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Prayer List Published on 30 Mar 11 Announcements Published on 30 Mar 11.

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2 Prayer List Published on 30 Mar 11

3 Announcements Published on 30 Mar 11

4 Deuteronomy WeekDateTopic 109 Mar 11Chapter 1:1-2:23 – Introduction and Moses’ Address 216 Mar 11Chapter 2:24-4:43 - Conquest, Transition, Covenant 323 Mar 11Chapter 4:44-6:25 – The Law 430 Mar 11Chapter 7:1-11:32 – Application of the Principles 506 Apr 11Chapter 12:1-14:21 – First Three Commandments 613 Apr 11Chapter 14:22-18:22 – 4 th and 5 th Commandments 720 Apr 11Chapter 19:1-23:19 – 6 th and 7 th Commandments 827 Apr 11Chapter 23:20-25:16 – 8 th thru 10 th Commandments 904 May 11Chapter 26:1-27:26 – Covenant law and preparation 1011 May 11Senior Blessing – No classes 1118 May 11Chapter 28:1-68 – Blessings and Curses 1225 May 11Chapter 29:1-30:20 – Moses’ Final Address 1301 Jun 11Chapter 31:1-34:12 – Moses’ Final Actions

5 References Constable Notes on Deuteronomy – Primary Guzik – Commentary on Deuteronomy Padfield – Farewell Message To A New Generation JFB Bible Commentary ISBE (Encyclopedia)

6 Key Points for Today’s Lesson Review last week’s class Learn about God’s directive to conquer the Promise Land Learn about the blessing Israel would receive for their obedience Learn about the foundations of humility and the cost of pride Review summary of historical events Learn what God requires of Israel and the blessing they would receive

7 Last Week Moses delivers the second address to the people of Israel before they cross over to the Promised Land – Revelation of God, mankind, and the essential requirements for their relationship – Regulate life of the Israelites religiously, governmentally, and domestically This was to remind them of the limitations that God has placed on their behavior – for their own good and continue prosperity Moses reviewed the 10 Commandments Moses reminds them to love and obey the Lord

8 Pentateuch In Context Man can experience God’s blessing through trust and obedience Genesis – man is a finite creature made in the image of God, fallen in sin, unable on his own to enjoy a relationship that God Exodus – human sin leads to enslavement Leviticus – reveals more fully that man is a sinner and that he is different and separate from God Numbers – shows redeemed sinners enjoying the benefits of atonement but fall away Deuteronomy – God loves us, we should love God

9 Historical Background Title in Hebrew is ‘elleh haddebarim – meaning “these are the words” English title Deuteronomy means “second law” in Greek – However, it isn’t a second law, it merely restates/explains the law as Moses already given Written around 1406 BC, shortly before Moses dies on the plains of Moab Written by Moses – See 1:5, 9; 5:1; 27:1, 8; 1 Ki 2:3; Matt 19:7-8; Acts 7:37-38; Rom 10:19

10 Historical Background Continued Contains primarily history and instructions and is similar to Leviticus –Preached, not taught All events take place across the Jordan river from Jericho on the plains of Moab Within a few weeks prior to Israel’s entrance into Canaan

11 Hebrew Calendar

12 Timeline EventYearHebrewDayMonth Departure from Egypt1446Nisan15April Quail and Manna provided1446Iyyar15May Ten Commandments in the Sinai1446Sivan?Jun Tabernacle Built1445Iyyar1April Depart from Sinai1445Iyyar20May At Kadesh-Barnea – second time1406Nisan1March At Mt. Hor – Aaron Dies1406Ab1Jul Moses Death1406Shebat1Jan Cross Jordan1405Nisan10Apr Keep Passover and Manna ceases1405Nisan14Apr

13 Geographical Background Israelites traveled from Mt. Sinai to the plains of Moab – East of Jericho and the Jordan River However, not a direct route – Proceeded from Sinai to Kadesh Barnea – On Canaan’s southern border Failed to proceed to the Promised Land from Kadesh Barnea because of unbelief – Wondered 38 more years in the wilderness God finally brings them back to Kadesh, then led them to the Plains of Moab on Canaan’s eastern border Book of Numbers picks up in the final days leading up to Israel’s crossing of the Jordan river as outlined in the book of Joshua



16 Key Lessons Of Deuteronomy God desires to bless people through a relationship with Him This blessing can be experience through trust and obedience We as the sinner redeemed are servants of God our master God loves people and we should love God God manifested His love for Israel through laws Israel demonstrated love by obeying these laws

17 God commands the Israelites to completely destroy the Canaanites and their culture (vs. 1-5) – Seven nations mightier than Israel – Make no covenant with them and show them no mercy – Will not inter-marry with them – Will cause the Israelites to serve other Gods Israel is God’s holy people (vs. 6-8) – God chose Israel to occupy the land Conquer them completely (vs. 9-11) – God repays those who hate him with His judgment Command to Conquest (7:1-11)

18 Abundant blessings for obedience (vs. 12-16) – For destroying all the people whom God will deliver to the Israelites…have not pity on them Have confidence in God’s strength (vs. 17-24) – Do not be afraid of them – God will fight for Israel, in a divine sense – Driving the enemies of Israel out, little by little Do not share in their abominations (vs. 25-26) – Burn their carved images – Do not covet or take the gold that is on them – Do not bring it into your home Blessing an Obedient Israel (7:12-26)

19 God had humbled and tested Israel (vs. 1-2) – The 40 years served to show God what was in Israel’s heart – Whether they would keep his commandments God’s education of Israel in wilderness (vs. 3-5) – God humbled Israel – Through hunger – The word of God is the food and substance Blessings in the land of Israel (vs. 6-10) – If they keep the commandments of the Lord – Walk in His ways and fear Him Foundation of Humility (8:1-10)

20 Danger of pride in the blessed life (vs. 11-17) – Do not forget God when things are going well, thinking they did this for themselves – Do not forget all that God has done for them – Keep His commandments Correcting principle against pride in the blessed life (vs. 18) – God gave the Israelites power to obtain wealth – He did this to establish His covenant with them Penalty of pride in a blessed life (vs. 19-20) – If they forget God, they will perish Warning Against Pride (8:11-17)

21 Difficult of the battles ahead (vs. 1-2) – God was leading Israel into something too big for them alone, they would need God’s help – People they would battle would be very strong Victory is possible with the difficult battles ahead (vs. 3) – God will destroy them, Israel will drive them out Danger of pride in victory (vs. 4-6) – Not Israel’s righteousness that brings victory, but the wickedness of the nations they destroy Considering the Battles Ahead (9:1-6)

22 A call to remember past rebellions (vs. 7) – From the land of Egypt until now Examples of rebellion – Mount Sinai, the golden calf – Taberah, complained and God sends fires of judgment – Massah, provoked God by doubting His care – Kibroth Hattaavah, longed for bread, received over abundance of meat (Num 11) – Kadesh Barnea, rebellion, refused to enter the land Moses’ prayer of God’s intercession for Israel at Mount Sinai (vs. 25-29) Obstreperous (9:7-29)

23 Israel had to get back to the Word of God, so God commanded the giving of the new tablets of the law (vs. 1-5) In order to deal with Israel’s sin problem, God established the priesthood (vs. 6-9) Israel needed to move on towards the Promised Land, so God gave Moses the command to go forth (vs. 10-11) – To possess the land Recovery after Mount Sinai (10:1-11)

24 What the Lord requires of His people – Fear the Lord, walk in all His ways, to love Him, to serve the Lord – Keep His commandments and statutes for the Israelites own good Why God requires this from Israel – Because they are His special possession, beginning with their fathers What it takes to fulfill what God requires – Hearts inclined after the spirit and transformed A call to obedience, reverence, and compassion What God Requires (10:12-22)

25 Remember how God has already blessed (vs. 1-7) Blessing in the new land (vs. 8-15) – Keep every commandment and you will receive – The new land was a land flowing with milk and honey Danger of the blessing – turning from God in times of prosperity (vs. 16-17) Blessing by keeping God’s word (vs. 18-21) Promise of blessing (vs. 22-25) The choice: Blessing or curses (vs. 26-28) Making the choice know to people (vs. 29-32) How to be Blessed (11:1-21)

26 Review Reviewed last week’s class God directed Israel to conquer the Promise Land Israel would receive blessings for their obedience However, they must learn the foundations of humility and the cost of pride Reviewed summary of historical events Learned what God required of Israel and the blessing they would receive Next week: Chapter 12:1-14:21 – First Three Commandments

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