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British Taxation Acts Fill out your chart as we go through the following Acts!

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Presentation on theme: "British Taxation Acts Fill out your chart as we go through the following Acts!"— Presentation transcript:

1 British Taxation Acts Fill out your chart as we go through the following Acts!

2 The Navigation Acts What it did:Who it affected and how: 1.Colonists only allowed to sell raw materials to England 2.Colonists only allowed to buy manufactured goods from England 3.British soldiers could inspect homes/businesses Colonial business owners: unable to make a real profit Other colonists: had to pay higher prices for products

3 Proclamation of 1763 What it did:Who it affected and how: 1.Reserved all land west of the Appalachian Mountains to the Mississippi River for Native American tribes Colonists: had no access to land they had fought for; could not expand Natives: Could not live in the 13 colonies

4 Sugar Act (1764) What it did:Who it affected and how: 1.Enforced the collection of taxes on imported molasses 2.Allowed British Navy to seize merchant vessels All colonists: molasses was main sweetener and now required all to pay taxes Smugglers: faced much higher degree of punishment

5 Currency Act (1764) What it did:Who it affected and how: 1.Did not allow colonies to create paper money to be used to pay back debts to Great Britain Had to use gold or silver to pay debts All colonists: made it much more difficult to pay back debts since gold and silver was in short supply

6 Stamp Act (1765) What it did:Who it affected and how: 1.All legal documents in the colonies have a tax stamp on them – stamp could only be bought from official tax collectors All colonists: most documents needed have a stamp, requiring everyone to pay the tax

7 Quartering Act (1765) What it did:Who it affected and how: 1.Required that colonists house British troops in their homes if they ran out of space in the barracks. All colonists, but especially those in New England and middle colonies where most of the troops were sent

8 Declaratory Act (1766) What it did:Who it affected and how: 1.Parliament’s authority was the same in America as in Britain and laws passed by Parliament had to be followed All colonists – made it illegal to disobey any future acts.

9 Townshend Acts (1767) What it did:Who it affected and how: 1.Taxed imports of glass, lead, paint, paper, and tea Colonial merchants: had to pay tax on goods before the goods could even be taken off the ship

10 Intolerable Acts (1774) What it did:Who it affected and how: 1.Closed port of Boston 2.Suspended the charter of Boston Colonial merchants in MA: made it difficult to import and export goods Colonists in MA: no longer had guarantee of rights without their charter

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