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PM 2.5 Stakeholder Working Group Meeting #1 South Coast Air Quality Management District June 8, 2006.

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1 PM 2.5 Stakeholder Working Group Meeting #1 South Coast Air Quality Management District June 8, 2006

2 Working Group Purpose – provide input on: Purpose – provide input on:  PM2.5 significance thresholds  PM2.5 calculation methodology Significance thresholds are necessary in analyzing local and regional PM 2.5 air quality impacts in CEQA and NEPA air quality analysis Significance thresholds are necessary in analyzing local and regional PM 2.5 air quality impacts in CEQA and NEPA air quality analysis

3 Working Group Members Environmental Organizations Environmental Organizations Public Agencies Public Agencies Regulated Organizations Regulated Organizations

4 PM 2.5 Particulate Matter less than or equal to 2.5 microns Particulate Matter less than or equal to 2.5 microns Mostly derived from combustion sources Mostly derived from combustion sources  Mobile sources - auto, trucks  Stationary sources – ICEs Directly emitted or formed in atmosphere from combustion of gases (such as NOx and SOx combining with ammonia) Directly emitted or formed in atmosphere from combustion of gases (such as NOx and SOx combining with ammonia)

5 PM 2.5 Standards Federal PM 2.5 standards established in 1997 Federal PM 2.5 standards established in 1997 State PM 2.5 standards established in 2002 State PM 2.5 standards established in 2002 Annual 15 µg/m 3 24-hour 65 µg/m 3 Annual 12 µg/m 3 24-hourn/a

6 PM2.5 Air Quality

7 Trends of Basin PM2.5 (µg/m 3 )

8 PM2.5 and the 2007 AQMP Three-year planning document will outline control strategy to achieve standards Three-year planning document will outline control strategy to achieve standards Federal annual PM2.5 standard (15 µg/m 3 ) to be met by 2015 (including five-year extension) Federal annual PM2.5 standard (15 µg/m 3 ) to be met by 2015 (including five-year extension) VOC and SOx reductions needed to achieve PM2.5 standards VOC and SOx reductions needed to achieve PM2.5 standards On-going modeling, development of inventory and control measures, etc. On-going modeling, development of inventory and control measures, etc.

9 PM2.5 Calculation Methodology PM emissions typically contain specific fractions of PM10 and PM2.5 PM emissions typically contain specific fractions of PM10 and PM2.5 California Emission Inventory Data and Reporting System (CEIDARS) lists wide variety of industrial processes and PM size speciation California Emission Inventory Data and Reporting System (CEIDARS) lists wide variety of industrial processes and PM size speciation PM2.5 fraction of PM10 established PM2.5 fraction of PM10 established Apply PM2.5fraction of PM10 for appropriate process Apply PM2.5 fraction of PM10 for appropriate process

10 Localized Significance Thresholds Effects of PM2.5 on nearby receptors, such as residents, hospitals. schools, etc. Effects of PM2.5 on nearby receptors, such as residents, hospitals. schools, etc. Operational Operational  PM2.5 generated from combustion sources Construction Construction  Fugitive dust  Off-Road construction equipment

11 LST - Operational PM10 significance threshold 2.5 µg/m 3 (Rule 1303, Table A-2) PM10 significance threshold 2.5 µg/m 3 (Rule 1303, Table A-2) 2003 AQMP PM Inventory (2005-2010) demonstrated PM2.5 is 99 percent of PM10 in stationary source fuel combustion 2003 AQMP PM Inventory (2005-2010) demonstrated PM2.5 is 99 percent of PM10 in stationary source fuel combustion Recommended operational PM2.5 LST same as PM10 (2.5 µg/m 3 ) Recommended operational PM2.5 LST same as PM10 (2.5 µg/m 3 )

12 LST - Construction Fugitive Dust Fugitive Dust  2003 AQMP PM Inventory (2005-2010) demonstrated PM2.5 is 21 percent of fugitive dust PM10  PM10 construction LST 10.4 µg/m 3  PM2.5 fugitive dust LST 2.2 µg/m 3 (21 percent of 10.4 µg/m 3 )

13 LST – Construction Off-Road Construction Equipment Off-Road Construction Equipment  2003 AQMP PM Inventory (2005-2010) demonstrated PM2.5 is 89 percent of combustion PM10 from Off-Road Equipment  Unquantifiable contribution from combustion PM from off-road sources Recommended construction PM2.5 LST at 2.5 µg/m 3 (same as operational LST). Recommended construction PM2.5 LST at 2.5 µg/m 3 (same as operational LST).

14 Regional Significance Threshold PM2.5 suspended for longer periods resulting in regional effects PM2.5 suspended for longer periods resulting in regional effects EPA proposed significant emission rate of 10 tons per year for PM2.5 (Federal Register, Sept 8, 2005) EPA proposed significant emission rate of 10 tons per year for PM2.5 (Federal Register, Sept 8, 2005) 10 tons per year = 55 pounds per day 10 tons per year = 55 pounds per day Recommending construction and operational regional PM2.5 significance threshold same as EPA (55 pounds/day) Recommending construction and operational regional PM2.5 significance threshold same as EPA (55 pounds/day)

15 Schedule Working Group review until June 23 Working Group review until June 23 2 nd Working Group Meeting early July 2 nd Working Group Meeting early July Public Workshop late July Public Workshop late July Recommendations to Governing Board Meeting on September 8, 2006 Recommendations to Governing Board Meeting on September 8, 2006 Effective Dates: Effective Dates:  Begin public outreach after Board approval  Request implementation by public agencies early 2007

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