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Why Data Conversion? Real world is analog Mostly, communication and computation is digital Need a component to convert analog signals to digital (ADC)

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Presentation on theme: "Why Data Conversion? Real world is analog Mostly, communication and computation is digital Need a component to convert analog signals to digital (ADC)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why Data Conversion? Real world is analog Mostly, communication and computation is digital Need a component to convert analog signals to digital (ADC) and convert the processed digital signal back to analog (DAC)

2 Types of Data Converters Niquist rate data converters Serial Successive approximation Flash Oversampling (Sigma-Delta) Power consumption Area consumption Operating speed Conversion time (delay) Error (Linearity) Noise performance And many more…. How is a data converter characterized ???



5 Ideal DAC/ADC characteristics DAC ADC

6 Integral Non-Linearity Error INL: Deviation of the code transition from its ideal location

7 Differential Non-Linearity Error DNL: Deviation of the code width from 1 LSB


9 Full Scale Error Full scale error: Difference between the actual value that triggers the transition to full-scale and the ideal analog full-scale transition value

10 Gain Error Gain error: Difference between the slope of an actual transfer function matches the slope of the ideal transfer function

11 Noise Performance SNR (signal to noise ratio): Ratio of the fundamental signal to the noise spectrum. THD (total harmonic distortion): Ratio of the fundamental signal to the noise spectrum. SFDR (spurious free dynamic range): Ratio of the fundamental signal and the highest spurious in the spectrum SINAD (Signal-to-Noise And Distortion): combination of SNR and THD SINAD = 20 * log ([Fundamental] / SQRT (SUM (SQR([Noise + Harmonics])))) ENOB (Effective Number of Bits): (SINAD – 1.76) / 6.02

12 More Information Preliminary Slightly Advanced

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