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IMHO Update & Insights on Work in Sri Lanka. IMHO’s Mission & History To improve healthcare and develop health infrastructure in underserved regions worldwide.

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Presentation on theme: "IMHO Update & Insights on Work in Sri Lanka. IMHO’s Mission & History To improve healthcare and develop health infrastructure in underserved regions worldwide."— Presentation transcript:

1 IMHO Update & Insights on Work in Sri Lanka

2 IMHO’s Mission & History To improve healthcare and develop health infrastructure in underserved regions worldwide. Non-political, non-religious, non-profit Founded in 2003 Global emphasis Focus on Sri Lanka, especially lesser developed, poverty-stricken, conflict-affected Northeast

3 International Efforts $5,300 to Hurricane Katrina relief in LA (through American Red Cross): 2005 $4,000 to Pakistan earthquake relief (through Operation USA): 2005 $5,000 for Cyclone Sidr relief in Bangladesh (through BRAC): 2007 $16,517 for Cyclone Nargis relief in Burma (through Operation USA): 2008 $5,000 to Refugee Support in Democratic Republic of the Congo (through Medecins San Frontiers): 2008 Primary Healthcare Facility in Andra Pradesh, India (planned)

4 Current Crisis

5 Convention Goals Focus on the current crisis – 52,000+ IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons) – 8,000+ casualties – Tens of thousands injured – An estimated 200,000+ civilians still caught in the conflict zones – People are crammed into insufficient and overcrowded tents – Food is scarce – Regular access to clean water is not available – Sanitation is poor – Local health officials and doctors have regularly cited a lack of adequate medical supplies and medicines – Starvation has already set in, claiming its first 13 official victims in February

6 Convention Goals Networking & Partnerships: NGOs, individuals, etc. How to forge the way forward in a spirit of realistic optimism & togetherness How to reach out to others *Service is an obligation we all share…

7 2008 Efforts Maintenance and operating costs for primary care centers (6), mobile clinics ($30,000), and nutrition program ($125,700) Telemedicine project ($3,800) Cancer care project: outpatient cancer wing in Jaffna ($23,650) High Dependency Cardiac Unit at Jaffna Teaching Hospital ($46,000) Victory Home (Vetri Manai) for mentally ill women ($20,000) Renovation of Tellipalai District (Psychiatric) Hospital ($17,000) Support for Kilinochchi District Hospital ($42,700)

8 2008 Efforts, cont. In-Patient Psychiatric Ward in Vavuniya ($46,000) Continued Support of the Kalmunai Mental Health Unit Continued Support of the Centre for Health Care, Colombo Support for Gods Own Children initiatives for children with disabilities ($27,300) Mannar Staff Project ($16,530) Addition of IMHO Canada – 3 events completed already; raised over $200K so far – Nalam Kappom 3 in Toronto on April 11 – Active Youth Committee

9 Kalmunai Mental Health Unit

10 Vavuniya Psychiatric Unit

11 2008 Efforts, cont. Diabetic Center at Jaffna Teaching Hospital ($20,200) Galle Flooding Relief ($5,000) Medications to Jaffna RDHS: antibiotics, antidepressants ($26,800) IDP Support: medicines, nutrition ($12,000) Renal Dialysis Unit at Kilinochchi District Hospital ($6,600) Renovations & equipment at Batticaloa Teaching Hospital ($13,400) Up-country mobile medical clinics ($20,000) Jaffna physicians’ incentive hardship allowance ($8,400)

12 2009 Efforts $205K for emergency relief effort – $10K for medicines given to Trincomalee General Hospital – $5K for surgical and other equipment to Mannar – $120K for nutrition and immediate relief efforts in Vavuniya (at Vavuniya Mathya Mahavithyalayam). The cost for providing supplemental nutrition per person is $15/month! – $20K for mobile medical clinics in Vavuniya – $50K for milk powder for children & pregnant mothers inside the conflict zones in Mullaitivu

13 Latest Effort: Delivery of Milk Powder b

14 2009 Efforts, cont. Telemedicine Project Sponsorship of Medical Students in Jaffna Echocardiograph to Moolai Hospital Badulla Healthcare Project (planned) Continued Support for Existing Projects/Efforts Cardiac Catheterization Lab at the Jaffna Teaching Hospital

15 Nalam Kappom 3

16 Cardiac Catheterization Lab Teacher & Training Hospital – 70-80 med. students/year trained In 2005 cardiology unit established at Jaffna Teaching Hospital with Dr. G.R. Handy Trust Affects area of 500,000 persons directly and, by default, entire NE (2.5 million) US standard is 1 cath lab per every 500,000 people

17 Cardiac Catheterization Lab, cont. Needed for Investigation & Intervention:  Coronary angiogram  Percutaneous coronary intervention  Pacemaker implantation  Balloon valvuloplasty especially PTMC  Device closure of congenital defects Reduce the rate of hardship & mortality Increase the overall quality of care Save lives (no need for transport)

18 Cardiac Catheterization Lab, cont. MOU being signed with Ministry of Health – Customs/duties being waived Approx. $400K raised thus far in US and Canada UNDP and Lion’s Club donated building 2 UK-trained cardiologists still at facility In discussion with Philips RE: gift Searching for leads, donors, contacts to finish project

19 Insights from Recent Visit Thoughts on necessity of working through official channels Recognition of current crisis Availability of adequate, reliable information Need for greater networking Complex problems often require simple solutions

20 Insights from Recent Visit, cont. Holistic approach to fully aiding and rehabilitating those in need Aid money is available but difficult to access IMHO as a conduit Long-term planning difficult/ impossible given short-term realities

21 Conclusion Please fill out an attendee questionnaire Direct debit and donation forms available Information table Utilize this opportunity Volunteer with Visions in August 2009 THANK YOU!

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