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Night Vocabulary Set 4/4 Quiz over 3-4 Friday

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1 Night Vocabulary Set 4/4 Quiz over 3-4 Friday
5 words: not 6 today

2 privation Despite the trials and privations, Rabbi Eliahou’s face still shone with his inner purity (Wiesel 86). The privation caused by the hurricane has left many members in the community homeless and without food.

3 definition A state in which things that are essential for human well-being such as food and warmth are scarce or lacking POS: Noun Synonyms: deprivation, need, want, hardship

4 encumbrance He had felt that his father was growing weak, he had believed that the end was near and had sought this separation in order to get rid of the burden, to free himself from the encumbrance which could lessen his own chance of survival (Wiesel 87). He found carrying his heavy backpack full of text books to be an encumbrance.

5 definition A burden or hindrance; obstacle POS: Noun
Synonyms: weight, stress, nuisance

6 apathy The reason for low voter turnout was apathy about politics.
The hardest part of Mr. Sanders’ job is students’ apathy. From time to time, SS officers on motorcycles would go down the length of the column to try and shake us out of our growing apathy (Wiesel 88).

7 definition Lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern POS: Noun
Synonyms: unresponsive, passive, lethargic

8 disengage Susan tapped her foot and looked disengaged at the lecture.
I wanted to get up. I struggled to disengage myself, so that he could breathe (Wiesel 89).

9 definition Detach, free, loosen, or separate (something) POS: Verb
Synonyms: remove, release, withdrawl

10 vigilant We’ve become more vigilant since the neighbors were robbed.
Could one sleep here? Was it not dangerous to allow your vigilance to fail, even for a moment, when at any minute death could pounce upon you (Wiesel 90 ) ?

11 definition Keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties
POS: Adjective Synonyms: attentive, alert, observant

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