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Standards Describe radioactivity and nuclear decay.

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3 Standards

4 Describe radioactivity and nuclear decay

5 power point notes movie

6 Radioactivity I. Background Info II. Types of radiation III. Other info


8 What do you already know about radioactivity?

9 My part in producing the atomic bomb consisted in a single act:

10 I signed a letter to President Roosevelt, pressing the need for experiments on a larger scale

11 …in order to explore the possibilities for the production of an atomic bomb.

12 I was fully aware of the terrible danger to mankind

13 in case these attempts succeeded.

14 But the likelihood that the Germans were working on the same problem

15 with a chance of succeeding, forced me to this step.

16 I could do nothing else…

17 although I have always been a convinced pacifist.

18 To my mind, to kill in war is not a whit better

19 than to commit ordinary murder.

20 Albert Einstein, 1952

21 Radioactivity I. Background information

22 radioactivity – process of nuclear decay

23 nuclear decay- the breaking apart of the nucleus, it does not split!

24 All elements with atomic number of 83 and higher are radioactive..


26 As a nucleus breaks down, energy is given off.

27 What is this energy called?


29 radiation - energy given off during nuclear decay

30 II. Types of radiation

31 3 types of radiation 1.Alpha particles 2. Beta particles 3. Gamma rays

32 Alpha particles - can go only a few cm, can be stopped by paper, skin

33 Alpha particles come from:

34 Earth’s crust mining waste

35 Tobacco leaves give off small amounts of alpha particles.


37 Interferes with normal cell processes

38 We have to eat it, breathe it or have an open wound for it to hurt us.

39 The greatest danger for us comes from breathing radon.

40 Radon, is a heavy gas and tends to collect in low-lying areas such as basements.

41 FYI

42 Some natural springs, such as those at Hot Springs, Arkansas, contain radon,

43 and were once considered healthful.


45 can be used to treat cancer by putting tiny amounts of it into a tumor.

46 Beta particles - can go several feet can be stopped by foil, clothes

47 Beta particles come from:

48 Earth’s crust Some old industrial instruments

49 People who have been given radioactive medical treatments

50 Nuclear accidents

51 FYI

52 At one time, strontium-90 was the major man- made beta emitter in the environment. Fallout from atmospheric nuclear testing from the 1950's to the early 1970's spread strontium-90 worldwide. However, most of the strontium-90 from these tests has now decayed away. Testing also released large amounts of cesium- 137 into the environment. Although, cesium-137 emits beta radiation, its gamma radiation is of greater concern. Some cesium-137 from fallout remains in the environment, but most of it has decayed as well.


54 Interferes with normal cell processes

55 Causes burns

56 Most damage is done if we eat it, breathe it or have an open wound.


58 Medical treatments ex)radioactive iodine

59 Gamma rays - Can go thousands of meters

60 go the speed of light

61 can be stopped by thick dense objects such as lead or concrete

62 No particles are involved, they are energy

63 Gamma rays come from:

64 Space Nuclear accidents


66 Radiation sickness - large exposures in short time periods,

67 the most severe damage of all radiation: burns, blindness, cancer,death


69 treat cancer sterilize medical equipment in hospitals clean certain foods and spices



72 http://hyperphysics.phy-

73 In the United States, a person’s average exposure to radiation is about 360 millirem per year. Roughly 300 millirem come from natural sources of radiation, and 60 millirem come from man-made sources, primarily medical procedures.

74 More info on exposure:

75 half – life = time it takes for half of the nucleus to break apart

76 Sodium 24 - 15 hrs Iron 59 – 45 days Cobalt 60 – 5 yrs

77 Uranium 235 710 mill yrs.

78 III. Other Info

79 Carbon -14 dating

80 33,000 YR OLD DOG SKULL


82 Baby wooly mammoth


84 Conclusions The results of radiocarbon measurements at Arizona, Oxford and Zurich yield a calibrated calendar age range with at least 95% confidence for the linen of the Shroud of Turin of AD 1260 - 1390 (rounded down/up to nearest 10 yr). These results therefore provide conclusive evidence that the linen of the Shroud of Turin is mediaeval.

85 or-fake


87 Carbon on the periodic table is Carbon – 12. It is stable – it does not decay.

88 Carbon – 14 is an isotope of Carbon – 12.

89 Carbon – 14 is not stable. It will decay.

90 It takes 5,700 years for half of the nuclei in Carbon – 14 to break down.

91 Carbon – 14 has a half life of 5,700 years.

92 Plants use CO 2 for photosynthesis so they have Carbon – 14 in them.

93 Animals eat plants so animals have Carbon – 14 in them.

94 Living things also have Carbon -12 in them.

95 The amount of Carbon-14 and Carbon – 12 in a living thing remains constant.

96 All living things have the same percentage of Carbon-14 and Carbon -12.

97 When a living thing dies, the amount of Carbon -12 stays the same because…

98 Carbon -12 does not decay (it is not radioactive).

99 Carbon – 14 does break down.

100 We can measure the amount of Carbon -1 2 and Carbon -1 4 in the fossil.

101 Scientists burn a small piece of the object.

102 A radiation counter measures the amount of Carbon -14 and Carbon - 12.

103 By comparing the amounts, we know how much Carbon - 14 should be there.

104 A formula is used to figure out the age.

105 Carbon - 1 4 dating is only good for fossils up to 60,000 years old. Why?

106 5,700 ½ 5,700 5,700 ½ ½ ½ ½ and on and on …

107 SO what do I REALLY need to know? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

108 Carbon – 14 Dating Carbon -1 4 is radioactive

109 small piece of the artifact must be burned to test it

110 half life is 5,700 years

111 used to age artifacts up to 60,000 years old

112 Why is Carbon- 14 only good for dating artifacts up to 60,000 years old?

113 Since the half-life of Carbon-14 is 5,700 years, all of it will have decayed into Carbon-12 in 60,000 years.

114 nuclear decay – nucleus doesn’t split, it just breaks down

115 Benefits of nuclear energy

116 Reduces dependence on oil for electricity

117 No pollutants released into atmosphere

118 (burning of coal pollutes atmosphere)

119 Drawbacks of nuclear energy

120 storage of waste – it can last thousands of years

121 (Waste from burning coal can last forever)

122 waste/F38D3BEBA9CDE7639FD2F38D3BEBA9CDE7639FD2 YUCCA MT. Katie Courick Shutting it down

123 meltdown – chain reaction cannot be stopped,

124 the core overheats releasing radiation

125 In the night of April 26, 1986

126 the explosion of the nuclear reactor in Chernobyl,

127 the greatest industrial disaster in the history of humankind,

128 released one hundred times more radiation

129 than the atom bombs dropped over Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

130 More than 40 different radionuclides escaped,

131 notably in the first ten days following the accident.

132 Radioactive iodine, with a half –life of 8 days, posed the greatest risk in the first few weeks.

133 Radioactive caesium, with a half life of 30 years, is still the most widely dispersed isotope. Between 125 000 and 146 000 km2 are contaminated with caesium.

134 There is long term contamination with strontium which has a half life of 29 years,

135 and plutonium with a half -life of

136 24,000 years.

137 Chernobyl disaster incident PART 1 Vacation in chernobyl (no pw),32068,1449613919_1728561,00.html Chernobyl mystery It happened in…

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