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LARP Accelerator Systems Status & Plans 13 July 2009 DOE Review, FNAL Tom Markiewicz/SLAC BNL - FNAL- LBNL - SLAC US LHC Accelerator Research Program.

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Presentation on theme: "LARP Accelerator Systems Status & Plans 13 July 2009 DOE Review, FNAL Tom Markiewicz/SLAC BNL - FNAL- LBNL - SLAC US LHC Accelerator Research Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 LARP Accelerator Systems Status & Plans 13 July 2009 DOE Review, FNAL Tom Markiewicz/SLAC BNL - FNAL- LBNL - SLAC US LHC Accelerator Research Program

2 LARP DOE Review - 13 July 2009Acc.Systems Status - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 2 / 35 The FY10 LARP Accelerator Systems Program Instrumentation –Beam Commissioning of Tune & Coupling feedback systems, Schottky Monitor, AC Dipole and Synchrotron Light Monitor –Luminosity Monitor –LLRF modeling and commissioning Collimation –Rotatable Collimator as a Phase II Secondary Collimator candidate –T980 Crystal Collimation Study at the Tevatron –UA9 Crystal Collimation Study at CERN’s SPS –Hollow electron lens as a scraper for LHC Accelerator Physics –Electron lens as a Beam-Beam interaction compensator –Control of E-cloud induced beam instability in SPS through RF feedback –Crab Cavity R&D program –PS2 Design Study

3 LARP DOE Review - 13 July 2009Acc.Systems Status - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 3 / 35 Task List & FY09 Budget as of May’09 rev.

4 LARP DOE Review - 13 July 2009Acc.Systems Status - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 4 / 35 Themes for this Presentation 2008 Review Recommendations –Develop a more strongly coupled and transparent relationship with CERN management Drop activities not deemed high priority by CERN –Ensure that any “item to be delivered to CERN” is delivered Manage such items as a separate project –Develop a clear and open system to prioritize LARP projects 2009 Review Charge –Determine the priorities and levels of R&D effort LARP should apply to position the U.S. for participation in the upcoming LHC upgrades Multi-year plan Timeline & resource requirements Scientific and Technical risks

5 LARP DOE Review - 13 July 2009Acc.Systems Status - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 5 / 35 Program Oversight through Increased Communication Accelerator Systems Advisory Committee created to parallel Magnet SC –Bruning (CERN), Fischer, Markiewicz, Prebys, Ratti, Peggs ASAC meets (Webex) ~bi- weekly on general matters or as crisis management team –Task prioritization & Budget allocation –LARP Collaboration Meeting (CM) Planning –Luminosity Monitor Project Management LARP Tasks have been coalesced into units large enough to warrant regular Webex meetings and see to it that these are held with additional participation of Program Leader, Deputy, L1, relevant L2 AND CERN Points of Contact –As opposed to reports of isolated work to general LARP membership at semi-annual CMs

6 LARP DOE Review - 13 July 2009Acc.Systems Status - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 6 / 35 CERN and LARP Communication Occurs at various CERN levels –CERN Point(s) of Contact: eg. Assmann (Collimation); Bravin (Lumi); Benedikt(PS2), … –CERN LARP contact: Oliver Bruning tasked with assimilating POC reports and upper management priorities –CERN middle managers: Ostijic (IR Upgrade Czar) –CERN key managers: Evans/Myers –CERN Director Roughly mapping onto LARP –LARP Task Leader Markiewicz (Collimation); Ratti (Lumi); Wienands(PS2), … –LARP L1 (Markiewicz) –LARP APUL czar (Wanderer) –LARP Program Leader (Prebys) –OHEP (Strauss, Kovar) Oral “story” sometimes inconsistent and full set of players never in same room Inadequate written correspondence Improvement in both these areas required

7 LARP DOE Review - 13 July 2009Acc.Systems Status - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 7 / 35 CERN Input to FY10 LARP Program Bruning Report to ASAC Context: 1) Lumi Mon assumed to be done by FY10 and not part of list; otherwise 1 st priority 2) Other "Done" projects, plus Lumi, will require some amount of funding for commissioning activities: these include Schottky, AC Dipole, Chromaticity Feedback and any continued work on the Synchrotron Light Monitor 3) Bruning will go back again to CERN LLRF group & Myers to clarify CERN position on LLRF task Ordered List: 1) Rotatable Collimator 2) PS2 3) SPS Ecloud control through RF feedback or other means 4) Elens as collimation scraper 5) R&D that will happen even if not supported by LARP: - Elens Beam-Beam compensation (BNL & RHIC) - T980 (FNAL) - UA9 (existing CERN-Russian-Italian-US collaboration) 6) Crab: in this position because it requires a non-LARP framework to fund it 7) H- emittance monitor for Linac 4 8) LLRF studies (despite "last place" rank LARP contribution appreciated as valuable & support for commissioning should be provided; CERN management perspective is that CERN, not LARP, must "own" this role)

8 LARP DOE Review - 13 July 2009Acc.Systems Status - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 8 / 35 Extra-ordinary Meetings US-CERN Meeting (2009 Jan 14) –Heuer, Myers, Evans, Bruning, Ostijic, Assmann,.. –Relevant AS take away point for LARP Crab activity perceived as LARP-driven. For CERN to proceed questions to be answered must include –What is impact to LHC? –What can be measured? –What will be learned? –What is risk to LHC? Phase II Collimation Conceptual Review (2009 April 2-3) –Full participation of Rotatable collimator team plus LARP management LHC will require –“Cryo-collimators” (collimators embedded in cold regions of LHC) –A new “High Radiation Materials Test Beam” (TT60 line) as part of MTP –Phase II secondaries of a type to be determined only after experience with LHC and prototype testing in TT60

9 LARP DOE Review - 13 July 2009Acc.Systems Status - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 9 / 35 CERN Mid-Term-Planning Timeline

10 LARP DOE Review - 13 July 2009Acc.Systems Status - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 10 / 35 LARP Management Oversight Instrumentation Task Meetings Chromaticity FB, Schottky, AC Dipole, Synchrotron Light Monitor –No regularly scheduled “public” meetings –Contact between LARP & CERN POCs, esp. during commissioning trips –Reports at parallel sessions of CMs –No direct management oversight Luminosity Monitor –Regular LBL staff mtgs and Ratti/Bravin mtgs during CERN trips –Biweekly status meetings since June 2008 with Prebys, Markiewicz, Bruning, Peggs, Ratti, Bravin, Corlett (LBL mgmt), 2 LBL EEs Written status report distributed after each meeting –Full grilling by AS at CM#11,CM#12 followed by plenary report to LARP LLRF –SLAC 5 person group plus 2 CERN POCs call/exchange email –Many working trips to CERN –Work status presented at LARP CMs and at SLAC ARD seminars –No direct management oversight

11 LARP DOE Review - 13 July 2009Acc.Systems Status - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 11 / 35 LARP Management Oversight Collimation Task Meetings Rotatable Collimator –Weekly staff (5) mtg at SLAC with web-posted progress report –Biweekly webex/video with CERN collimation group (5-10 people) Notes & slides posted –Reports at parallel session of CM mtgs & included in plenary summary –CERN-organized meetings (P-II Conceptual Review, Beams’07,..) Crystal Collimation –Bi-Weekly Webex meeting to which all members of both T980 (Fermilab expt.) and CERN SPS UA9 are invited Typically SLAC(5), BNL(1), Markiewicz, Prebys, Peggs & Scandale (CERN) attend Approx. monthly reports from Mokhov on T980 –Unknown but large number of bi-lateral UA9 meetings in Europe –Regular meetings of FNAL T-980 staff & FNAL resident visitors –Semi annual mini crystal workshops & LARP CM presentations

12 LARP DOE Review - 13 July 2009Acc.Systems Status - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 12 / 35 LARP Accelerator Physics Task Meetings Electron Lens for Beam-Beam Compensation –No regular working meetings (to my knowledge) –Annual mini-wkshps (eg. 12/3/08 at BNL) & reports at parallel session of CMs Ecloud –Monthly Webex attended by CERN (3-4), SLAC (3) and LBL(3) and typically Fischer, Prebys & Markiewicz –Semi-annual meetings in context of global Ecloud effort (eg. EC Mitigation- 08 CERN, 12/08) and CARE series of workshops –Reports in parallel session of CMs Crab Cavity –Monthly international webex with large participation UK, KEK, CERN (incl. LARP-residents), BNL, SLAC, FNAL, LBL, AES Prebys, Markiewicz, Peggs, Strait –Annual mini-workshop, ~quarterly mtgs at CERN, LARP CMs & CARE PS2 –Weekly/biweekly webex with BNL, FNAL, LBL & SLAC w/ Prebys & Markiewicz –CM and CERN organized workshops

13 LARP DOE Review - 13 July 2009Acc.Systems Status - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 13 / 35 LARP Accelerator Systems Highlights Luminosity Monitor: –All hardware is at CERN and all hardware that can be installed is installed Rotatable Collimator: –First prototype jaw passes thermal mechanical tests –Majority of hardware for 3 more jaws (2 full collimators) in hand; fabrication in progress PS2 –5 year plan focused on intensity-related effects involving the 4 LARP labs coordinated with CERN; early results SPS Ecloud –SPS measurements during 3 MD periods show effects that can be simulated; RF modeling to control instabilities has begun Crab Cavity –Baseline design of cavity/coupler exists and SBIR to fabricate a cavity approved –Multinational, multilab effort working/meeting regularly to develop plan Other –Crystal experiments UA9 and T980 installed full-time & taking data regularly –E-lenses for RHIC approved & feedback for LHC expected –LLRF model used to commission LHC system without beam; beam commissioning planned –HW commissioning for Schottky, AC Dipole & Tune/Chromaticity FB complete –New Synchrotron Light Monitor designed, assembled & installed with LARP effort

14 LARP DOE Review - 13 July 2009Acc.Systems Status - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 14 / 35 Project Management LARP Acc. Systems is producing hardware for CERN in 3 areas –Lumi Monitor –Rotatable Collimator –Roman Pot for SPS Crystal Collimation Expt #UA9 And is (was) considering delivering a crab cavity prototype My thoughts: –Each of these would ideally be managed outside of LARP –Mission creep and external schedule slippage compound internal problems –Annual reviews necessary but not sufficient Aug. 2007 Lumi review & April ’08 CM10 did not foresee June’08 ‘crisis’ –Monthly budget reporting with “earned value” necessary but not sufficient –Lumi has convinced me that some external manager(s) must follow progress ~biweekly to fully understand the project in real time so that surprises do not happen –TWM is trying to do this for the UA9 RP (reporting to Eric) –No one forces TWM to do this for RC

15 LARP DOE Review - 13 July 2009Acc.Systems Status - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 15 / 35 Luminosity Monitors 2 per IP + One Spare Detector Interface Chassis GAS Distribution/Monitoring Panel PC for Local Monitoring 1 per IP DAQ Firmware Shaper (& Chassis) Preamp/HV Assembly

16 LARP DOE Review - 13 July 2009Acc.Systems Status - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 16 / 35 Luminosity Monitor “Crisis” & Response As Lumi is/will be the first LARP produced hardware installed in LHC it is essential that we deliver June 2008 letter from CERN luminosity monitoring group leader Enrico Bravin raised concern that –Lumi might be be late for 2008 run –PMT system would be deployed for 2008 –As long as robust system ready for 2009, no harm Response: 1.Major LARP support in FY09, before CY2009 run, to fully complete the system (electronics fabrication, firmware, software & integration) 2.Biweekly meetings of LARP ASAC w/Ratti-Bravin since June 29, 2008 –20 meetings held with written reports (TWM) 3.Greatly increased involvement of LBL management (Corlett + EE Head) –MS Project maintained by LBL EE & kept up to date 4.Ongoing discussions on how to minimize commissioning cost & handoff

17 LARP DOE Review - 13 July 2009Acc.Systems Status - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 17 / 35 Lumi Status: All Hardware Installed Hardware Commissioning in Progress All required Hardware Installed in LHC points 1 and 5: –Detectors (4) (plus spare at LBNL) –Preamps (4) –Shapers (4) –Detector Interface Units (2) –Gas Panels Detailed list of noise issues, damaged RTDs, faulty power supplies, gas system leaks, unequal cable lengths, temperamental gas controllers all being worked on Firmware –Phase I (Low Luminosity “Counting”) complete & being tested –Phase II (High Lum pulse height with centroid deconvolution) a future project System Modeling: New Toohig Fellow Ryoichi Miyamoto

18 LARP Rotatable Collimators for LHC Phase II Collimation Gene Anzalone (CAD), Eric Doyle (ME-FEA, ret.), Lew Keller (FLUKA, ret.), Steve Lundgren (ME), Tom Markiewicz (Phys), Reggie Rogers (Mech Tech) & Jeff Smith (PD) BNL - FNAL- LBNL - SLAC US LHC Accelerator Research Program 1)Adapt rotatable NLC design concept to LHC: “RC” 2)Build and test one collimator jaw with 10kW resistive heaters to verify thermo-mechanical performance Minimize deflection when absorbs with 60kW for 10 sec 3)Build a collimator that can be destructively beam tested at new TT60 facility yet which still rotates, provides clean collimation surfaces, whose cooling system survives and which is UHV 4)Build a fully functional collimator & test it at LHC

19 LARP DOE Review - 13 July 2009Acc.Systems Status - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 19 / 35 beam LARP Rotatable Collimator In TT60 vacuum tank: ports for camera to observe surface damage ports for laser micrometers to measure permanent distortion due to thermal shock DN250 end flanges for easy access to jaws after tests and cool-down CERN/LHC rack & pinion drives with water & cable quick-connects

20 LARP DOE Review - 13 July 2009Acc.Systems Status - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 20 / 35 LHC Phase II Base Concept Glidcop Jaw - Cu Mandrel wrapped with CuNi coil – Hollow Glidcop Hub / Molybdenum Shaft with 2mm gap from Mandrel Beam spacing: 136mm OD Length 1.47 m flange–flange: 930mm overall 2 x 38mm 15° tapers 854mm long facets Cu coolant supply tubes twist to allow jaw rotation Hub area Glidcop Cu Mo Cantilever Mo shaft @ both ends 20 facets Helical cooling channels 23mm below surface with 16m long 10mm square CuNi tube 2mm gap between shaft OD and mandrel ID

21 LARP DOE Review - 13 July 2009Acc.Systems Status - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 21 / 35 Glidcop Jaw – CuNi Coil- Cu Mandrel – Glidcop Hub - Molybdenum Shaft Design 365  m 880  m: L eff : 95cm→33cm 77 ANSYS of Final Design Proposal is to set 1 st copper jaw at 8.5  (or to use C-C in this location) Simulations show that remainder of system maintains efficiency 2mm gap

22 LARP DOE Review - 13 July 2009Acc.Systems Status - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 22 / 35 RC0 10kW Distortion Test

23 LARP DOE Review - 13 July 2009Acc.Systems Status - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 23 / 35 Second Generation Version of Collimator Assembly Support, Rotation Mechanism, and RF transition to Vacuum Tank Possible BPM location RF Transition

24 LARP DOE Review - 13 July 2009Acc.Systems Status - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 24 / 35 Plan to Make 3 More Cylinder Jaws for total of 4→Two Full Collimators 1 st of 3 new mandrels finished March 28 6 Moly Half-shafts at SLAC Plan: RC1-SPS/TT60 end of 2009 RC2-LHC in 201n

25 LARP DOE Review - 13 July 2009Acc.Systems Status - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 25 / 35 Status of RC Program 1.Jaw support & rotation mechanism COMPLETE (June 2007) 2.First full single jaw-hub-shaft unit COMPLETE (May 2008) 3.Thermal distortion tests indicate performance in accord with FEA to ~10% (July 2008) 4.Vacuum & flatness measurements all good Since June 2009 DOE Review 1.RF design finalized 2.New concepts for vacuum tank, jaw support, braze process developed 3.Copper mandrels for 3 new jaws bored and grooved 4.Molybdenum support half-shafts and central glidcop hubs for 3 new jaws made 5.Glidcop for 3 jaws obtained ($56k) and machined parts for 1 jaw ready 6.2 nd jaw-hub-shaft unit being assembled & brazed week of July 13-17, 2009 Work to complete RC1: 1.Finish 2 nd jaw & modify 1 st jaw so it is useable in collimator vessel 2.Build supports & rotator mechanism and assemble with RF features in new vacuum tank 3.Metrology & vacuum tests at SLAC 4.Mechanical motion tests on existing CERN system 5.Ship to CERN

26 LARP DOE Review - 13 July 2009Acc.Systems Status - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 26 / 35 LARP RC Timeline for Discussion 2009Build fully functional prototype Vacuum & mechanical tests at SLAC 2010Ship to CERN Vacuum & mechanical tests at CERN SPS Tests of impedance and BPMs 2011Modest involvement in Phase I collimation commissioning 2012Develop diagnostics for damage assessment 2013Test prototype in TT60 2014Apply lessons learned to production design Build 2 nd prototype for testing in LHC - recent planning has always assumed a 2 nd test in LHC Given uncertainties: Build for 2010 SPS test and wait and see

27 LARP DOE Review - 13 July 2009Acc.Systems Status - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 27 / 35 Roman Pots & Flanges with Detector Housings with thin widows produced by LARP/SLAC for UA9

28 LARP DOE Review - 13 July 2009Acc.Systems Status - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 28 / 35 Support Structure and Linear Screws Still to be Delivered to UA9 by LARP/SLAC

29 LARP DOE Review - 13 July 2009Acc.Systems Status - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 29 / 35 Long Term Planning General Comments At CM12 a first cut of program and budget requests was submitted by each task One round of discussions with lab POCs and task leaders has occurred to better pin down –Lab-to-lab split –LARP-to-Off-project labor split –Individuals by name & status (staff, PD, GS) and their FTEs identify unitarity problems At this point, usual spreadsheet approach in $ assuming –One very coarse overhead loaded salary ($250k) used to convert LARP funded FTEs to dollars –M&S and travel requests assumed to include lab overhead FY09 numbers have been constructed to reflect the actual budget (before contingency allocation)

30 LARP DOE Review - 13 July 2009Acc.Systems Status - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 30 / 35 FY09-FY14 Plan

31 LARP DOE Review - 13 July 2009Acc.Systems Status - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 31 / 35 Accelerator Systems Not too bad for 1 st try!

32 LARP DOE Review - 13 July 2009Acc.Systems Status - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 32 / 35 PS2 Plan w/ time, manpower, subtasks

33 LARP DOE Review - 13 July 2009Acc.Systems Status - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 33 / 35 PS2 Outyears

34 LARP DOE Review - 13 July 2009Acc.Systems Status - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 34 / 35 PS2 Program Milestones by subtask & year

35 LARP DOE Review - 13 July 2009Acc.Systems Status - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 35 / 35 PS2

36 LARP DOE Review - 13 July 2009Acc.Systems Status - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 36 / 35 Rama’s Input to this Excercise

37 LARP DOE Review - 13 July 2009Acc.Systems Status - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 37 / 35 CRAB

38 LARP DOE Review - 13 July 2009Acc.Systems Status - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 38 / 35 Rotatable Collimator Plan based on schedule shown by Assmann at April 2009 Collimation Review

39 LARP DOE Review - 13 July 2009Acc.Systems Status - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 39 / 35 Luminosity Monitor

40 LARP DOE Review - 13 July 2009Acc.Systems Status - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 40 / 35 SPS Ecloud Feedback Scrubbing exercise reveals 2 FTE/year are presumed to be students (Good!), unitarity mildly violated (especially when discussed with lab POC & other work planned) and 25% “padded ”. Good discussion of how much off project help each lab could contribute by name. Out year program a wish-list (not necessarily bad).

41 LARP DOE Review - 13 July 2009Acc.Systems Status - T. MarkiewiczSlide n° 41 / 35 FY10 Challenges in Accelerator Systems Commission Luminosity Monitor and scale back task Deliver RC Prototype to SPS and scale back task Launch Crab Cavity with correct level of effort ($), matching CERN interests & schedule Launch PS2 program Measure & understand SPS Ecloud & to begin to model a RF correction Keep T980 and UA9 crystal efforts LHC application focused. Use LARP provided LLRF models to beam commission LHC Successfully beam commission all HW to which LARP contributed Decide if & how to begin E-Lens scraper task Keep LHC beam-beam study personnel intellectually involved while RHIC constructs E-lenses

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