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Tsukuba-hall webcam 1 Beam Pipe and Vertex Detector extraction: on Nov. 10, 2010 Belle Detector Roll-out: Dec. 9, 2010 End-caps, CDC, B-ACC, TOF extraction:

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Presentation on theme: "Tsukuba-hall webcam 1 Beam Pipe and Vertex Detector extraction: on Nov. 10, 2010 Belle Detector Roll-out: Dec. 9, 2010 End-caps, CDC, B-ACC, TOF extraction:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tsukuba-hall webcam 1 Beam Pipe and Vertex Detector extraction: on Nov. 10, 2010 Belle Detector Roll-out: Dec. 9, 2010 End-caps, CDC, B-ACC, TOF extraction: in Jan. 2011 2/21/2011

2 Machine Design Parameters 2/21/20112

3 e - 7GeV 2.6 A e + 4GeV 3.6 A Target: L = 8x10 35 /cm 2 /s SuperKEKB Colliding bunches Damping ring Low emittance gun Positron source New beam pipe & bellows Belle II New IR TiN-coated beam pipe with antechambers Redesign the lattices of HER & LER to squeeze the emittance Add / modify RF systems for higher beam current New positron target / capture section New superconducting /permanent final focusing quads near the IP Low emittance electrons to inject Low emittance positrons to inject Replace short dipoles with longer ones (LER) ‏ SuperKEKB and Belle II 32/21/2011

4 Luminosity prospect Shutdown for upgrade Integrated Luminosity (ab -1 )‏ Peak Luminosity (cm -2 s -1 )‏ Milestone of SuperKEKB 9 month/year 20 days/month Commissioning starts in 2 nd half of FY2014 We will reach 50 ab -1 in 2020~2021. 42/21/2011

5 longer lever arm improve resolution of momentum and dE/dx BelleBelle II inner most sense wirer=88mmr=168mm outer most sense wirer=863mmr=1111.4mm Number of layers5056 Total sense wires840014336 GasHe:C 2 H 6 sense wireW(Φ30μm)‏ field wireAl(Φ120μm)‏ Belle II CDC normal cell 10~20 mm 18 mm 10 mm 6~8 mm small cell Belle Belle II 52/21/2011

6 Aerogel radiator Hamamatsu HAPD + readout Barrel PID: Time of Propagation Counter (TOP) ‏ Aerogel radiator Hamamatsu HAPD + new ASIC Cherenkov photon 200mm n~1.05 Endcap PID: Aerogel RICH (ARICH) ‏ 200 Ring-imaging Cherenkov detectors Quartz radiator Focusing mirror Small expansion block Hamamatsu MCP-PMT (measure t, x and y)‏ 62/21/2011 Target: 4  /K separation @ 4GeV

7 Belle II Construction Schedule 72/21/2011

8 Injector upgrade JFY2011JFY2012JFY2013JFY2014JFY2015 Commissioning AMD Commissioning Study of cathode, cavity and laser System at A1 used for study Large aperture acc System integration PF, AR injection 3-1 gun Construction of HER, LER, DR 2011/2/78Linac Upgrade for SuperKEKB (Higo)‏ BPM resolution and BBA Total system Improvements Emittance study Conventional alignment 3-2 gun A-1 gun Improvements in stability & intensity Higher intensity

9 Main Ring construction schedule MR commissioning DR commissioning Linac commissioning Remove shields Set shields MR Tunnel Disassemble KEKB Beam Pipe Magnet QCS Monitor Floor Survey & base plate Installation, system check, cabling etc. Baking & TiN coating R&D Fabrication alignment Installation, cabling Field measurement RF Infrastructure Fabrication R&D,designFabrication Installation, alignment etc. Field measurement R&D Fabrication, installation Fabrication, rearrangement etc. R&D,Prototype,test DesignBuilding Construction Cooling system 2/21/20119

10 Belle II Collaboration 10 13 countries/regions, 57 institutes, 384 collaborators (Jan. 2011) ‏ 2/21/2011

11 Mechanical mockup of pixel detector Zdeněk Doležal Prototype DEPFET pixel sensor and readout DEPFET matrix DCDB R/O chip Switcher control chip A prototype ladder using the first 6 inch DSSD from Hamamatsu has been assembled and tested.

12 Full-length (540x570x2200) test chamber has also been made

13 PXD5 DEPFET matrix DCDB readout chip, Bump bonded on interface board Switcher control chip TB 2009 120GeV  Array of 6 DEPFET modules

14 TOP Photon detector (MCP-PMT Hamamatsu 16ch MCP-PMT )‏ Aerogel Hamamatsu HAPD Q.E. ~33% (recent good ones)‏ Test Beam setup



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