/Saclay)12 : weak field limit of The BKP equation appears as the equation for 3 point Green function with infra-red singularities removed Evolution of 3quark-Odderon operator in the weak-field limit

13 Blois workshopK. Itakura (CEA/Saclay)13 Relation to the traditional approach Traditional description CGC formalism Our operator partly contains the information of the impact factor  Gauge invariant impact factor  gauge invariance BKP equation LC wavefunction

14 Blois workshopK. Itakura (CEA/Saclay)14 Summary Identified the relevant operator for C-odd Odderon exchange in dipole-CGC scattering  imaginary part of the dipole operator (2pt fnc), O(x,y) = [ tr(V x + V y ) – tr(V y + V x ) ] / 2iNc. in 3-quark--CGC scattering  a 3 point fnc constructed from baryonic Wilson line operator Both reduce to 3 gluons with d-symbol in the weak-field limit Evolution equations for these operators  JIMWLK eq. dipole--CGC scattering Imaginary part of the Balitsky eq. Nonlinear terms represent coupling to the Pomeron. 3-quark--CGC scattering Complicated in the nonlinear (strong field) regime Reproduce the BKP equation in the weak-field limit

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