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13-Oct-2003 Internet2 End-to-End Performance Initiative: piPEs Eric Boyd, Matt Zekauskas, Internet2 International.

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Presentation on theme: "13-Oct-2003 Internet2 End-to-End Performance Initiative: piPEs Eric Boyd, Matt Zekauskas, Internet2 International."— Presentation transcript:

1 13-Oct-2003 Internet2 End-to-End Performance Initiative: piPEs Eric Boyd, Matt Zekauskas, Internet2 International Task Force Meeting

2 Internet2 Measurement Architecture for End to End Performance13-Oct-2003 2 Performance Measurement and Monitoring Architectures  What are we (Internet2) planning? piPEs (performance monitoring framework)  How can we interoperate? Common input/output schemas/interfaces (GGF NMWG) Common tool development (Open source; under discussion)  How are we collaborating internationally? (DANTE/GEANT, UCL, HENP)

3 Internet2 Measurement Architecture for End to End Performance13-Oct-2003 3 What is “piPES”?  End-to-End Performance Initiative Performance Environment System (E2E piPES)  Goal: To allow end-users and network operators to determine performance capabilities, locate problems, and contact the right person to get a problem resolved.  Approach: Collaborative project combining the best work of many organizations, including DANTE/GEANT, NLANR/DAST, SLAC, UCL.

4 Internet2 Measurement Architecture for End to End Performance13-Oct-2003 4 Sample Use Vision  User has a perceived problem (or wants to pre-test an end-to-end path)  Bring up Web page on end point  Input kind of application and other endpoint  Ask (local) piPES testing and analysis engine, “Will it work?” [Domain Interface]

5 Internet2 Measurement Architecture for End to End Performance13-Oct-2003 5 What’s in the network? Using Internet2 as an example  Within Abilene, deploy test points at every router node They run a full mesh of periodic tests (latency, traceroute, throughput) They have access to local utilization data and sampled flow data  Similar points in gigaPoPs and then campuses They run periodic tests among each other (depending on local preferences) They run occasional tests into backbone nodes

6 Internet2 Measurement Architecture for End to End Performance13-Oct-2003 6 Sample Use Vision, continued  Testing & analysis engine discovers performance measurement points along the path, determines a set of test results required  It uses the results of periodic testing  It schedules a local test to nearest test point, and any other tests where the data is stale  The results are used to “divide and conquer”, pointing to a suspect network segment and a contact point  The contact is given the results to further investigate the problem

7 Internet2 Measurement Architecture for End to End Performance13-Oct-2003 7 Where are we now? (What is Internet2 implementing?)  Backbone router measurement points  Recurring testing written into database; IPv6 and IPv4  On-demand testing  Web and “web services” output  Enough for knowledgeable human, or consumption by other projects (including those aimed at user interface)

8 Internet2 Measurement Architecture for End to End Performance13-Oct-2003 8 Role of Internet2  Membership contributing; work on holes  Provide central support where it makes sense, for example Backbone viewpoints, architecture Central knowledge repository  Help with path problems, connection with University/gigaPoP networking personnel

9 Internet2 Measurement Architecture for End to End Performance13-Oct-2003 9 E2Epi Work  piPEs architecture (collaborative)  One-way measurement tools (e.g. OWAMP)  For intermediate servers Scheduling Database Authentication  Export data via web service  Specific reference servers or beacons

10 Internet2 Measurement Architecture for End to End Performance13-Oct-2003 10 Aside: Other E2Epi Work  Understand applications and their performance requirements Technical Advisory Group  Provide best practices/experience for network operators Collecting Performance Stories Campus Network Infrastructure Guide Pointers to relevant projects

11 Internet2 Measurement Architecture for End to End Performance13-Oct-2003 11 Aside: Reference Servers / Beacons  (TCP) Performance debugging Conjecture: 80% of problems related to –Host tuning (mostly buffers) –Duplex mismatch [path] –Other physical connection problem [path] –NDT:  H.323 conferencing Goal: portable machines that tell you if system likely to work (and if not, why?) – –ViDeNet Scout,

12 Internet2 Measurement Architecture for End to End Performance13-Oct-2003 12 E2E piPEs Architecture

13 Internet2 Measurement Architecture for End to End Performance13-Oct-2003 13 E2E piPEs Architecture v1.0

14 Internet2 Measurement Architecture for End to End Performance13-Oct-2003 14 Intra-‘PMP’-Module Protocol

15 Internet2 Measurement Architecture for End to End Performance13-Oct-2003 15 piPEs + Abilene Measurement Rollout (ongoing)

16 Internet2 Measurement Architecture for End to End Performance13-Oct-2003 16 piPEs / AMI Rollout (ongoing)

17 Internet2 Measurement Architecture for End to End Performance13-Oct-2003 17 piPEs / AMI Rollout (near future)

18 Internet2 Measurement Architecture for End to End Performance13-Oct-2003 18 E2E piPEs Architecture (Grid)

19 Internet2 Measurement Architecture for End to End Performance13-Oct-2003 19 Coordinating Interoperably  A few levels Awareness of other projects Cooperate on architecture development Ensure important interfaces are shared/published use our data! Share code Install each others nodes  Please comment on architecture  TF-NGN focus on inter-domain issues

20 Internet2 Measurement Architecture for End to End Performance13-Oct-2003 20 Coordinating  Measurement Schema (lots of work in GGF)  Authentication and Authorization Roles for access (End user, test buddy, NOC) For us, try Shibboleth for implementation  How discover PMP/domain interface

21 Internet2 Measurement Architecture for End to End Performance13-Oct-2003 21 Coordinating (help)  Debugging algorithms using data  Designing system to scale  Balance centralization and distributed database requirements

22 Internet2 Measurement Architecture for End to End Performance13-Oct-2003 22 References  

23 Internet2 Measurement Architecture for End to End Performance13-Oct-2003 23

24 Internet2 Measurement Architecture for End to End Performance13-Oct-2003 24 Intra-‘PMP’ Module Components  Domain Interface: Web Service Interface to Request Performance Data  Performance Measurement Controller (PMC): Schedules Tests  Performance Measurement Point (PMP): Performs Tests, Stores Results in Database  Source: Initiates Test Request  Target: Accepts Test Request & Starts Test

25 Internet2 Measurement Architecture for End to End Performance13-Oct-2003 25 Domain Interface  Request Interface:  Accepts External Result Requests  Compares Requestor Role to Policy  Rejects Request or Queries Response Interface  Response Interface:  Accepts Result/Tool Requests  Compares Requester Identity, Source Role to Policy  Decides if Tool is Available  Rejects Request or Supplies ‘Capability’

26 Internet2 Measurement Architecture for End to End Performance13-Oct-2003 26 Initiator / Acceptor Performance Measurement Controller  Initiator PMC:  Supplies Capability, Identity, Tool  Acceptor PMC:  Accepts/Rejects/Delays Request Based on Policy  Contacts Target PMP to Initiate Test  Accepts/Rejects Request Based on PMP Response

27 Internet2 Measurement Architecture for End to End Performance13-Oct-2003 27 Target / Source Performance Measurement Point  Source PMP:  Accepts/Rejects Requests to Start Test based on Identity  Starts Tests  Target PMP:  Accepts Test from Source PMP  Stores Results Locally  Sends Data to DB Gatekeeper

28 Internet2 Measurement Architecture for End to End Performance13-Oct-2003 28 Database Gatekeper  Accepts/Rejects Requests to Store Data based on Identity  Accepts/Rejects Requests to Release Data based on Role, Identity  Supplies Performance Data

29 Internet2 Measurement Architecture for End to End Performance13-Oct-2003 29 piPEs Tool Deployment on Abilene  All tests on IPv4 and IPv6  OWAMP: Deployed on 10/11 nodes (nms4)  IPERF – UDP: In deployment beta on 2 nodes (nms1)  IPERF – TCP: In deployment beta on 2 nodes (nms1)  Traceroute: In deployment beta on 2 nodes (nms4)  Router Data: Deployed on all 11 nodes (router interface)  Flow Data: Deployed on 10/11 nodes (nms3)

30 Internet2 Measurement Architecture for End to End Performance13-Oct-2003 30 Goal of this talk  Performance Measurement and Monitoring Architectures: What are networks planning and how can we coordinate interoperability? [DELETE THIS SLIDE WHEN DONE]

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