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November 2002 Documenting Local Program Progress Minnesota Department of Health’s E-Chronicle Amy Ellestad, MPH Jennifer Ellsworth, MPH Minnesota Department.

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1 November 2002 Documenting Local Program Progress Minnesota Department of Health’s E-Chronicle Amy Ellestad, MPH Jennifer Ellsworth, MPH Minnesota Department of Health

2 November 2002 Where it all Began: Minnesota Tobacco Use Prevention and Local Public Health Endowment Minnesota Youth Tobacco Prevention Initiative Components  Counteradvertising Campaign  Youth Organizing/Youth Development  Statewide Support Grants  Local Partnership Grants  Populations-at-risk Grants

3 November 2002 Where it all Began: Minnesota Tobacco Use Prevention and Local Public Health Endowment Youth Risk Behavior Initiative Behaviors Addressed  Alcohol and other drug use  Sexual behavior that may result in pregnancy, HIV and STD’s  Violence  Suicide  Physical Inactivity  Unhealthy Dietary Behavior

4 November 2002 E-Chronicle Development  Total planning process: approximately 1 year  Development of system: 3 months  Involved key MDH stakeholders to define project goals, values, and requirements (several months)

5 November 2002 E-Chronicle Development  Obtained grantee input through: paper survey teleconference calls face-to-face meetings Competitive RFP and selected vendor  Definition of requirements and design of database

6 November 2002 Results of Planning Process Grantee Needs/Desires  Simple, easy-to-use reporting system  Not duplicate information for similar programs  Allow subcontractors to use same system

7 November 2002 Results of Planning Process Grantee Needs/Desires  Tie activities to program objectives  View what other grantees are doing and to make comparisons  Use system for program evaluation

8 November 2002 Results of Planning Process MDH Needs/Desires  Capture summary information about progress made towards grantee’s objectives  Capture high impact activities  Create a system that other MDH programs can use in the future  Accountability to the Legislature and other stakeholders

9 November 2002 E-Chronicle Features  Generic: other MDH community health promotion programs can use  Flexible: can add programs with their own individualized questions  Link to program objectives: activities are tied to one or multiple program objectives, programs can choose either individualized objectives or standardized objectives  Multiple MDH funding sources: allows and activity to be reported only once when there is more than one funding source

10 November 2002 E-Chronicle Report Highlights  Grantees will be able to see what other grantees are doing by a particular focus area, region of the state, or grantee name  Grantees will track progress made toward their program objectives  Grantees will have available summary tables that compare their activities to their particular region of the state, and to the state as a whole. Proportion of activities by: Key collaborators Target audience Focus area Youth involvement

11 November 2002 Challenges  Not able to use standardized reporting tool for individualized program evaluation  Planning process takes time, involves many people  Creating a generic system for multiple programs  Buy-in from other programs will be a future challenge

12 November 2002 Successes  Simple, easy to use  First MDH web-based reporting system for community health promotion programs  Collaboration between programs has created a system that can be used by multiple programs  Ability to document progress towards program objectives

13 November 2002 E-Chronicle Website Development Check it out at: Website will be up until December 2002.

14 November 2002 Collaborative Effort Acknowledgement go-e-biz staff: Anand Doshi Ryan McCabe MDH staff: Gretchen Griffin Steve Ring Paul Martinez LeAnn Simonson Pati Maier

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