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CompSci 6 Introduction to Computer Science November 8, 2011 Prof. Rodger.

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1 CompSci 6 Introduction to Computer Science November 8, 2011 Prof. Rodger

2 Announcements No reading or RQ Assignment 5 due Thursday New APT out Thursday – one APT Practice Test problems out – will go over on Tues. Nov 15 Prof. Rodger no office hours this week Today –Finish example from last time –More on sort options –Regular Expressions

3 More on sort Import operator –fruit = [(“pear”,5),(“apple”,9)] fruit = sorted(fruit) fruit.sort() OR fruit = sorted(fruit) –arguments key=itemgetter(0) reverse=True

4 Regular Expressions Part of the compiler process –Can write a regular expression for each type of word in a programming language –Example Key words – if, else, elif, while Integers – 456, 78, 2, -56 Float – 3.14, 7856.2345 String – ‘word’, “this is a phrase” Special symbols – [ ] + %

5 Regular Expressions a- a a* - a repeated 0 or more times a+ - a repeated 1 or more times a? – a 0 or 1 time, so a is optional ^ - match at the beginning of the string $ - match at the end of the string. – matches anything [abc] – match a, b, or c [a-z] – match any character from a to z [^a] – match any character but a

6 More on regular expressions | - or \b - word boundary \s - whitespace character \d – match any digit When using backslashes – must use r in front of string

7 Regular expressions with re import re re.sub() – substitute re.compile() – create a pattern re.findall() See examples

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