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Psychology 120 Course Syllabus. General Points of Interest  It is an academic course – the expectation is that you can handle the reading & the rigor.

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1 Psychology 120 Course Syllabus


3 General Points of Interest  It is an academic course – the expectation is that you can handle the reading & the rigor of the course.  It requires maturity & self-discipline.  It is FUN and FASCINATING.  It is not lecture-based, nor will we be reading from the textbook.  It is activity-based.  It is up to you to read the material, to sharpen your knowledge, using the many tools that are available, and to ask good questions during allocated review classes.


5 Format  You will be told, in advance, when each chapter will be covered.  You must read the chapter & do the on- line practice quiz to prepare. The quiz results will be sent to my email address, so I will check your understanding & preparation. The quizzes are also meant as a study tool for you; if you are not successful, you will need to re-read the chapter, to study & to ask questions.

6  Class time will be spent doing relevant activities, watching videos and, on occasion, completing on-line activities.  Chapters will be covered in 2-4 days.  There will always be either an in-class quiz or in-class concept web (and sometimes both). They will not necessarily be announced in advance. The expectation is that when we start a chapter, you have read it & are able to write the quiz or complete the in-class activity (at any time).  At the completion of each unit, there will be a day for review. This will be done with a series of power-point presentations. Any questions you have about the material should be asked at this time.  The unit test will be the next day. These are worth significantly more than the chapter quizzes & concept webs (formative vs. cumulative).  Monday’s study hall will be used to read, study & practice the quizzes.

7 The Challenge  Stay on track; put in the necessary time at home to ensure you learn the material and can pass the tests.  Keep the pace.  Complete the research assignments on your own time; no time will be allocated for this in class.  Request extra help when you need it.

8 The Pay-Off  There will be lots of time for fun & interactive activities, experiments & videos.  This is a fascinating & relevant science that you can transfer into your personal life, and possibly into your future studies.  Classes will be interactive & interesting.


10 Assessment  Unit Tests25%  Midterm10%  Final Exam20%  Research Assignments (4)25%  Quizzes & Graphic Organizers 8%  Journals & Assignments 7% Flex Points: you can choose whether you want the remaining 5% to be allocated to the journal category or to the quiz category. The condition is that all work must be complete (all quizzes written & all journals submitted)

11 Methods Domain  Chapters 1, 2, 3 & 4  Unit Test: October 5 th. Chapter One: Sept 10 Chapter Two: Sept 15 Chapter Three: Sept 18 Chapter Four: Sept 24

12 Biophysical Domain  Chapters 7, 9, 12 & 13.  Unit Test: November 2  Chapter 7October 6  Chapter 9October 14  Chapter 12October 22  Chapter 13October 27

13 Cognitive Domain  Chapters 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 & 25  Unit Test: December 14  Chapter 19Nov 4  Chapter 20Nov 12  Chapter 21Nov 18  Chapter 22Nov 20  Chapter 23 Nov 26  Chapter 24Dec 03  Chapter 25Dec 09

14 Variations Domain  Chapters 29, 30, 31, 34 & 35  Will not be a unit test (rather, this material will be emphasized on the final exam, along with (of course) material from each domain.  Chapter 29 Dec 15  Chapter 30Jan 06  Chapter 31Jan 11  Chapter 34Jan 14  Chapter 35Jan 19

15 Figure 1.2: Where Would You Put a Third Eye? Return

16 Disclaimer Alert!  These dates are subject to change and are meant to simply give you an idea of the pace and of the units of study.  The expectation is that you have read each chapter prior to its start-date.  I will inform you of any changes.

17 Companion Website  ault.asp?s=&n=&i=&v=&o=&ns=0&uid=0&rau=0 ault.asp?s=&n=&i=&v=&o=&ns=0&uid=0&rau=0  Here, you will find the online quizzes, review, simulations & links.  Go in (this week), register and start to look around.  It’s a comprehensive site and should really help you as you learn the content of each chapter.  I expect you to take the online quiz and to enter my email address ( so that your results are sent to me. You must do each quiz before we leave the

18 Wiki Page If you go to my wiki page, you will find up- to-date postings that include PowerPoint presentations, details about assignments and helpful hints. There isn’t an option to chat on this site, so please direct your questions to me during class time. I expect that you check the site daily.

19 Methods Domain – assignments & journals  Journal topic on page 18  Journal topic on page 36  Journal topic on page 50  Journal topic on page 73  Journal topic on page 91 Must complete three of the journals. Due on October 2 nd. They do not have to be typed, but must look professional and should be approximately 1 page in length.


21 From American Journal of Psychology. Copyright © 1961 by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. Used with the permission of the University of Illinois Press Figure 1.3: Husband and Father- in-Law  What do you see? An elderly father-in- law or a husband? Return

22 Research Assignments  Methods Domain  Complete ONE of the following.  Submit on October 7.  Use APA format. Go to Owl Purdue & Citation Machine to familiarize yourself with this documenting format. There will be a tutorial (during study hall) for those who need help.  Be critical of the sources you find: no wiki, no “free-for-all- use of Google”. Try to find respectable, relevant research.  Download the sample APA paper on Owl Purdue and use it as a model * this is not an option; I will not accept another format*

23 Guidelines (despite topic)  Use 2-3 sources.  Your paper should be a combination of the information you find in these sources & your own observations and insight.  Information from the sources should be mostly paraphrased (from the original), but you will be expected to use between 2 and 5 direct quotes, as well.  Length: 1) cover page, 2) abstract, 3) 3-4 pages (double spaced, 12 font) of content (use subheadings), 4) reference page

24 Mental-Health Awareness  Research a mental illness that is prevalent in a typical high school population (depression, schizophrenia, ADD, other).  Include the following: the prevalence of the disorder in high school populations (North America) compared to another population (you choose – elementary school populations, nursing-home residents, white-collar workers, farmers, teachers, etc).  Causes of the disorder, treatment options, early warning signs, and reasons for differences in the prevalence between different populations.

25 History & Perspectives: Research Option  Research the life of a psychologist or scientist mentioned in this module. Focus your research on the following: was this person’s childhood remarkable or predictive of his or her future success in psychology? Why or why not? What type of schooling did he or she receive? What interests outside of psychology did he or she pursue? Did these impact his or her research? What interesting facts made this person more real to you?

26 Nature & Nurture in Psychology  Research (2-3) stories of twins separated at birth.  Give a brief review of the individuals, the situation and the history.  What similarities did the twins share? How were they different?  How did each twin feel growing up? Did they sense they had a twin or did they lack a feeling of connection to their sibling?  How did they feel when they were reunited with their twin?  Does this story give any insight into the nature/nurture debate, in your opinion?

27 Welcome! Tell Me About Yourself (and I promise not to psycho-analyze you!)  Name  Interests, hobbies, strengths, sports, music, “quirks”, other?  Goals you have for this year (personal or academic)  Goals you have for the future  Something most people know about you  Something most people don’t know about you  Do you have a job? How many hours?  Do you have computer access at home?  What interests you most about this course?  Are you worried about anything (regarding the course)?

28 Five of the following are true; Five are falsehoods. 1. I live in the lobster capital of the world. 2. I went to university with Mrs. Pope & Mr. MacPherson. 3. I am a black belt. 4. I have five kids. 5. When I was your age, my bangs were 5 inches high (and heavily back-combed), and I wanted to look like Madonna. 6. I am close friends with Bubbles (from the Trailer Park Boys). 7. I have been teaching for 20 years. 8. I have my pilot’s license. 9. I used to teach at the Youth Prison. 10. I once auditioned for Canadian Idol.

29  Fifty People, One Question | Short Film  Smart and very patient dog  Boredom is a choice 

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