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Template: Width: 14”; height: 5 ½”. Each panel is 3 ½”. Gutters: ¼” (red lines). Fold lines in dashes. Inside margins: 1/4” (extent of text blocks – red.

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Presentation on theme: "Template: Width: 14”; height: 5 ½”. Each panel is 3 ½”. Gutters: ¼” (red lines). Fold lines in dashes. Inside margins: 1/4” (extent of text blocks – red."— Presentation transcript:

1 Template: Width: 14”; height: 5 ½”. Each panel is 3 ½”. Gutters: ¼” (red lines). Fold lines in dashes. Inside margins: 1/4” (extent of text blocks – red lines). Font: Arial, 10 pt. (except mission checklist). Headers in bold. Kathie’s Notes: Lexmark C534 PS3. Scale to fit paper. Properties: Landscape, Legal 8.5x14, Manual Paper. Duplex notes: Place slide 2 face up. Top closest to door (plotter). Page layout (for design only) Gutters Print margin 14” 5 1/2” 3 1/2” fold lines GPS Pocket Guide

2 Icons on top of page indicate some settings and GPS signal. Always collect data with 3D. Watch Battery Power when Compass icon is on. Field Reference for the Garmin GPSmap 60CS or 60CSx GPS Layout MENU: press twice to access Main Menu. PAGE: advance to next page. Turn compass on/off. ENTR: selects option; creates waypoint FIND: access created waypoints MARK: Create a waypoint QUIT: exit selection; go to previous page IN & OUT: Zoom map page Power: turn receiver on; adjust backlight/contrast. Receiver Operation Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) Receiver Setup GPS Icons Info Main Menu Displays current trip or track information and the distance to destination selected. Trip Computer Displays location and accuracy, position, and strength of satellites. Press MENU for additional options. Displays basic navigation information and a compass. Press MENU and select Calibrate Compass. Press and hold PAGE button to turn the compass on or off. Compass turned on consumes more battery power. Displays current elevation information and elevation of track log. GPS Pages & Menus Use map to visually monitor track log collection and determine current location. IN & OUT buttons control zoom level. Press MENU for additional Setup options, Data Fields controls Map display. Press QUIT to return to previous view. Altimeter For all, pressing PAGE and QUIT will change screen view. Map Satellite Datum and Position Format Waypoint Naming Suggestions AS Accident SiteMP Milepost BR BridgeMV Medivac Site CA CampOP Observation Point DB Division Break PR Protected Resource DP Drop PointRH Rehab Site DL Dozer LineRJ Road Junction FL Fire LineRS Radio Site FO Fire Origin SA Staging Area GT GateSC Stream Crossing HA HazardSF Spot Fire HB HelibaseST Structure HS HelispotSZ Safety Zone IC ICPWS Water Source IR Infrared Hotspot Example: “DBXY” = X – Y Division Break Compass Download Almanac From any screen, press Menu button twice. For GPS setup, press rocker key to Setup, press ENTR button once. Set Time to correct time zone and Units to Position Format. Position Format should be set to the communication format for the incident. For Latitude and Longitude options are: Degrees Minutes Seconds (DMS) hddd°mm’ss.s” Decimal Minutes (DM) hddd°mm.mmm’ Decimal Degrees (DD) (rarely used) hddd.ddddd° WAAS improves accuracy of GPS positions but relies on direct line of sight to one of two geostationary satellites. Ensure GPS is held upright to maximize view of southern sky. The federal datum standard for geospatial data is North American Datum 1983 (NAD83). The position format and datum should be set to match the communication used on the incident, typically Degrees,Minutes,Seconds (hddd°mm’ss.s”), NAD83 datum or Degrees,Decimal Minutes (hddd°mm.mmm’), WGS 84 datum when working with air resources. But… If using GPS receiver with a paper map, set receiver datum to match map datum. Possibly NAD27! If hand entering waypoints from other sources, (e.g., GIS, air resources) change coordinate system format and datum to match before creating points. Download a new almanac if GPS receiver has been moved more than 300 miles while turned off OR if off for a couple of weeks. Turn receiver on and place in location with clear view of sky, allow 15 minutes for download. The almanac is automatically updated whenever the receiver is in use.

3 from waypoint list. With the Waypoint information page displayed, press MENU. Select Average Location and press ENTR. Averaging begins automatically. Press Save after at least 30 counts. Press Quit. Note: Always average waypoints to increase accuracy. Positions will be averaged into a single waypoint. Average Position of Waypoint Collect New Waypoint Press MARK to create a new waypoint. Do not edit date/time field (this information is needed for GIS). You can edit the name of the waypoint, use the rocker button until the name field is highlighted, press ENTR. Choose new name using rocker and ENTR button. Select OK to store the new waypoint. Press MARK to create a new waypoint. Press Avg. Press Save after 30 or more counts. Press OK. To average an existing waypoint, select waypoint Track Log Setup Press MENU twice returning to the Main Menu, select the Tracks icon. Press the ENTR button to open Track Log page. Turn Track Log Off if it is on. Select Clear to remove “Active” Track Log, to Delete All Saved Tracks press MENU. Suggested logging rates (based on speed of travel): Helicopter: 1-2 second interval. Walking: 3-5 second interval. Vehicle: 2-3 second interval. Logging interval may be changed during mission. The track log will automatically start and always collect positions as long as the track log option is turned on. To set data collection parameters select Setup. Do not check Wrap When Full box. Set Record Method to Time and Interval based on method of travel during data collection (1-5 sec). Collecting Lines and Polygons Saving the Active Track Log can be done for area calculation, but Active Track Log should be used for download to GIS. Collect line and polygon features using the “Active” Track Log by turning it On. To pause logging either during the same track log or between different track log segments, set Track Log to Off. When collecting polygons, turn Track Log Off just shy of starting point. Overlap causes GIS issues and miscalculates area if you save track log. Tracks page displays percentage of Active Track Log memory used. Monitor memory use and availability to complete mission. Area Calculation The Federal datum standard for geospatial data is NAD83. When reporting position of Lat/Long in degrees minutes seconds, degree decimal minutes, or decimal degrees, include all decimal places available to improve precision. Briefing Plan mission to achieve the objectives. Are mission logistics defined to execute and complete the mission? Delivered GPS data or product format is understood. Equipment Select appropriate GPS receiver for the mission. Use an external antenna whenever possible. Adequate batteries or power source. Paper map and compass. Notebook and pencils. GPS metadata form. Prepare GPS receiver Set datum and coordinate system to NWCG (see above) or incident standard. Update receiver almanac for the local area. Download and delete old waypoints, active log and saved tracks if not needed to clear memory. Set up Track Log collection interval based on method of travel and speed, and size of area to be mapped. Check wires, connections and power source. Verify all GPS settings are correct prior to mission. Aerial mapping mission Brief pilot on mission prior to takeoff. Ensure reliable external antenna connection. Carry spare GPS receiver and extra batteries as backup. Mission Checklist Select Save to save active track. Yes will save the entire active track. No will allow you to use the rocker to select beginning and end point of track log. Edit name of track log. Press OK. You can open a Saved Track from the Tracks page, to edit the name or view area. Area format can be changed (select “ac” for acres). Garmin™ and MapSource™ are registered trademarks of Garmin International™.

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