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Federal Emergency Decision and Notification Protocol.

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Presentation on theme: "Federal Emergency Decision and Notification Protocol."— Presentation transcript:

1 Federal Emergency Decision and Notification Protocol

2 This plan deals specifically with the coordination of the release of Federal Employees following an incident involving a Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD), or an impending WMD.

3 GSA/FEMA/OPM Watch Centers Capitol Police DOJ FBI JTTF State & Local Authorities Others FPS Information Gathering

4 Information Verification GSA/FEMA/OPM DC EMA MD EMA VA EMA DOJ FBI JTTF FPS Homeland Op Center

5 Principals Decision Level GSA Administrator Stephen Perry OPM Director Kay Coles James FEMA Director Joe Allbaugh

6 Secret Service Homeland Security White House Federal Agencies WMATA RICCS COG WAWAS VA EMA MD EMA DC EMA VA Governor Decision (GSA, OPM, FEMA) Official Notification MD Governor DC Mayor

7 Additional Sources of Official Information Decision (GSA, OPM, FEMA) FEBs Status of Gov’t Line 202-606-1900 Websites OPM, GSA, FEMA and other gov’t agencies Media Alert Additional primary source of official information

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