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Presenter Marcia Ellis January 28, 2011. Step 1: Have students log in using “cps12345678” (cps+student i.d.)

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Presentation on theme: "Presenter Marcia Ellis January 28, 2011. Step 1: Have students log in using “cps12345678” (cps+student i.d.)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presenter Marcia Ellis January 28, 2011

2 Step 1: Have students log in using “cps12345678” (cps+student i.d.)

3 The home page is where you can access some of the following items:  Sign-In  Announcements  Warning

4 Matches the students’ interest to careers



7 Matches the Students’ personal qualities and interests to career clusters


9  Students can use their results to choose CPS high schools to investigate programs that match their interests and career cluster!  Students can view information on the school  Students can visit the schools’ website by clicking the link inside of the WNI program  Students can make plans to visit the high school.

10 High School Planning tab is where the following items can be found: Your Plan of Study (Create a course plan) High School Planning Timeline (Steps to keep student on track 7t h - 12 th grade ) Guideways




14  Help them to begin thinking about their high school career  Helping students to determine how their gifts and talents can turn into a career  Helping them select a “match” high school” to further hone their gifts and talents  Help students prepare for a high school visit, such as HIGH SCHOOL INVESTIGATION DAY!


16  Using WNI to teach students how to plan, document and research Counselors will be shown simple steps for assisting students for planning, researching and documenting the high school matriculation and college and career planning processes using What’s Next Illinois.


18 Trainers information Marcia Ellis, GCDF Instructor Email address:mlellis2 Marcia Boyd, MA Email address:

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