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Obj: I will identify various mental disorders and symptoms of each Mental Disorders.

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2 Obj: I will identify various mental disorders and symptoms of each Mental Disorders

3 Bellwork What are different types of mental disorders and their symptoms? Do you know someone with a mental disorder? If so, does this mental disorder interfere with their quality of life? Does the person get help for their mental disorder? How does one’s mental state impact their quality of life?

4 Generalized Anxiety Disorder Symptoms: Always worried Aches and pains Tired easily yet has trouble sleeping Constant body tension Types of Treatment (will help to relieve symptoms): Self-help techniques (relaxation techniques, make anxiety-reducing lifestyle changes) Medication psychotherapy

5 Anxiety Disorder Who knows someone who has an anxiety disorder? What healthy coping mechanisms do they use? What unhealthy coping mechanisms do they use?

6 Social Phobia Symptoms: Everyday, fears doing something embarrassing Stops going to social events and school Sweats and shakes when people look at them Types of Treatment: Self-help techniques (relaxation, challenge negative thoughts, face your fears, support group) Medication Cognitive-behavioral therapy

7 Social Phobia: Social Anxiety in the 24 th Century

8 Social Phobia Who knows someone who has a social phobia? What healthy coping mechanisms do they use? What unhealthy coping mechanisms do they use?

9 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Symptoms: Obsessed with hand washing Constantly checks doors/windows Terrified they will harm someone they care about Can’t get obsessive thoughts out of head Types of Treatment: Self-help techniques (education, relaxation, support group, practice skills learned in therapy) Medication Behavioral therapy

10 Obsessive Compulsive: Matchstick Men

11 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Who knows someone who has obsessive-compulsive disorder? What healthy coping mechanisms do they use? What unhealthy coping mechanisms do they use?

12 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms: Person has frequent nightmares Terrifying flashbacks Avoids places which remind person of the traumatic event Feels like they can not trust anyone Types of Treatment: Self-help techniques (support group, avoid drugs and alcohol which make symptoms worse, overcome sense of helplessness by engaging in empowering activities) Medication Psychotherapy

13 PTSD: Grey’s Anatomy (Christina)

14 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Who knows someone who has post traumatic stress disorder? What healthy coping mechanisms do they use? What unhealthy coping mechanisms do they use?

15 Panic Disorder Symptoms: Heart starts pounding Feels dizzy Can’t breathe Feels like they are about to die Types of Treatment: Self-help techniques (education, learn how to control breathing, relaxation techniques, avoid caffeine and cigarettes) Medication Cognitive-behavioral therapy

16 Panic Disorder Who knows someone who has panic disorder? What healthy coping mechanisms do they use? What unhealthy coping mechanisms do they use?

17 Bipolar Disorder Symptoms: Serious shift in mood, energy, thinking and behavior from the highs of mania to the lows of depression Common signs of mania: feeling unusually “high” and optimistic or irritable, sleeping very little but has high energy, racing thoughts and easily distracted Common signs of bipolar depression: feeling hopeless, loss of energy, sleep problems, thoughts of suicide Types of Treatment: Self-help techniques (education, reduce stress in life, support system, stabilize mood by eating healthy, exercising and getting enough sleep) Therapy Medication

18 Bipolar Disorder Who knows someone who has bipolar disorder? What healthy coping mechanisms do they use? What unhealthy coping mechanisms do they use?

19 Why would someone be reluctant to seek help for a mental disorder?

20 Barriers to seeking help Perception that problem will “just go away” Perception that a mental health problem means one is weak or crazy Lack of awareness of resources at school or in community Embarrassment to acknowledge problem Perception that one should be able to fix the problem without help

21 Class Activity Two volunteers Stand on one foot. This will represent the struggle with a mental disorder. Work hard to maintain your “balance” Will you try to “balance” on your own or reach out for professional and personal support?

22 Types of Treatment Self-help techniques Medication Therapy

23 White Boards Game: Teams of 3

24 Question 1 It is 10:00 pm and Sam is struggling to finish his homework. He is stressed and exhausted. He unexpectedly begins to feel dizzy and short of breath. His heart is pounding and he feels like he is about to die. What mental disorder is he suffering from?

25 Question 2 Montrell and his brother, Daniel, were walking home from the store when shots were fired. Daniel was hit in the stomach. Montrell held his brother until Daniel took his last breath. One year later, Montrell is still having a very difficult time dealing with the death of his brother. Montrell frequently has nightmares and flashbacks relating to the death of his brother. What mental disorder is he suffering from?

26 Question 3 Julie has a hard time controlling her thoughts. At work, she constantly worries that she forgot to lock the doors or turn off lights in her house. She washes her hands at least twenty times through out the day for fear of germs and bacteria. What mental disorders is she struggling with?

27 Question 4 Susan experiences periods of time when she feels very “high” on life. She sleeps very little and spends a lot of time working on her art work. However, Susan also experience drastic “lows” where she sleeps often and is very depressed. What mental disorder is she experiencing?

28 Question 5 Joanna is having thoughts of dropping out of school. She is often worried about embarrassing herself at school. Students laugh at her when she shakes and breaks out in a sweat when she make class presentations. She feels more comfortable being alone or with her family at her house. What mental disorder is Joanna experiencing?

29 Question 6 Kenya feels anxious and worried though out the day. Due to her constant worry, she feel aches, pains, and tension though out her body. She is often tired yet is not sleeping well. What mental disorders is Kenya experiencing?

30 Question 7 List 5 symptoms that of depression.

31 Question 8 Chris is experiencing significant depression. He has decided to take action. What are three treatment options?

32 Additional Questions? If you have additional questions about mental health disorders, see Nurse Levine. She can get you in contact with someone who can help you.

33 Quick Write Write a summary of today’s class using your notes. Follow the format provided: The main idea of today’s class was__(identify main idea)_____. There are many types of mental disorders. First, _(identify first disorder)__ is characterized by __(identify 2 symptoms)___. Second, ____(identify second disorder)___, is characterized by____ (identify 2 symptoms)____. Continue paragraph describing all six mental disorders. In conclusion, if a person has one of these six mental disorders, s/he should seek treatment using___(identify 3 types of treatment)__.

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