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Causes of Death in Population during the Periods of Demographic Crises: Russia, 1933.

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1 Causes of Death in Population during the Periods of Demographic Crises: Russia, 1933

2 Table 1* Estimate of Mortality Rates in Population of Russia in 1933 ** RatesMenWomenBothgenders The number of deaths (thousand people) 283224075239 Number of deaths of children less than one year of age (thousand people) - -1273 Crude mortality rates (per 1000 population) - -51 Infant mortality rate (per 1000 live births) - -295 Life expectancy at birth 15219.5 - * Source: Andreyev Ye.M., Darskiy L.Ye., Kharkova T.L. Demographic History of Russia: 1927 – 1957. M., 1998. Appendix 2, 3. ** Within the boundaries of the RSFSR in 1933.

3 Table 2* Causes of Death** for Urban Population in Russia, 1933 * Source: State Archive of the Russian Federation, Fond F-374. Inventory 23. File 224. P.54-54reverse. ** According to the Soviet classification of the causes of death. *** The phenomenon is not registered. ****Less than 0,1% Causes of death Number of deaths (persons) Share (%) Share (%) MalesFemalesMalesFemales 1. Diseases during pregnancy and delivery -*** 727 -0.4 2. Diseases in newborns 871163523,33,3 3. Infectious and parasitic diseases 671714736125,324,4 4. Number of violent deaths 457614861,80,8 5. Traumas 769829372,91,5 6. Alcoholism 13501210,50,1 7. Hyponutrition-related diseases (including rachitis) 545826512,11,4

4 8. Cancer and other malignant neoplasms 417842331,62,2 9. Benign neoplasms and tumors of unknown nature 121910,0****0 10. Metabolic diseases 3001660,10,1 11.Endocrine diseases 573800 12. Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs 5592660,20,1 13. Diseases of the nervous system, of the sense organs, cerebral arteriosclerosis, cerebral haemorrhages, apoplexy 961176673,63,9 14. Cardiac and circulatory diseases 302402111411,410,9 15. Gangrene 4881960,20,1 16. Bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, other respiratory diseases, except for croupous pneumonia 274852099010,410,8

5 17. Enteritis. Colitis. 19372131117,36,7 18. Enteritis, diarrhea in children younger then 2 years of age 22460194328,510 19. Appendicitis. Typhlitis. 2681370,10,1 20.Hepatobiliary diseases 5813880,20,2 21. Diseases of the digestive system 606537322,31,9 22. Nephritis and nonveneral diseases of genitourinary system 390531281,51,6 23. Diseases of locomotor system, bone diseases, except for tuberculosis of lovomotor organs, rheumatism and osteomyelitis 1541470,10,1 24 Skin diseases except for phlegmon, abscess, and carbuncle 1931930,10,1 25. Senility 15334203915,810,5 26. Other and not well defined reasons 289701632519,77,4 Total265305194302100100

6 Table 3* Infectious diseases as Causes of Death in the Urban Population, Russia, 1933 *Source: State Archive of the Russian Federation. Fond F-374. Inventory 23. File 224. P.54-54reverse. Causes of death Number of deaths (persons) Share (%) MalesFemalesMalesFemales Typhoid fever and paratyphoid 124218932,94 Epydemic typhus 6788385310,18,1 Relapsing fever 27200 Smallpox3332970,50,6 Measles8530810812,717,1 Scarlet fever 120511051,82,3 Whooping cough 111213981,73 Diphtheria232320873,54,4 Influenza225118073,43,8

7 Dysentery562245128,49,5 Croupous pneumonia 364422195,44,7 Respiratory tuberculosis 235781258035,126,6 Meninges tuberculosis 4964020,70,8 Tuberculosis of other organs 259319493,94,1 Syphilis5272570,70,5 Malaria295222524,44,8 Carbuncle, abscess, furuncle, phlegmon 7314461,11,1 Other infectious and parasitic diseases 251721843,74,4 Total6717147361100100

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