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Contribute to the progress of health care Vision Mission Provide high quality products and professional services through our human assets, expertise.

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Presentation on theme: "Contribute to the progress of health care Vision Mission Provide high quality products and professional services through our human assets, expertise."— Presentation transcript:



3 Contribute to the progress of health care Vision Mission Provide high quality products and professional services through our human assets, expertise and those of our partners. Motto If we won’t use it, we won’t sell it


5 Limited Liability 1979 Business Information Owners Business Legal From Establishment Year Cherif Ghalioungui Abdelatif M. Abdelatif Hisham Kenawy Nour Eldin Abdelatif Bahaa Eldin Abdelatif Shehab Eldin Abdelatif Mohab Eldin Abdelatif Sara Hisham Kenawy

6 Business Information Importing, Marketing & Sale of specialized medical and surgical products Manufacturing state-of-the-art Medical Furniture 250 Employees in the Headquarters and Regional Offices 35 Employees in the Factory $ 2 Million $ 30 Million (2014) Nature of Business Number Of Employees Capital of Announcement Turnover

7 Regional Offices Delta Office Alexandria Office Upper Egypt Assiut Office Beni Suef Office Head Office Cairo


9 Activity Fields Cardiology and Interventional Cardiology≥ 20 Years Pacing and Electrophysiology ≥ 20 Years Cardiothoracic Surgery ≥ 20 Years Vascular and Endovascular Surgeries ≥ 20 Years Interventional Radiology ≥ 20 Years Intensive Care ≥ 10 Years Emergency ≥ 10 Years

10 Activity Fields Echo Cardiography & Ultrasound 5 - 10 Years Respiratory and Anesthesia Management 5 - 10 Years Imaging5 - 10 Years Endoscopic Surgeries 5 - 10 Years X-Ray Products ≤ 5 Years


12 Since 2013 DES (Drug Eluting Stent ), BMS (Bare Metal Stent ) & PTCA Balloons Companies Represented and their product lines

13 Extracorpeal Tubing Set Since 2006 Companies Represented and their product lines

14 Bispectral Index™ (BIS™) Since 2010 Surgical Stapling and Laparoscopic Instrumentation Solutions Nellcor Pulse Oximetry, Airway and Temperature Management Devices Since 2008 Companies Represented and their product lines Since 2009

15 Companies Represented and their product lines Since 2010 Somanetics Puritan Bennett Ventilators, Oxygen Systems, and Diagnostics, Spirometry, Hospital Software Solutions INVOS - Cerebral and Somatic (of the body) Oximetry Since 1999 RF Ablation & MW Ablation Systems Vessel Sealing & Electrosurgery

16 Since 2007 Companies Represented and their product lines BioGlue® Surgical Adhesive, BioFoam, PerClot Vascular Bioprosthesis and HeRO Graft

17 Companies Represented and their product lines Since 1980 ePTFE Grafts, Patches, Sutures and Endovascular Products

18 Companies Represented and their product lines Since 2015 Syringe and Infusion Pumps

19 Companies Represented and their product lines Since 1999 Contrast Media, Automatic Injectors and Nuclear Medicine Products

20 Companies Represented and their product lines Since 2011 Anesthesia Machines

21 Companies Represented and their product lines Since 2014 Ultrasound Machines Monitors

22 Companies Represented and their product lines Since 1998 Mitral valve dilatation kits Pulmonary Valve Dilatation Balloon Catheters CP Vascular Stent Sizing Balloons Balloon in balloon ( BIB )

23 Companies Represented and their product lines Since 1996 Computerized Vascular Doppler Systems Combined Vascular, Obstetrical Dopplers Vascular Pocket Dopplers Plethysmographs

24 Companies Represented and their product lines Since 2002 PDA Coils, PFO Coils & Snare Retrieval System

25 Companies Represented and their product lines Since 1995 Cardiac Surgery Instruments and Disposables

26 Companies Represented and their product lines Since 1998 Resting ECG Cardiac Defibrillators

27 Companies Represented and their product lines Since 1998 ECG Holters Patient Monitors Stress ECG

28 Companies Represented and their product lines Since 2012 Conventional X-Ray Mobile X-Ray C-Arm Mammogram

29 Companies Represented and their product lines Since 1979 Oxygenators dideco Cardiothoracic Surgery Cannula CalMed Cell Separators

30 Companies Represented and their product lines Since 1979 Heart Lung Machines STOCKERT Heart Valves and Annuloplasty Rings SORIN BIOMEDICA Ela medical ICDs and Permanent Pacemakers


32 Companies Represented and their product lines Since 2009 Hospital Beds

33 Companies Represented and their product lines Since 2009 Hospital Stretchers

34 Companies Represented and their product lines Since 2009 Hemodialysis Chairs

35 Companies Represented and their product lines Since 2009 Trolleys Examination Lamps


37 Contact Information Address: 6117 El Kods St. - El Mokatam Cairo - Egypt Tel. No.:+202 2507 62 54/55 Fax No.:+202 2507 62 78 Web Headquarter Address:Al-Teb Collage St., El-Mansoura - Egypt Tel. No.:+2 050 2359219 / 69 Fax No. :+2 050 2359219 Delta Office Alexandria Office Address:Saad Zaghlol St., El-Raml Station, Alexandria - Egypt Tel. No. +2 03 4867436 / 39 Fax No. +2 03 4867463

38 Contact Information Address: 10th of Ramadan City, Industrial Zone, A.1, No. XH - Egypt Tel. No. +2 015410312 / +2 015412914 Fax No. +2 0 15412913 Medical Furniture Factory Upper Egypt (North) Office Address:Port Said St., Elnada Tower Beni Suef - Egypt Tel. No. +2 082 2358635 Fax No. +2 082 2358235 Upper Egypt (South) Office Address:Street no. 2, from El-Nile St., Alias Palace Region Assiut - Egypt Tel. No. +2 088 2283603 / +2 088 2283601 Fax No. +2 088 2283603


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