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President’s Spectrum Policy Initiative 43 rd Civil GPS Service Interface Committee Washington D.C. - March 10, 2004   James.

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Presentation on theme: "President’s Spectrum Policy Initiative 43 rd Civil GPS Service Interface Committee Washington D.C. - March 10, 2004   James."— Presentation transcript:

1 President’s Spectrum Policy Initiative 43 rd Civil GPS Service Interface Committee Washington D.C. - March 10, 2004   James J. Miller DOT Office of the Secretary

2 43 rd CGSIC – March 10, 2004 SPECTRUM DEFINED  The “Invisible Infrastructure”  A “Public Good” that needs to be Protected  A Critical Enabler of all things Radio  A finite resource generating urgent demand Spectrum – What is it and Why does DOT Care? o Prime “Beach Front” Property! o 21 ST Century Gold!

3 43 rd CGSIC – March 10, 2004 GPS EXAMPLE OF A “PUBLIC GOOD” GPS services are like a “super lighthouse” U.S. built and provided free to the world Users are not hailed at port for fee or tax collection Civil access is unconstrained by “locks” or encryption GPS receivers are like AM/FM radios Whenever, wherever -- without advertising!! GPS is not a fee-for-service utility like cable TV Usage is not metered -- direct cost to user is “zero” Radio frequency spectrum is the enabler for every GPS application

4 43 rd CGSIC – March 10, 2004 SPECTRUM ENCROACHMENT  Harmful interference to safety-of-life signals forces constraints on critical operations  Spectrum encroachment could force costly upgrades to current user and service provider equipment  Limits infrastructure and equipage options  Complicates future certification processes  Rise of electromagnetic “Noise Floor” could prevent GPS applications from maturing  Wireless E911, Precision approach and landing, etc.,.

5 43 rd CGSIC – March 10, 2004 DOT MISSION REQUIREMENTS As a matter of U.S. national policy and law, radionavigation services DOT provides are protected from interference and disruption as vital national assets for both civil and military use. See Presidential Decision Directive (PDD) announcing comprehensive national policy on GPS (NSTC-6 on March 29, 1996). See National Defense Authorization Act, Pub. L. No. 105-85, § 2281, 111 Stat. 1910 (1997) (“PL 105-85”). See Commercial Space Act of 1998, Pub. L. 105-303, § 104(b), 112 Stat. 2852 (1998). See Department of Defense Appropriation Act, Pub. L. No. 105-262, § 8137, 112 Stat. 2337 (1999) (“PL 105-262”).

6 43 rd CGSIC – March 10, 2004 AMENDED 1934 TELECOM ACT FCC is charged with facilitating introduction of new telecommunications technologies, which shifted burden of proof from new radio band entrants to established users, providing no express exemption to those who provide public safety, national security, or other such critical public services.[1] [1] SEC. 7 [47 U.S.C. 157] NEW TECHNOLOGIES AND SERVICES: (a) Any person or party (other than the Commission) who opposes a new technology or service proposed to be permitted under this Act shall have the burden to demonstrate that such proposal is inconsistent with the public interest.

7 43 rd CGSIC – March 10, 2004 TWO SEPARATE, BUT VITAL NATIONAL AGENDAS...  DOT is a U.S. “Safety Regulator”, responsible for ensuring that transportation modes are secure  “The Department’s top priorities are to keep the traveling public safe, increase their mobility, and ensure that our transportation system enables the Nation’s economic growth and development.”  FCC is a “Market Facilitator”, responsible for managing private sector, state, and local air waves  “Our mission is to manage the spectrum and provide leadership to create new opportunities for competitive technologies and services for the American public.”

8 43 rd CGSIC – March 10, 2004 THE “ROAD AHEAD” HAS POT-HOLES FOR PUBLIC SAFETY BANDS…  “Burden shift” from new entrants to incumbents  “Free-for-all” spectrum commons  Market driven incentives and airwave “commodity trading”  “Interference Temperature” receivers  “Interruptible Spectrum”  Unlicensed spectrum overlays/underlays on existing Federal services  Transparent peer review of test plans and proactive agreement on assumptions and methodologies is required  Widespread proliferation, aggregate devices, networking, and the Electromagnetic Noise Floor need to be “part of the equation”  Limited paper studies and hypothetical scenarios are not adequate for public safety certification – “real world” testing is needed FCC Spectrum Policy Task Force Concepts – November 2002 Department of Transportation Principles and Requirements

9 43 rd CGSIC – March 10, 2004 SPECTRUM REFORM NEEDED PROBLEMS:  United States General Accounting Office (GAO)  TELECOMMUNICATIONS (January 2003) Comprehensive Review of U.S. Spectrum Management with Broad Stakeholder Involvement Is Needed  TELECOMMUNICATIONS (September 2002) Better Coordination and Enhanced Accountability Needed to Improve Spectrum Management SOLUTIONS:  TBD - President’s Spectrum Policy Initiative is examining issues and proposals

10 43 rd CGSIC – March 10, 2004 SPECTRUM POLICY INITIATIVE THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE SHALL PREPARE LEGISLATIVE AND OTHER RECOMMENDATIONS TO : (a)facilitate a modernized and improved spectrum management system; (b) facilitate policy changes to create incentives for more efficient and beneficial use of spectrum and to provide a higher degree of predictability and certainty in the spectrum management process as it applies to incumbent users; (c) develop policy tools to streamline the deployment of new and expanded services and technologies, while preserving national security, homeland security, and public safety, and encouraging scientific research; and (d) develop means to address the critical spectrum needs of national security, homeland security, public safety, Federal transportation infrastructure, and science.

11 43 rd CGSIC – March 10, 2004 SPECTRUM POLICY INITIATIVE (Continued)  Chaired by Deputy Secretary of Commerce Department of Agriculture Department of Homeland Security Department of Commerce Department of Transportation Department of Defense Department of Treasury Department of Energy NASA Department of State Office of Management and Budget Department of Justice Office of Project SAFECOM Department of Interior Office of Science & Technology Policy  Department of Transportation Representation  Spectrum Task Force: Jeff Shane, Under Secretary  Spectrum Work Group: Tyler Duvall, Deputy Asst. Secretary  Deliverable – May, 2004: Report to the President

12 43 rd CGSIC – March 10, 2004 CONCLUSIONS  DOT firmly supports technological innovation and creativity, however… …public safety bands are no place to initiate experiments for new consumer gadgets and applications  U.S. spectrum positions and actions must reflect a sensible balance between commercial services, national security, and public safety.  Maintaining a safe infrastructure for the traveling public is the primary mission of DOT, and requires vigilance and responsible action by all  The President’s Spectrum Policy Initiative is making progress towards attaining these goals, and DOT is actively engaging in the national spectrum debates

13 43 rd CGSIC – March 10, 2004 POINT OF CONTACT INFO. James J. Miller, Deputy Director U.S. Department of Transportation, Office of the Secretary Navigation & Spectrum Policy, Nassif Bldg., Rm. 10223E 400 Seventh Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20590 Wk: (202) 366-5918 Fx: (202) 366-3393 E-mail:

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