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A day In The Life of A six-year old Child In The Countryside Of Tareem.

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Presentation on theme: "A day In The Life of A six-year old Child In The Countryside Of Tareem."— Presentation transcript:

1 A day In The Life of A six-year old Child In The Countryside Of Tareem

2 Name : Ahmed Age : 6 Place : Bateer village 15 kilometres east Tareem

3 As many other children in this simple village Ahmed gets up at dawn. He accompanies his father to the mosque to pray Alfajr prayer, then he goes back home and go to bed again until 7 P.M.

4 Ahmed takes his breakfast and then goes to the kindergarten with this simple bag in his hand.

5 This seems to be an old house, but in reality this is the supposed place to be a kindergarten,which is granted charitably from one of this simple village’s inhabitants.

6 Ahmed and his partners are waiting eagerly and happily for the kindergarten to open.

7 In the kindergarten Ahmed spends about three hours and finaly goes back home and watches TV until noon (Azohr) prayer time at 12 P.M. Ahmed then takes lunch and has a nap until 3A.M. that ’ s the time for the third prayer (Alasr).

8 3 : 30 This is the best time for Ahmed because his father gives him Only 50 Y.R, though very little but it means a lot to Ahmed.

9 Ahmed buys his favourite sweets as well as some beads to practise his favourite game.

10 As he starts enjoing his sweets, he sometimes have some guests ( his brother and his intimate friend. Ahmed is well- educated and knows well what does it means to share others what you have ( This is an important principle in ISLAM).

11 Ahmed practices his favourite game (beads),other times he plays football, some times he just watches what others do.

12 In this village there are neither parks nor gardens for Ahmed to play but he can go every where, do any thing same as what the bees do in their kingdom.

13 Some times Ahmed’s day has some quarrels but this is simply the childhood innocence.

14 As Ahmed starts his day with the mosque, he ends it with the mosque too. Ahmed joins a religious lessons called (Holy Quran Circles ) where he learns Islamic values and good manners, and more importantly to memorize The Holy Quran, which is a blessed aim of all Muslems.

15 Ahmed spends about an hour and a half inside the walls of the mosque as mentioned before. He takes supper then he goes to bed early. Very Briefly A simple life of a simple child lives in a simple village

16 By : iEARN-Yemen members Alahqaf Secondary School Tareem * Ghaleb Assaey * Maher Saad. * Ahmed Gndel. * Salem Basalaa. * Mohammed Baabdoh. * Abdullah Badail * Saeed Bazmol

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