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2012 IASA Advanced Boot Camp: Mastering the Art of Marketing & Selling to Insurance Companies! Thursday, March 15 th & Friday, March 16 th Omni Amelia.

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Presentation on theme: "2012 IASA Advanced Boot Camp: Mastering the Art of Marketing & Selling to Insurance Companies! Thursday, March 15 th & Friday, March 16 th Omni Amelia."— Presentation transcript:

1 2012 IASA Advanced Boot Camp: Mastering the Art of Marketing & Selling to Insurance Companies! Thursday, March 15 th & Friday, March 16 th Omni Amelia Island Plantation Resort Amelia Island, Florida

2 Progress Though Sharing Knowledge Trade Show Tips & Tactics: Exhibiting for Today & Tomorrow Trade Show Tips & Tactics: Exhibiting for Today & Tomorrow Presented by: Kevin Spencer VP – Sales ExpoPlus

3 Progress Though Sharing Knowledge Trade Show Tips & Tactics: Exhibiting for Today & Tomorrow Why Exhibit in Tradeshows? Advertising and PR are primarily one-way communication, from you to the customer, without much chance for information to flow the other way. In contrast, a trade show offers face time!!!!

4 Progress Though Sharing Knowledge Trade Show Tips & Tactics: Exhibiting for Today & Tomorrow Why is Face-to-Face Important? The CEIR reports, approximately two thirds 63% - 70% of visitors place a high level of importance on face-to-face interaction during the pre-purchasing stages of a customer’s buying process.

5 Progress Though Sharing Knowledge Trade Show Tips & Tactics: Exhibiting for Today & Tomorrow You should plan each event in three clear stages Event Execution Post Show Follow up Pre-Show Marketing

6 Progress Though Sharing Knowledge Trade Show Tips & Tactics: Exhibiting for Today & Tomorrow Your marketing and sales department should work together to create a campaign that will drive attendance to your exhibition. Use the pre-show mailing list to communicate a show offer or give away that will grab a visitors attention. Pre-Event Marketing New Free

7 Progress Though Sharing Knowledge Trade Show Tips & Tactics: Exhibiting for Today & Tomorrow Use a balanced attack of direct mail, email, social networks, blogs, instant messaging and customer-written reviews. Remember you are communicating to four generations

8 Progress Though Sharing Knowledge Trade Show Tips & Tactics: Exhibiting for Today & Tomorrow Sales and Marketing Managers surveyed by CEIR 63% say exhibitions assist in gaining/retaining market share 67% say exhibitions increase corporate and/or brand recognition 68% say fewer sales calls are needed close a sales – potential buyer is able to meet with sales/technical staff and see the product

9 Progress Though Sharing Knowledge Trade Show Tips & Tactics: Exhibiting for Today & Tomorrow Event ExecutionWho is Attending? The answer is simple the people who need to be there, 82% of these prospective customers have a buying influence and 55% will make a decision in the next 12 months. -

10 Progress Though Sharing Knowledge Trade Show Tips & Tactics: Exhibiting for Today & Tomorrow Display Design Function is to catch their eye Large image supported with clever headline or positioning statement Use less text Use bullets points if a central image is not available You only have 3 to 5 seconds to attract a prospects attention!

11 Progress Though Sharing Knowledge Tell them what you do and who you are Your headline should reflect the heart of you offering Image should tie into your headline – reinforce each other Trade Show Tips & Tactics: Exhibiting for Today & Tomorrow

12 Progress Though Sharing Knowledge Trade Show Tips & Tactics: Exhibiting for Today & Tomorrow If you have a recognizable brand or logo…….use it!

13 Progress Though Sharing Knowledge Trade Show Tips & Tactics: Exhibiting for Today & Tomorrow According to CEIR the average product interest at surveyed exhibitions is 82% Do active demos. You want customer to touch, use, feel and most importantly to see your product in action. Have the right person selling your product

14 Progress Though Sharing Knowledge Trade Show Tips & Tactics: Exhibiting for Today & Tomorrow WHO IS SELLING YOUR PRODUCT?

15 Progress Though Sharing Knowledge Trade Show Tips & Tactics: Exhibiting for Today & Tomorrow Make eye contact Introduce yourself, with title Be assertive, not overbearing Qualify your lead Ask open ended questions

16 Progress Though Sharing Knowledge Trade Show Tips & Tactics: Exhibiting for Today & Tomorrow Try to stand at least 3 feet from the displays or equipment. Be an observer and not a guard. Allow prospects to approach the displays without your interference. Sales people will usually stand in the exhibit with their arms folded looking like a palace guard or a sentry protecting the display.

17 Progress Though Sharing Knowledge Trade Show Tips & Tactics: Exhibiting for Today & Tomorrow Avoid Using Tables as Barricades Leaving the center of the exhibit open will increase traffic by 25%. Place tables off to the side and always have an open entry.

18 Progress Though Sharing Knowledge Trade Show Tips & Tactics: Exhibiting for Today & Tomorrow What Not To Do……….

19 Progress Though Sharing Knowledge Trade Show Tips & Tactics: Exhibiting for Today & Tomorrow Post Show Follow Up Follow up Send Auto Follow Up within 24 hours of the event Assign lead to a sales person with a set follow up date

20 Progress Though Sharing Knowledge Trade Show Tips & Tactics: Exhibiting for Today & Tomorrow The CEIR reports that 88% of trade show attendees have not been called on by sales person within the past year following an event. FOLLOW UP!!!!!

21 Progress Though Sharing Knowledge Trade Show Tips & Tactics: Exhibiting for Today & Tomorrow Start planning well in advance of the trade show. Poor planning can result in unexpected costs and a poor showing. Make a list of measureable goals. If you do not know what you're aiming for, you will never do well at a trade show. Make sure your display offers attendees of the tradeshow with a unique way to view your products and services. You need to stand out in order to be memorable. Key Take-Aways

22 Progress Though Sharing Knowledge Trade Show Tips & Tactics: Exhibiting for Today & Tomorrow Be sure your booth is adequately staffed with the right person.. Take notes on potential leads. You need more than just a name and a phone number when it is time to follow up Listen to your attendees, don't just bombard them with your sales pitch. Key Take-Aways Follow up.

23 Progress Though Sharing Knowledge If you have questions specific to this presentation, please feel free to email: Kevin Spencer VP ExpoPlus Thank you for your time and attention. Now, back to Mark Roth for the introduction of our next speaker and session. Trade Show Tips & Tactics: Exhibiting for Today & Tomorrow

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