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5th Phase: 5th Phase: CLOSING PROJECT  Assess the project goals  Obtain client acceptance  Installation of the final product  Conduct post-implementation.

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Presentation on theme: "5th Phase: 5th Phase: CLOSING PROJECT  Assess the project goals  Obtain client acceptance  Installation of the final product  Conduct post-implementation."— Presentation transcript:

1 5th Phase: 5th Phase: CLOSING PROJECT  Assess the project goals  Obtain client acceptance  Installation of the final product  Conduct post-implementation audit  Documenting the project  Issue the final report

2 Termination logistics  Formally close outside contractual relationships with suppliers,...  Terminate project team member assignments  Obtain client acceptance of the project work and deliverables  Ensure adequate documentation of project  Issue and obtain sign off on Final report

3 Types of project termination  By Extinction - project work is either successfuly or unsuccessfully done and the decision to terminate is agreed upon  By Inclusion - project is a success and is institutionalized into the organization  By Integration - succussful project and its outcomes are integrated back into the parent organization

4 Checklist for termination - termination apart agreed deadline  Is the project still consistent with organizational goals?  Is it useful?  Is management still enthusiastic about the project?  Has organization still got financial resources to complete the project successfully?  Is the project still sufficiently innovative?

5 Checklist for termination - termination apart agreed deadline (2)  Can the new knowledge be protected by patent, copyright?  Has the project lost key person or champion?  Is the project team still enthusiastic about success?  Would the potential results be more effciently developed in-house than purchased or subcontracted outside?

6 Closing the project Rewarding the successes Learning from the failures Do not forget of a final meeting, dinner or gala!


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