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MIS 5211.001 Week 10 Site:

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1 MIS 5211.001 Week 10 Site:

2  In the news  Follow Up On Malware  Web Application Security (will not finish tonight) 2MIS 5211.001

3  Submitted  cybersecurity-insurance-insight- idUKKCN0S609S20151012 cybersecurity-insurance-insight- idUKKCN0S609S20151012  330m-federal-data-breach-recovery-services-bpa/ 330m-federal-data-breach-recovery-services-bpa/  fixes-critical-flaws-that.html fixes-critical-flaws-that.html  -and-wireless/smartphones-on-drones-can-hack-your- wireless-printer/d/d-id/1322547 -and-wireless/smartphones-on-drones-can-hack-your- wireless-printer/d/d-id/1322547  ity/iranian-hackers-show-interest-in-android-spying- tools.html ity/iranian-hackers-show-interest-in-android-spying- tools.html 3MIS 5211.001

4  Submitted  (Drop Box)  request request  Naval-Academy-returns-celestial-navigation-amid-fears- computer-hacking.html Naval-Academy-returns-celestial-navigation-amid-fears- computer-hacking.html  and-cybersecurity-new-survey-reveals-an-alarming-trend.html and-cybersecurity-new-survey-reveals-an-alarming-trend.html  study-highlights-poor-city-security-habits/ study-highlights-poor-city-security-habits/  borders-digitally/ borders-digitally/  after-breach after-breach MIS 5211.0014

5  Submitted  fuels-call-for-tougher-uk-laws-a-8618 fuels-call-for-tougher-uk-laws-a-8618  million-plaintext-passwords-belonging-to-webhost- users-leaked-online/ million-plaintext-passwords-belonging-to-webhost- users-leaked-online/ 5MIS 5211.001

6  What I noted  jailbreaking-among-dcma-exemptions- granted/115185/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_me dium=twitter&utm_campaign=information_security jailbreaking-among-dcma-exemptions- granted/115185/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_me dium=twitter&utm_campaign=information_security  passage-cybersecurity-information-sharing-act- congress/ passage-cybersecurity-information-sharing-act- congress/ MIS 5211.0016

7 7

8  User Mode Root Kits  Kernel Mode Root Kits  Keyloggers  Sniffers  Downloaders  HTTP C2 Channels MIS 5211.0018

9  Purpose  Attain access  Maintain access  Hide access  Operates in user mode  That is, gets injected into one or more individual processes MIS 5211.0019

10 10

11  Rootkit intercepts data to:  Netstat  Process Explorer  Task Manager  Therefore, when a user or admin looks at these tools everything looks normal MIS 5211.00111

12  DLL Injection (Dynamic Link Library)  Running code within the address space of another process  Malware “Injects” itself into a DLL using  SetWindowsHookEx  CreateRemoteThread/LoadLibrary  Note: These are legitimate commands that are used by software for things like patching  API Hooking (Application Programming Interface)  Intercepting function calls, messages, or events passed between software components MIS 5211.00112

13  These methods were developed in Windows XP and earlier machines  Still possible with Vista, 7, and 8 – Just need to work a little harder MIS 5211.00113

14  Injected into the Kernel, below the level of process and DLL  Runs at the highest privilege level for software  Removal likely requires reinstallation of operating system MIS 5211.00114

15  Monitor user key strokes  Lots of bots, worms, and assorted other malware does this  Sends logs to attacker  Common methods  Hook for keyboard events  Poll keyboard state with GetAsyncKey() MIS 5211.00115

16  Similar to tcpdump or windump covered earlier, but now its malicious  Common method  Put interface into promiscuous mode  Controller passes all traffic it receives to the CPU  Other ways  Intercept network related calls  Intercept higher level functions  We’ll see this late with Browser proxies  Installing BHOs (Browser Helper Objects) MIS 5211.00116

17  Used by attackers to deliver malware in stages  Initial malware can be very small, only needs to fetch the next piece of software  Easier to obfuscate  May escape detection  Action is not malicious in and by itself  Droppers are similar, but embedded the downloaded functionality in their own code MIS 5211.00117

18  URLDownloadToFile()  Download and save file to disk  ShellExecute()  Execute file  WinExec()  Execute file MIS 5211.00118

19  AKA HTTP C2 Channels  Ubiquitous  Port 80 almost always open  Use port 443 and your coms are encrypted  Alternatives  IRC (Internet Relay Chat)  P2P (File Sharing)  DNS (Tunnel data over DNS) MIS 5211.00119

20  Reverse shell over HTTP (Port 80)  Embedded in regular HTTP traffic  Disguised like normal user traffic MIS 5211.00120

21  MS Office Files  PDF Files  Flash  JavaScript  Lots more, but these are the ones we will talk about MIS 5211.00121

22  Why Office  Everybody is using it  File freely passed around and not unexpected  Parsing binary office format is difficult  Robust embedded scripting language (VBA)  You can even hook Apple products MIS 5211.00122 Source for Graphic: t_office_coming_for_ipad_as_well_as_a_new_ desktop_version_for_lion!,p960.html t_office_coming_for_ipad_as_well_as_a_new_ desktop_version_for_lion!,p960.html

23  Embedded Shellcode  Exploits vulnerability in office software  No user interaction required  Embedded VBA Script  Executes on document open  May require user to click OK or “Enable Content” Note about VBA – Term Macro is misleading. Implies it is for basic scripting. Today, VBA is a full fledged language. MIS 5211.00123

24  Why PDF  Everybody is using it  Files freely passed around and not unexpected  PDF Format  Proprietary(ish)  Used to be proprietary, published by ISO as ISO/IEC 32000- 1:2008  Feature rich  Can include active content  JavaScript  ActionScript via Flash Objects  And finally  New vulnerabilities found regularly MIS 5211.00124

25  High profile attack target  threats/report-sixty-percent-of-users-are-running- unpatched-versions-of-adobe/d/d-id/1136022 threats/report-sixty-percent-of-users-are-running- unpatched-versions-of-adobe/d/d-id/1136022  6 in 10 installs of Adobe Reader are out of date  Complex structure  Easily obfuscated  Need software tools to open and understand  Even AV vendors have problems keeping an eye on this MIS 5211.00125

26  Parser components  JavaScript and ActionScript  Embedded Shellcode executes by exploiting these vulnerabilities MIS 5211.00126

27  Ubiquitous on websites  New vulnerabilities weekly (at least that’s how it feels)  So bad Apple and now Kindle will not allow flash to be installed without jail breaking the devices MIS 5211.00127

28  Uses the SWF file format  See: om/content/dam/Adobe/en/devnet/swf/pd f/swf-file-format-spec.pdf om/content/dam/Adobe/en/devnet/swf/pd f/swf-file-format-spec.pdf  Supports ActionScript language for scripting, including legacy support for older versions of ActionScript MIS 5211.00128

29  Client Side  Flash Parameter Injection  Inject parameters when Flash object is embedded in an HTML page  Cross Domain Privilege Escalation  Access and modify DOM  Cross Site Scripting  Access and modify DOM  Cross Site Flashing  Call another flash object from flash MIS 5211.00129

30  Just a teaser at this point  JavaScript is a primary infection path with web site based attacks  Used for:  Cross Site Scripting (XSS)  Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)  Direct Delivery  Downloaders  Droppers  Keyloggers  And anything else you want MIS 5211.00130

31  JavaScript based attacks are frequently heavily obfuscated with multiple layers of encryption, obfuscation, encoding, and false flags  Attackers will “buy” ad space and put up legitimate looking ads on legitimate sites  Since adds are rotated, infection is inconsistent and difficult to pin down MIS 5211.00131

32  During Penetration Tests a tester may be asked to verify that the AV suite is working  You don’t want to actually send malware  What do you do?  Answer  EICAR  MIS 5211.00132

33  EICAR is a Anti-Malware Test File  Originally developed by Paul Ducklin  All major AV vendors will flag this file if properly installed and configure  Tester can simply send the file in via normal channel being tested and then confirm that AV suites correctly identified and blocked file. MIS 5211.00133

34  I’m malware, where do I hide  Inside other executables  Inside data files  In Alternate Data Streams (ADS)  On the hard drive, but outside of the file system  In BIOS MIS 5211.00134

35  Malware in executables and data files can be detected of you know what good is supposed to look like  Malware also leaves markers in the file system that can be detected  Commercial tools like Mandiant, FireEye, and others can pick these up  Worth noting: FireEye bought Mandiant MIS 5211.00135

36  Compatibility feature of NTFS  Part of file system, but not part of file system  Originally created to allow NTFS to handle Apple file attributes that were stored outside of the file structure  Creates an “Off Book” location to store data and/or executables that will not be seen via file commands or through GUI folder tools  tutorials/windows_os_security/Alternate_Data_Stre ams.html tutorials/windows_os_security/Alternate_Data_Stre ams.html MIS 5211.00136

37  Not all space on the drive is consumed by the file system  Vendors sometime use this space to keep configuration information or recovery files  Attackers can use the space as well  Caution: While tools exist to read and write to raw space, writing is extremely dangerous as you can render the file system useless. MIS 5211.00137

38  Firmware installed on motherboard that instructs CPU how to turn on  What drive to boot from  Is there a password to just turn on  Other hardware has similar Firmware  Graphics Cards  Network Cards  Other specialty boards MIS 5211.00138

39  Firmware is rewritable code in a chip or other piece of hardware that retains it’s coding even without power  It only changes when specific external commands are given to update or overwrite MIS 5211.00139

40  Malware can withstand a complete re-image of the file system  Replacing the hard drive will not mitigate  Since it is in place a boot time, before the kernel ever starts, it can re-infect MIS 5211.00140

41  First (and nearly only) Rule Never Trust User Input MIS 5211.00141

42  For web application security and web application penetration testing MIS 5211.00142

43  OWASP stands for the Open Web Application Security Project  Founded in 2001 as a charitable organization dedicated to improving Web Application Security  Creators and publishers of the OWASP top 10  Hosts numerous Web App tools and projects MIS 5211.00143

44  OWASP Top 10 – 2013 (New)  2013-A1 – Injection  2013-A2 – Broken Authentication and Session Management  2013-A3 – Cross Site Scripting (XSS)  2013-A4 – Insecure Direct Object References  2013-A5 – Security Misconfiguration  2013-A6 – Sensitive Data Exposure  2013-A7 – Missing Function Level Access Control  2013-A8 – Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)  2013-A9 – Using Known Vulnerable Components (NEW)  2013-A10 – Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards MIS 5211.00144 Source: SP_Top-10_2013%20-%20Presentation.pptx SP_Top-10_2013%20-%20Presentation.pptx

45  Attacker sends simple text-based attacks that exploit the syntax of the targeted interpreter. Almost any source of data can be an injection vector, including internal sources. MIS 5211.00145 /Top_10_2013-A1-Injection

46  Finding a way to send text to a web application or browser that is interpreted as a command or code  Tricks systems or browsers in to taking action MIS 5211.00146

47  Attacker uses leaks or flaws in the authentication or session management functions (e.g., exposed accounts, passwords, session IDs) to impersonate users. MIS 5211.00147 013-A2- Broken_Authentication_and_Session_Managem ent

48  Steal an identity, and use it. MIS 5211.00148

49  Attacker sends text-based attack scripts that exploit the interpreter in the browser. Almost any source of data can be an attack vector, including internal sources such as data from the database. MIS 5211.00149 2013-A3-Cross-Site_Scripting_(XSS)

50  Can be as simple as alert(“XSS”) MIS 5211.00150

51  Attacker, who is an authorized system user, simply changes a parameter value that directly refers to a system object to another object the user isn’t authorized for. Is access granted? MIS 5211.00151 ex.php/Top_10_2013-A4- Insecure_Direct_Object_Refer ences

52  Keep in mind, “Authorized User” does not necessarily mean “Admin”. Just a user that is allowed on the web site. If public, that means everyone. MIS 5211.00152

53  Attacker accesses default accounts, unused pages, unpatched flaws, unprotected files and directories, etc. to gain unauthorized access to or knowledge of the system. MIS 5211.00153 Top_10_2013-A5- Security_Misconfiguration

54  Remember those Google searches from Reconnaissance? For instance: intitle:"Test Page for Apache" MIS 5211.00154

55  Attackers typically don’t break crypto directly. They break something else, such as steal keys, do man-in-the-middle attacks, or steal clear text data off the server, while in transit, or from the user’s browser. MIS 5211.00155 10_2013-A6-Sensitive_Data_Exposure

56  Example: A site simply doesn’t use SSL for all authenticated pages. Attacker simply monitors network traffic (like an open wireless network), and steals the user’s session cookie. MIS 5211.00156

57  Attacker, who is an authorized system user, simply changes the URL or a parameter to a privileged function. Is access granted? Anonymous users could access private functions that aren’t protected. MIS 5211.00157 13-A7-Missing_Function_Level_Access_Control

58  Example from OWASP:   MIS 5211.00158

59  Attacker creates forged HTTP requests and tricks a victim into submitting them via image tags, XSS, or numerous other techniques. If the user is authenticated, the attack succeeds. MIS 5211.00159 13-A8-Cross-Site_Request_Forgery_(CSRF)

60  Example from OWASP  nationAccount=4673243243  MIS 5211.00160

61  Attacker identifies a weak component through scanning or manual analysis. He customizes the exploit as needed and executes the attack. It gets more difficult if the used component is deep in the application. MIS 5211.00161 A9-Using_Components_with_Known_Vulnerabilities

62  Example from OWASP  Spring Remote Code Execution – Abuse of the Expression Language implementation in Spring allowed attackers to execute arbitrary code, effectively taking over the server. Spring Remote Code Execution MIS 5211.00162

63  Attacker links to unvalidated redirect and tricks victims into clicking it. Victims are more likely to click on it, since the link is to a valid site. Attacker targets unsafe forward to bypass security checks. MIS 5211.00163 A10-Unvalidated_Redirects_and_Forwards

64  Example from OWASP  MIS 5211.00164

65  So, all of this is interesting, but does that have to do with penetration testing  Or, to put it another way. How de we exploit these issues?  First step: Intercepting Proxies MIS 5211.00165

66  In this instance, an intercepting proxy is software that acts as a server and sits between the web browser and your internet connection  Examples  Burp Suite  Webscarab  Paros MIS 5211.00166

67  For this course  Monitor and record ONLY  Do not inject or alter any traffic unless you personally own the web site.  We’ll save changing traffic in the next course MIS 5211.00167 For this course

68  Start Burp Suite by logging in to Kali and selecting Burp Suite from:  Kali Linux>Web Applications>Web Application Proxies>burpsuite MIS 5211.00168

69 MIS 5211.00169

70  Once burpsuite is running, you will need to start and configure a browser  Kali’s web browser is “Iceweasel”, an adaptation of Firefox  After starting Iceweasel, navigate to preferences  And select it MIS 5211.00170

71  Navigate to the Network Tab and select settings… for Connection MIS 5211.00171

72  Change selection from “Use system proxy settings” to “Manual proxy configuration and enter “” for “HTTP Proxy” and “8080” for “Port”  Also, select check box for “Use this proxy server for all protocols”  Select “OK” when done  Browser is now setup to use burpsuite  See next slide for example MIS 5211.00172

73 MIS 5211.00173

74 MIS 5211.00174

75  In browser, navigate to  Browser will hang and look busy  Select the “Proxy” tab in burpsuite  Burpsuite is waiting for you, select forward MIS 5211.00175

76  Select “I understand the Risks” and follow prompts to add an exception MIS 5211.00176

77 MIS 5211.00177

78  You may have to hit forward a number of times  You may want to click “Intercept is on” to turn it off and save hitting the forward button  Eventually, all traffic is forwarded.  Now, select “HTTP history” and see what you have MIS 5211.00178

79  Your traffic MIS 5211.00179

80 MIS 5211.00180

81 MIS 5211.00181

82  Under “Repeater”, select “Action”, then select “Save Entire History” MIS 5211.00182

83  Restart burpsuite and turn intercept off  Now navigate to and look around the  Look over the results MIS 5211.00183

84 MIS 5211.00184

85  What can we tell from this?  First we can see what we are telling temple about us  Web Browser is Iceweasel, a derivative of Firefox  What versions we are running  Cookies  What exactly is If-None-Match: “1414416188-1” MIS 5211.00185

86  As Darth Vader says “Come to the Dark Side, We’ve got Cookies”  Or worse “Hex” MIS 5211.00186

87  Note: There’s both a request and a response tab. MIS 5211.00187

88  Google Adds  Other outside references MIS 5211.00188

89  A few things to look at MIS 5211.00189

90  If this was a real Web App Test  Navigate the web site recording everything  Review looking for interesting leads to follow  Set Proxy to crawl site (DO NOT DO THIS) MIS 5211.00190

91  This is the “Free” version of burpsuite  Some of the more interesting features are turned off or limited  Scanner  Intruder MIS 5211.00191 ownload.html

92  We covered just one proxy  Different proxies have different strengths and weaknesses  For instance, Webscarab will flag potential XSS automatically MIS 5211.00192

93  In Internet Explorer  F12 Developer Tools  Allows user to at least see the code loaded in browser  Often worth looking at as developers sometimes leave comments MIS 5211.00193

94  Introduction to SQL Injection MIS 5211.00194

95 ? MIS 5211.00195

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