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ATF2 Commissioning Toshiyuki Okugi 2008 / 7 /9 ATF2 beam commissioning meeting, KEK.

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Presentation on theme: "ATF2 Commissioning Toshiyuki Okugi 2008 / 7 /9 ATF2 beam commissioning meeting, KEK."— Presentation transcript:

1 ATF2 Commissioning Toshiyuki Okugi 2008 / 7 /9 ATF2 beam commissioning meeting, KEK

2 Priority of the Commissioning Task The main task of the commissioning team is to achieve the 35nm vertical beam size at ATF2 IP. But … The 1 st priority of the ATF2 commissioning in 2008 is to pass the radiation inspection. The radiation inspection is not only for ATF, but also for all of KEK accelerators. In the radiation inspection, we must operate the ATF with 10% of maximum beam power (2x10 10 20 bunches 12.5Hz). The beam intensity is far from the normal operation. We must concentrate not only ATF2 beamline commissioning, but also reduction of the injection loss to DR. - We will install new RF gun to reduce the dark current. - We must stabilize the linac water system. - We must put more radiation shield etc.. Thereby, we have no idea how much time will be prepared for the ATF2 beam study in 2008. I think most of the beam study will be started from early 2009.

3 Beam line commissioning DR study ( fast ion, DR emittance … ) Hardware study at the extraction line ( FONT, Laser Wire … ) Device Commissioning for ATF2 (cavity BPM, Mover, Guarder, Magnet PS ) Extraction line tuning and study ( dispersion, coupling correction, emittance growth at extraction… ) ATF2 final focus line study ( beam size tuning, stabilization … ) ATF2 Start early 2009 ~ ? Schedules of ATF2 commissioning Reduction of radiation loss early December Radiation Inspection Fast Kicker Study ?? ( Not yet decided ) The “fast kicker study” will be used the special setting. Injection stabilization

4 QF9AFF 0.293 1/m QD8FF -0.387 1/m QF7FF 0.144 1/m QF3FF 0.195 1/m turn on only 4 quads QF9AFF QD8FF QF7FFQF3FF Advantage Small number of beam steering knob Small beam size MS1FFMS2FF MSPIP Disadvantage Example of Special Optics for Commissioning Difficult to put IPBPM same to the nominal Final focus section Extraction section Mechanical alignment of bending magnet rotation Fix the strength of the bending magnet and easy to make a orbit reference Possible to be first step of BBA Possible to be BPM calibration

5 For Commissioning from November 2008 Beam deliver to the dump with small beam loss - Beam delivery to the dump KEK, … - New RF gun commissioning KEK, … - Realize the good injection efficiency KEK, … ( linac stabilization etc. ) - PLIC cable SLAC, … Hardware Commissioning for ATF2 ( including the software work ) - Commissioning of magnet PS SLAC, KEK, … - Commissioning of magnet mover and guarder SLAC, LAPP, KEK, … ( beam steering test with mover ) - Commissioning of Cavity BPM JAI, UCL, SLAC, KNL, KEK, … ( calibration of position sensitivity with beam ) The list of beam commissioning team tasks

6 For Commissioning from January 2009 ?? Optics Modeling ( ORM ? ) - Measurement of the quadrupole strength error KEK, SLAC, (Daresbery ), … and optics modeling of the extraction and ATF2 beamline - BBA ( with/without Mover ) KEK, SLAC, … Beam diagnostics at extraction line * - Dispersion correction KEK (Vsystem based), SLAC (FS based ), … - Coupling correction KEK, SLAC, LAL, … - Beta Matching KEK, SLAC, … - Emittance growth study from DR to EXT LAL, (Daresbery), SLAC, KEK, … The list of beam commissioning team tasks ( continued.. )

7 For Commissioning from January 2009 ?? IP BSM Development - Laser Interferometer ( Shintake Monitor ) U. of Tokyo, KEK, … - IP BPM KEK, ( KNU ? ), … - Carbon Wire Scanner SLAC, KEK, … Feedback Study - Orbit Feedback ( long term ) * KEK, SLAC, LAL, … - Intra-train feedback Oxford, JAI, … - IP feedback LAL (software), … Beam size tuning at ATF2 final focus line FF Optics test before IP BSM ready LAL, (IHEP), … - with large beta optics - by IP waist scan IP beam size tuning with IP BSM All ( representative Kuroda-san ?? ) The list of beam commissioning team tasks ( continued.. )

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