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BILL OF RIGHTS By: Slade. AMENDMENT #1 ❶ Freedom of Religion- Any person has the right to express his or her religion whenever and wherever, without retaliation.

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Presentation on theme: "BILL OF RIGHTS By: Slade. AMENDMENT #1 ❶ Freedom of Religion- Any person has the right to express his or her religion whenever and wherever, without retaliation."— Presentation transcript:


2 AMENDMENT #1 ❶ Freedom of Religion- Any person has the right to express his or her religion whenever and wherever, without retaliation from the government or others. ❷ Freedom of Speech- Any person has the right to express him or herself the way they choose to. ❸ Freedom of the Press- People can write or say negative things about someone or the government without fear of being arrested. However the person or people talking may not tell a lie to the public ❹ Freedom of Assembly- People have the right to meet together as long as they don’t cause any violence. ❺ Freedom of Petition- Any person has the right to ask someone on the government to change a law, make a new law, or to fix an issue

3 AMENDMENT #1 clash /controversy/images/Freed om%20of%20Press%20Bomb_gif.jpg This cartoon well represents the freedom of religion because It is clearly shown how the different religions are joined together. This cartoon is not showing Freedom of Speech because Uncle Sam Seems to limiting what this man can say about the Wiki leaks and letting the women speak about it. Under the 1 st amendment women speak about it. Under the 1 st amendment Each person has the right to say something. This picture represents freedom of the press well because its difficult to handle the press

4 AMENDMENT #2 Right to Bear Arms- Any citizen has the right to own a fire arm. However there are restrictions on the law. A fairly new law says you cannot own an automatic weapon. on_main/the-second-amendment-defense.jpg?209 This represents the 2 nd amendment well because well because It is showing that people have the right to own guns the right to own guns

5 AMENDMENT #3 No Quartering troops: This a law that is rarely ever used, it simply states that when soldiers needs a place to “quart” or live they cannot stay in citizens homes. This represents the 3 rd amendment Well because it is showing that troops cannot stay in citizens troops cannot stay in citizenshomes

6 AMENDMENT #4 Unreasonable Search and seizure The government may not randomly look for things that they know or believe you have with out a signed paper called a warrant that says they can. http :// This is the opposite of what the government should do in the government should do in this picture they should this picture they should have a search warrant to go through this families home through this families home

7 AMENDMENT #5 Due Process ( the government may not treat any person(s) unfairly) No Self Incrimination ( You do not have to admit you did something without a fair trial) Double Jeopardy( You cannot be charged for the same crime twice) Eminent Domain ( the government has the right to take private property for public us, however they must pay you a good amount of money) Grand Jury ( You have the right to have a jury of your peers present while on trial)

8 AMENDMENT #5 (CARTOONS) http://lowres.cartoons order-legal_system- lawyer-justice-judge- court- ksmn3834_low.jpg kelocartoon.jpg This is an example of getting treated unfairly by the government which is a violation of the 5 th Amendment Double Jeopardy is not permitted under the 5 th amendment so this is A violation of the 5 th Amendment of the 5 th Amendment

9 AMENDMENT #6 Speedy Trial( A criminals trial must be held with in a reasonable amount of time, depending on the crime) Public Trial (A person being accused has the right to have any citizen present for their trial) Jury Trial (The jury of the accused peers makes a choice off of the evidence on id the accused committed the crime or didn’t (Public and Jury trial do not apply for juveniles (children) An accused person has the right to have the trial where the crime took place ( the trial could be moved if it is requested) Informed of charges ( Any person accused of a crime has the right to be told what they are getting charged for ) Right to a lawyer ( Any person accused of a crime has the right to a lawyer, if they can not afford to have their own lawyer the government will provide one) Witnesses ( The accused has the right to talk to a witness in court about the crime. The accused has the right to ask witnesses to come to court)

10 AMENDMENT #6 (CARTOONS) xvC4Z3I/AAAAAAAACzs/B4Ul0tQ3xos/s1600/du e+process.jpg http://mmsashwathr7.we rights.html category.php?cat=PLA&sub =WIT

11 AMENDMENT #7 Right to a jury in a civil trial ( the people involving a non criminal act have the right to have a jury present, as long as the fine is greater than 20 dollars.)

12 AMENDMENT #8 No excessive bail ( when accused a persons bail may not be extraordinary high, the bail depends on the crime that has ben committed) No excessive fine (The government may no over charge you for a crime) No cruel or unusual punishment ( when you receive a punishment after your trial it may not be in any way harmful or not appropriate for the crime) http:// el-and-unusual- punishment-political- cartoon.html

13 AMENDMENT #9 This Amendment states that they're are rights that people have that may not be listed in the Constitution. http ://

14 AMENDMENT #10 This Amendment says that any power that is not given to the federal government is given to the states

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