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Published byBruce Kelly Modified over 9 years ago
God created man and woman with body, soul, and sanctifying grace. “sanctifying grace”- God dwelling in his soul, pouring supernatural life into it.
Consequences of Losing Sanctifying Grace: Adam immediately brought death to his soul and retained his bodily life only temporarily.
Consequences of Sin… Before (the Fall) After (the Fall)
Consequences of Sin… Before (the Fall) After (the Fall)
Need Life, But Don’t have It. Original Sin – We are born without Sanctifying Grace …Not “stain” but the “absence” of that grace we need to reach the goal for which God destined us. Heaven- (Life with God) We can never live there without Grace (Share in His Life). i.e. If we wanted to live on another planet, we should need new breathing powers, which by nature our lungs have not got. To live the life of heaven, we need new knowing and loving powers, which by nature our souls have not got.
No Sanctifying Grace No Heaven Its not a question of getting past the gate but living once we are there! What are we to do…? “O happy fault, O necessary sin of Adam which gained for us so great a Redeemer!”
John 3:16 Romans 6:23 John 10:10 Jesus: “Truly, truly, I say to you unless one is born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God”
CCC 1213 Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit and the door which gives access to the other sacraments. Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church and made sharers in her mission: Baptism is the sacrament of regeneration through water in the word.
Discussion: What are reasons people take baths or showers? What are other uses for water in our culture? What is the spiritual meaning of Baptism? Discussion: WW hat are reasons people take baths or showers? WW hat are other uses for water in our culture? WW hat is the spiritual meaning of Baptism?
The Main Point: Baptism is the radical re-orientation of one’s life to embrace and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Main Point: Baptism is the radical re-orientation of one’s life to embrace and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.
I. Baptism A. is one of sacraments of initiation I. Baptism A. is one of sacraments of initiation 1. Baptism2. Confirmation3. Eucharist
B. water symbolically joins us to the death and resurrection of Christ B. water symbolically joins us to the death and resurrection of Christ --- dying (going under water) to rising (emerging from the water) rising (emerging from the water) --- dying (going under water) to rising (emerging from the water)
C. we die to selfishness and sin and rise to a new creation C. we die to selfishness and sin and rise to a new creation conversion – a radical reorientation of one’s life c c c conversion – a radical reorientation of one’s life
Conversion of St. Paul
D. The meaning of Baptism: D. The meaning of Baptism: 2. the washing away of original sin, and for adults, the personal sin up to that moment 2. the washing away of original sin, and for adults, the personal sin up to that moment 1. immersion into Christ’s death and resurrection to new life in Christ 1. immersion into Christ’s death and resurrection to new life in Christ 3. B. is so important, it is the only sacrament that can be administered by a person who is not even a Catholic, or even a believer 3. B. is so important, it is the only sacrament that can be administered by a person who is not even a Catholic, or even a believer
II. Baptismal waters prefigured in the Old Testament A. water was a precious substance often used as an offering to God II. Baptismal waters prefigured in the Old Testament A. water was a precious substance often used as an offering to God Sea of Galilee
B. creation came from a “watery abyss” (Gen. 1:2) B. creation came from a “watery abyss” (Gen. 1:2)
C. Noah’s family preserved from flood; a new covenant (Gen. 7:6-9:17) C. Noah’s family preserved from flood; a new covenant (Gen. 7:6-9:17)
D. thru the Red Sea God brought freedom from slavery (Ex. 14:10-22) D. thru the Red Sea God brought freedom from slavery (Ex. 14:10-22)
E. crossed Jordan to enter Canaan as promised to Abraham (Joshua 3) E. crossed Jordan to enter Canaan as promised to Abraham (Joshua 3)
F. God promised streams of water in the desert as hope to exiles (Ez 47:1-12) F. God promised streams of water in the desert as hope to exiles (Ez 47:1-12)
III. Baptismal waters in New Testament A. all Gospels report Jesus’ own baptism (note: John’s was ancient purification A. all Gospels report Jesus’ own baptism (note: John’s was ancient purification ritual, not the sacrament) III. Baptismal waters in New Testament A. all Gospels report Jesus’ own baptism (note: John’s was ancient purification ritual, not the sacrament)
B. Jesus turned water into wine at Cana --- prefigures a heavenly banquet (Jn 2) B. Jesus turned water into wine at Cana --- prefigures a heavenly banquet (Jn 2)
C. he told Nicodemus a person must be born of water & spirit to enter eternal life (read Jn 3:1-6) C. he told Nicodemus a person must be born of water & spirit to enter eternal life (read Jn 3:1-6) Now there was a Pharisee named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. He came to Jesus at night and said to him, "Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God, for no one can do these signs that you are doing unless God is with him." Jesus answered and said to him, "Amen, amen, I say to you, no one can see the kingdom of God without being born from above." Nicodemus said to him, "How can a person once grown old be born again? Surely he cannot reenter his mother's womb and be born again, can he?" Jesus answered, "Amen, amen, I say to you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit. What is born of flesh is flesh and what is born of spirit is spirit.
D. he offered living water to quench thirst of Samaritan woman (Jn 4) D. he offered living water to quench thirst of Samaritan woman (Jn 4)
E. he washed feet of disciples to purify them and to an example (Jn 13:1-20) E. he washed feet of disciples to purify them and to an example (Jn 13:1-20)
F. water & blood flowed from his pierced side (suggests both Baptism and Eucharist) F. water & blood flowed from his pierced side (suggests both Baptism and Eucharist)
IV. Baptism in the Early Church A. baptism seen as connected to Christ’s death and resurrection (see Romans 6:3-4) IV. Baptism in the Early Church A. baptism seen as connected to Christ’s death and resurrection (see Romans 6:3-4)
B. all sacraments of initiation were given at the same time 1. process of preparation was called the catechumenate 2. today = R.C.I.A. (Rite of Xtn Initiation of Adults) B. all sacraments of initiation were given at the same time 1. process of preparation was called the catechumenate 2. today = R.C.I.A. (Rite of Xtn Initiation of Adults)
1. 1. Sins (original and personal) are washed away 2. It is made possible for us to share in eternal salvation 3. We become adopted Children of God 4. We become members of the Church = the Body of Xt 5. B. gives us the grace to see the mysteries of Xty thru the eyes of faith 1. Sins (original and personal) are washed away 2. It is made possible for us to share in eternal salvation 3. We become adopted Children of God 4. We become members of the Church = the Body of Xt 5. B. gives us the grace to see the mysteries of Xty thru the eyes of faith V. Baptism today A. The Effects of Baptism V. Baptism today A. The Effects of Baptism
B. Eligibility for Church membership: 1. “I am a sinner” 2. aspire to holiness = become the best-version of-yourself 3. proclaim the gospel to others The most effective messenger is the one who lives the message (St. Francis) B. Eligibility for Church membership: 1. “I am a sinner” 2. aspire to holiness = become the best-version of-yourself 3. proclaim the gospel to others The most effective messenger is the one who lives the message (St. Francis)
C. Matter and Form and Minister 1. Matter: water (also, chrism oil, white garment, candle) 2. Form: “I baptize you in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the H. Spirit” 3. Minister: usually a bishop, priest deacon, but anyone in an emergency C. Matter and Form and Minister 1. Matter: water (also, chrism oil, white garment, candle) 2. Form: “I baptize you in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the H. Spirit” 3. Minister: usually a bishop, priest deacon, but anyone in an emergency
D. Is baptism necessary for salvation? D. Is baptism necessary for salvation? Jesus answered, "Amen, amen, I say to you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit.” John 3:5 Yes: Yes:
(We will be held responsible for the truth revealed to us!) (We will be held responsible for the truth revealed to us!) But what if someone leads a good life, but he never hears about Baptism? Does this mean he can't go to heaven? But what if someone leads a good life, but he never hears about Baptism? Does this mean he can't go to heaven? Baptism is only necessary for those who have heard the Gospel message and who have the possibility for asking for the sacrament. Even though God has bound salvation to sacraments, God and His mercy are not bound to the sacraments. B aptism is only necessary for those who have heard the Gospel message and who have the possibility for asking for the sacrament. E ven though God has bound salvation to sacraments, God and His mercy are not bound to the sacraments. But: But:
Do you remember the main point? Baptism is the radical re-orientation of one’s life to embrace and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. Do you remember the main point? Baptism is the radical re-orientation of one’s life to embrace and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Discussion 1. For the first Xtns, Xty was a lifestyle --- no separation of sacred vs. secular. Is this the understanding today? 2. How might baptism be viewed differently during a time of persecution, as it is in some places still today? 1. For the first Xtns, Xty was a lifestyle --- no separation of sacred vs. secular. Is this the understanding today? 2. How might baptism be viewed differently during a time of persecution, as it is in some places still today?
Baptism Basics The Doctrine of Original Sin is based on Genesis 1-3, creation, the Fall Before the Fall, Adam and Eve lived in “original holiness and justice” When they chose to disrupt the original harmony by disobeying God, they were deprived of that condition and their descendants have inherited this condition of sinfulness or deprivation Both their action and the resulting condition are referred to as original sin
“Do you not realize that you have been baptized into His death” When we die our death = death, When we die Christ’s death = life His is the only death that brings life!
(Eternal) Effects of Waters of B. 1. Liberation from Sin – liberated from eternal death 2. Interior renewal – actualizing the potential of sanctifying grace
(Eternal) Effects of Waters of B. 3. Enter into a share/participation in death and resurrection of Christ 4. Receive 3 Potencies: Faith, Hope, Love.
(Eternal) Effects of Waters of B. 5. We are reconciled with the Father, becoming his adopted children 6. We are initiated into communion with the Church, Christ’s body.
(Eternal) Effects of Waters of B. 7. Receive a permanent Seal or Character - cannot be wiped away for eternity - mark of configuration to Christ as member of His Church
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