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CHAPTER 14 LEADERSHIP. MANAGEMENT IN ACTION: LEADERSHIP n Leadership defined as: u process of influencing individuals and groups u in setting and achieving.

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2 MANAGEMENT IN ACTION: LEADERSHIP n Leadership defined as: u process of influencing individuals and groups u in setting and achieving goals n Influence is defined as: u power to sway other people to one’s will n Leadership involves three variables u the leader, those being led, and circumstances in which leadership is exercised

3 LEADERSHIP TRAITS, SKILLS, AND BEHAVIORS n Traits--personal characteristics of effective leaders n Skills--competencies and capabilities possessed by effective leaders n Behaviors--outward personifications of traits and skills n Refer to Exhibits 13.1 and 13.2 for a rich description of each category

4 MANAGEMENT VERSUS LEADERSHIP n Managers plan and budget where leaders establish direction n Managers organize and staff where leaders align people n Managers control and solve problems where leaders motivate and inspire

5 POWER AND LEADERSHIP n Power gives people the ability to exert influence over others n Power can be economic, psychological, and/or cultural n Sources of power include: Positional/Legitimate; Functional/Expert; or Charismatic/Referent

6 LEADERSHIP STYLE n Leadership Style defined as: u perceived and real approaches and behaviors to situations u managers use to influence and direct others n Leadership Styles result from u One’s Traits, Skills, Philosophies, Values, Perceptions, Attitudes, Decision-Making Styles, Functional Expertise, and the Work Environment

7 LEADERSHIP STYLE n Positive versus Negative Motivation n Decision-Making Styles u autocratic--participate--free-rein styles n Task Orientation versus Employee Orientation

8 THEORIES OF SITUATION LEADERSHIP n Fiedler’s Contingency Model n House and Mitchell’s Path-Goal Theory n Hersey and Blanchard’s Life-Cycle Theory

9 FIEDLER’S CONTINGENCY MODEL n Posits that the most appropriate leadership style depends on the situation (contingency) at hand n Task or Employee focus based on the interaction of three situation variables: leader-member relations; task structure; and leader position power

10 HOUSE AND MITCHELL’S PATH-GOAL THEORY n Posits that the behaviors used by a leader to stimulate motivation to achieve both personal and organizational goals is predicated upon: u goals needed to be achieved u rewards for successful performance u behaviors that lead to successful performance

11 HOUSE AND MITCHELL’S PATH-GOAL THEORY n Theory provides four kinds of leadership u Instrumental Behavior--task-oriented, directive behavior often prescriptive u Supportive Behavior--employee-centered based on a climate of trust and respect u Participative Behavior--solicit and use employee ideas/input involve them in decision- making u Achievement Oriented--recognizes the value added to intellectual capital when employees grow and develop

12 LIFE-CYCLE THEORY n Relates leadership behaviors to employee and organizational maturity levels n Matrix approach Refer to Exhibit 13.9

13 CHALLENGES LEADERS FACE n Leadership Throughout the Organization n Leadership and Rapid Response n Leadership and Tough Decisions n How Managers can become more Effective Leaders

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