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虚拟天文台现状与进展 崔辰州 中国科学院国家天文台 China-VO 研发团队 Chinese Virtual Observatory.

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Presentation on theme: "虚拟天文台现状与进展 崔辰州 中国科学院国家天文台 China-VO 研发团队 Chinese Virtual Observatory."— Presentation transcript:

1 虚拟天文台现状与进展 崔辰州 中国科学院国家天文台 China-VO 研发团队 Chinese Virtual Observatory

2 11/29-12/03China-VO 2006, Guilin2 Agenda VO ABC IVOA History and Current Status China-VO A to Z –History –Current Activities

3 11/29-12/03China-VO 2006, Guilin3 Arpanet -------------------> Internet Historical Development 网络的扩张和渗透

4 11/29-12/03China-VO 2006, Guilin4 信息化的快速推进 01234 5 Scientific American, January 2001 Years Performance per Dollar Spent Data Storage (bits per square inch) (Doubling time 12 Months) Optical Fiber (bits per second) (Doubling time 9 Months) Silicon Computer Chips (Number of Transistors) (Doubling time 18 Months)

5 11/29-12/03China-VO 2006, Guilin5 25 年中,集光面积增加了 30 倍,像素增长了 3000 倍。 世界上 3 米以上级望远镜 的总面积 (m 2 ) CCD 像素的总数 (megapixel) 天文数据的增长

6 11/29-12/03China-VO 2006, Guilin6 工作条件的变化 CPU : PIII 、 PIV 、超线程、双核、 ( 双 CPU 、多核多处理器 ) Memory : 32M - 64M - 128M - 256M - 512M - 1G - (4 ~ 8G) Disk : 20G - 40G - 80G - 160G - (320 ~ 500G - 1 ~ 2TB) Network : 10Mbps - 100Mbps - 1000Mbps

7 11/29-12/03China-VO 2006, Guilin7 天文学研究方式的变化 文献获取:图书馆复印 -> 在线下载 研究样本: 10 2 ~ 3 -> 10 5~7 数据获取:本人观测 -> 数据库检索 数据类型:单一波段和类型 -> 多波段多类型 数据处理:手工处理 -> 自动处理、统计分析 文章发表:邮寄 ->Email -> 在线 ->Weblog 引用方式:期刊文献 -> 网页、网站、 URL 地址 课题开展:单兵作战 -> 团队合作

8 11/29-12/03China-VO 2006, Guilin8 Human Interfaces for visualization and collaborations Digital collections for knowledge management Compute resources for modeling, simulation, data analysis Instruments for observations Global Connectivity GLIF Cyberinfrastructure: Bringing Resources to Researchers

9 11/29-12/03China-VO 2006, Guilin9 虚拟天文台

10 11/29-12/03China-VO 2006, Guilin10 VO concept 虚拟天文台是一个通过先进的信息技术把世界范围内的研究资源无缝 透明联结起来组成的数据密集型网络化天文研究和科普教育环境,是 e-Science 时代天文学研究信息化的重要特征。 The power of the World Wide Web is its transparency. It is as if all the documents in the world are inside your PC. The idea of the Virtual Observatory is to achieve the same transparency for astronomical data and other related information (Quinn et al. 2004).

11 11/29-12/03China-VO 2006, Guilin11 VO 历史回顾 1990s:NASA 成立了按波长划分的科学数据中心,多个地基数字 巡天项目开始 1999 年 4 月, 美国理论、计算和数据发现十年规划调研专家组成 立 –Szalay, Prince, Alcock 提出 “National Virtual Observatory” 的概念 1999 年 11 月, NVO 在 JHU 组织研讨会 2000 年 2 月, 第二届 NVO 研讨会在 NOAO 召开 2000 年 6 月, “Virtual Observatories of the Future” 在 Caltech 召开,褚耀泉参加会议 2001 年 2 月, “ 新千年的天文学与天体物理学 ” 发表 2001 年 9 月, 美国 NSF 宣布对 NVO 项目的资助 2002 年 6 月,国际虚拟天文台联盟成立

12 11/29-12/03China-VO 2006, Guilin12 International VO Alliance

13 11/29-12/03China-VO 2006, Guilin13 International VO Alliance The IVOA brings together the astronomers, developers, and managers of the VO initiatives world- wide –Agreements on standards for data access (VOTable, catalog queries, image retrieval, resource descriptions, etc.) –Coordination of development activities –Sharing of software –Sharing of experience

14 11/29-12/03China-VO 2006, Guilin14 International VO Alliance

15 11/29-12/03China-VO 2006, Guilin15

16 11/29-12/03China-VO 2006, Guilin16 IVOA Recommendations

17 11/29-12/03China-VO 2006, Guilin17 IVOA Events

18 11/29-12/03China-VO 2006, Guilin18 First Science Paper from VO A&A 424, 545-559 (2004) Discovery of optically faint obscured quasars with Virtual Observatory tools The AVO science team discovered 31 previously undetected powerful supermassive black holes in the so- called GOODS (Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey) fields.

19 11/29-12/03China-VO 2006, Guilin19 Second Science Paper from VO Accepted by A&A Luminous AGB stars in nearby galaxies: A study using Virtual Observatory tools Searching for very luminous AGB stars with J − Ks > 1.5 mag and H − Ks > 0.4 mag in the LMC, SMC, M31, and M33 from 2MASS data.

20 11/29-12/03China-VO 2006, Guilin20 IVO Highlights (I) AstroGrid V2006.3 The first public release of VO infrastructure MySpace, Workflow, Query Builder, Job Monitor, Resource querying TopCat and Aladin Science Services: Solar Movie Maker, and Redshift Maker Science Services - Color Cutter, and AstroScope

21 11/29-12/03China-VO 2006, Guilin21 IVO Highlights (II) Aladin v3.7 multiview: an interactive software sky atlas developed by CDS MultiView, multiProjection Resampling Blinking: builds on the fly image sequences (slow movies) GIF, JPEG and PNG support Cut graph: along any segment Cross match algorithm: for better object catalog analysis Multi-language

22 11/29-12/03China-VO 2006, Guilin22 NVO Core Services NVO Registry Portal: Find source catalogs, observation logs, image archives, and other astronomical resources registered with the NVONVO Registry Portal DataScope:Discover and Explore Data in the Virtual ObservatoryDataScope Open SkyQuery: Cross match yoru data with numerous catalogsOpen SkyQuery NVO Spectrum Services: Search, plot, and retrieve SDSS, 2dF, and other spectraNVO Spectrum Services Web Source Extractor Upload images to SExtractor and cross- correlate the objects found with selected survey catalogs.Web Source Extractor

23 11/29-12/03China-VO 2006, Guilin23 China-VO Building the cyber-infrastructure for Chinese Astronomy

24 11/29-12/03China-VO 2006, Guilin24 R&D Focuses China-VO Platform Uniform Data Access System VO-compliant projects VO-enabled facilities VO-based Public Education

25 11/29-12/03China-VO 2006, Guilin25 2001.11 1st VO workshop in China 2002.7 “ China-VO ” kicked off 2002.10 “ China-VO ” became a member of the IVOA 2003.6 China-VO system design 2003.9 the 2nd VO workshop 2003.11 IVOA Small Projects Meeting 2004.5 VOFilter 1.0 released 2004.12 China-VO 2004 2005.8 VOFilter 2.0 released 2005.11 China-VO 2005 2006.5 VO-DAS project began 2006.7 SkyMouse 1.0 released Now: China-VO 2006 2007.5 IVOA interoperability meeting, Beijing History and Events

26 11/29-12/03China-VO 2006, Guilin26 China-VO Meeting (2001, Beijing) VO is important, we should involve…

27 11/29-12/03China-VO 2006, Guilin27 China-VO in 2002 “China-VO” initiated China-VO PI (Yongheng Zhao) attended the VO conference in Garching, ESO Dr. Jim Gray (NVO, Microsoft Research) visited the China- VO China-VO became a member of the IVOA

28 11/29-12/03China-VO 2006, Guilin28 China-VO 2003, Beijing

29 11/29-12/03China-VO 2006, Guilin29 Small project meeting, Beijing 26-28 November 2003: Beijing, China Main topics: –Advantages and disadvantages of small projects. –The role of small projects in the IVOA. –R&D focus of small projects. –Collaboration among small projects and with big VO projects. –Implementation of IVOA standards and infrastructures developed by other VO projects. 39 participants from Korea, Japan, India, Europe, UK and China (including Taiwan)

30 11/29-12/03China-VO 2006, Guilin30 Brief Review

31 11/29-12/03China-VO 2006, Guilin31 China-VO 2004, Wuhan, Hubei

32 11/29-12/03China-VO 2006, Guilin32 China-VO 2005 (Weihai, Shandong)

33 11/29-12/03China-VO 2006, Guilin33 China-VO 2006 Theme: the coming e-science era for astronomy research Date: November 29th – December 3rd Place: Guangxi Normal Univ., Guilin, Guangxi

34 11/29-12/03China-VO 2006, Guilin34

35 11/29-12/03China-VO 2006, Guilin35 Two XSLT transforms VOFilter –an XML filter for Calc to open VOTable files – VOTable2XHTML –a stylesheet to transform VOTable data into HTML/XHTML format –

36 11/29-12/03China-VO 2006, Guilin36 Touch the sky with your mouse An intelligent client for VO services A commodity for astronomers and students A Smart On-line Astronomical Information Collector

37 11/29-12/03China-VO 2006, Guilin37 VO Data Access Service (VO-DAS) Based on comparative mature Grid middle-wares, for example Globus Toolkit and OGSA-DAI, the VO-DAS system will provide VO-compliant, uniform access interfaces for different kinds of astronomical resources existing as VO services, databases, file systems and even data mining algorithms and other applications.

38 11/29-12/03China-VO 2006, Guilin38 Q & A ? The Chinese V IRTUAL O BSERVATORY

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