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Today’s Warm Up. Today’s LEQ: How did the US and Soviet Union become Col d War adversaries?

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s Warm Up. Today’s LEQ: How did the US and Soviet Union become Col d War adversaries?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s Warm Up

2 Today’s LEQ: How did the US and Soviet Union become Col d War adversaries?

3 Former Allies Clash  US and Soviet Union emerged from WWII as two “superpowers” with vastly different political and economic systems; very different aims for the future Democracy vs. Communism  Created icy tension, bitter rivalry lasted almost to the 21 st century

4 Early Signs of Conflict  US well aware Stalin was former ally of Hitler, only supported Allies after Germany invaded in 1941  Stalin resented Allies’ delay in attacking Germans in Europe  Relations worsened after Stalin learned US tried to keep development of atomic bomb secret

5 United Nations  Despite problems, hopes for world peace high after WWII  Most visible symbol was the United Nations (UN) – international peacekeeping organization dreamed up by FDR  June 1945, delegates from 50 nations met and signed charter – UN was established!  Ironically, US and Soviet union used UN as forum to spread influence over others

6 Yalta Conference  FDR (US), Stalin (SU), and Churchill (GB) met in February 1945 to discuss fate of Germany  Stalin favored harsh treatment, Churchill strongly disagreed; FDR acted as mediator  Decided to temporarily divide Germany into four zones - one each for Americans, British, Soviets, and French  Soviet Union joined war against Japan and promised not to interfere with free elections in Poland and other Soviet occupied countries; also promised to join UN

7 Potsdam Conference  Truman becomes prez when FDR dies, Attlee replaced Churchill, Stalin still in power  July 1945, “Big Three” met again at final wartime conference decided Soviets, British, Americans, and French would take reparations mainly from their own occupation zones  By this time, Stalin broke promises from Yalta – prevented free elections in Poland, banned democratic parties  Truman convinced US and Soviet aims deeply at odds

8 Tension Mounts  Soviets suffered 20 million deaths during WWII; felt justified in claim to Eastern Europe  Stalin installed communist gov’ts in Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, and Poland – became known as satellite countries  Stalin gave speech stating communism and capitalism were incompatible, war inevitable Activity: US Aims vs. Soviet Aims (page 604 in “The Americans” textbook)

9 U.S. Adopts Policy of Containment  In Truman’s words, it was time to stop “babying the Soviets”  U.S. would take any measures to prevent any extension of communist rule to other countries  This policy began to guide Truman administration’s foreign policy

10 Europe Divided by “Iron Curtain”  Europe divided into two political regions, mostly democratic Western Europe and a communist Eastern Europe  March 1946, Churchill coined term iron curtain to represent division

11 Cold War in Europe  Conflicting US and Soviet aims led to Cold War  Conflict in which neither nation directly confronted the other on the battlefield  Cold War dominated global affairs (and US foreign policy) from 1945 until breakup of Soviet Union 1991

12 Truman Doctrine  Truman declared “it must be the policy of the US to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures.”  Congress agreed, sent $400 million in aid to Turkey and Greece, avoided communist takeover

13 Marshall Plan  After WWII, Western Europe in chaos  June 1947, Secretary of State George Marshall proposed US provide aid to all European nations that needed it  Said this move was directed “not against any country or doctrine but against hunger, poverty, desperation and chaos.”  Revived European hopes – 16 countries received $13 billion in aid

14 Superpowers Struggle over Germany  US and its allies clashed with Soviet Union over reunification of Germany (view map of page 605)  West Berlin surrounded by Soviet-occupied territory ; June 1948, Stalin cut off all access  American and British officials started Berlin Airlift – flew in supplies and allowed West Berlin to survive  By May 1949, Soviets recognized defeat and lifted blockade

15 The NATO Alliance  That same month, western part of Germany became new nation – Federal Republic of Germany (aka West Germany)  Soviet Union created German Democratic Republic (aka West Germany)  Berlin blockade increased fear of Soviet aggression; Western European nations formed defensive military alliance called North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), pledged military support in case of attack  First ever alliance US joined during peacetime; NATO had standing military force of 500,000 troops as well as thousands of plans, tanks, and other equipment

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