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“ “ MALI – ANTS” Unleashed… At pre-briefing Session at the Crowhurst, Kloof, KZN Socio-Economic Growth and Development Division The Banking Association.

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Presentation on theme: "“ “ MALI – ANTS” Unleashed… At pre-briefing Session at the Crowhurst, Kloof, KZN Socio-Economic Growth and Development Division The Banking Association."— Presentation transcript:

1 “ “ MALI – ANTS” Unleashed… At pre-briefing Session at the Crowhurst, Kloof, KZN Socio-Economic Growth and Development Division The Banking Association South Africa Prior to Aflatoun Training Programme 24 - 27 March 2013

2 2 LOGO of TCTS SA™ TCTS SA™ 2008 - 2012 TCTS SA™ 2013


4 4 Why Financial Literacy?  Financial Literacy is important in that every individual has to make a financial decision no matter what career you choose  Financial Literacy gives you the ability to use credit responsibly, the confidence to manage money and financial risks and to understand the long term benefits of savings  There is increasingly a large choice of financial products available and one needs financial literacy to be able to choose the right one  In an increasingly sophisticated financial market individuals need to make informed choices  Financial literacy provides a platform for financial inclusion  Inappropriate financial decisions can have long-term negative effects  Financial literate individual manage their money better  Knowledge is power, financial knowledge is financial power  Financial knowledge is vital for financial success

5 5 Why Aflatoun? ■ Engagement with Aflatoun is a continuation of our philosophy at TCTS SA™ – given the challenges of SA, the size and nature of the banking industry and our resource pool; we took the decision to partner to ensure growth and sustainability of the programme – ‘Strength in unity’. ■ We believe partnerships will not only provide us with greater depth of the programme but will also enable greater impact and scale ■ We were introduced to Aflatoun back in 2009 – we liked the concept because of its holistic focus on helping children achieve their true potential ■ Aflatoun complements our programme quite well and would add more depth to our own efforts of making a better financial future for the next generation ■ Aflatoun brings with it vast expertise & experience in child social and financial education, well developed materials, support, M&E

6 6 Financial Literacy is the core platform for Financial Inclusion and Well-Being… “Bosso ke mang?????” You are the boss if Money Smart!!!

7 7 Concept of Ants linked to Saving…. ■ The Ant is small yet, it thinks for the future and its wellbeing. The question is how? It saves enough food during summer that will last for the whole winter. Ants cannot survive on the land in winter, they hibernate, and that is why they gather food during summer for winter season. The “Mali-Ants” will be empowering the society to be financial literate. ■ Mali is a Zulu word meaning Money ■ Reasoning behind the Concept and Logo are based on the bible verse of King Solomon’s Proverbs 6:6 Go to the ant, you sluggard one; consider its ways and be wise! An ant is an animal of little strength, yet it is exceedingly wise. It has no commander, no leader, no overseer, ruler or chief. Yet it prepares and gathers its food at harvest and stores its provisions in summer, getting ready for winter, so that when winter and time of hibernation comes it has no worry but plenty to eat. How long will you lie there, you sluggard one? When will you get up from your sleep? A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest, and poverty will come on you like a thief and scarcity will attack you like an armed man/robber. Source: Charlotte Sibiya & Nombuso Sibiya, Youth Ambassadors of TCTS SA™

8 8 Unleashing…. Mali-Ants!!!

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