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Introduction to SECAmb Paul Sutton Chief Executive.

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1 Introduction to SECAmb Paul Sutton Chief Executive

2 Who we are and what we do South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Trust: Responds to 999 calls from the public Responds to urgent calls from healthcare professionals e.g. GPs Provides non-emergency patient transport services in Kent and Sussex

3 Who we are and what we do We provide these services across the whole of the South East Coast region – Kent, Surrey and Sussex and parts of North East Hampshire and Berkshire Within the region there are: 8 primary care trusts 12 acute hospital trusts 4 mental health and specialist trusts

4 Did you know? South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Trust (SECAmb) was formed on 1 July 2006, following the merger of Kent, Surrey and Sussex ambulance trusts SECAmb employs over 3,100 staff across more than 65 sites Around 85 per cent of SECAmb’s workforce are operational staff – those working with patients either face to face in the field, or over the phone.

5 Did you know? SECAmb covers an area of 3,600 square miles and a population of about 4.5 million people Every minute an emergency call is answered by one of SECAmb’s three control rooms – more than 645,000 emergency and urgent calls last year Last year (2009/10) we undertook over 420,000 patient transport services (PTS) journeys.

6 Who are our patients? Critical Care Stroke, trauma, heart attacks, cardiac arrest Urgent Care Minor illness and injury, long-term conditions, patient transport service spectrum of need

7 SECAmb’s vision ‘We will match and exceed international excellence through embracing innovation and putting the patient at the heart of everything we do’

8 How will we achieve our vision? Our strategy to achieve our vision is to strengthen and extend our main activities through adopting the principles of high performance: Response time reliability Clinical effectiveness Economic efficiency Customer satisfaction

9 Healthcare “shift left” Critical Care Paramedic £10,000 Source: Cost of Care per Day £1£10£100£1,000 Quality of Life COMMUNITY CARE Healthy, Independent Living Chronic Disease Management Community Matron GP/ Primary Care Assisted Living Nursing Home Specialist Centre District General Hospital ITU HOME CARE ACUTE CARE Community Pharmacy SHIFT LEFT Paramedic Practitioner Paramedics

10 Our supporting career framework Critical Care Primary Care

11 How do we deliver our strategy?

12 A year of improvement Exceeding national response times to our most seriously ill patients despite increase in demand and severe winter pressures Target SECAmb performance in 2009/10 SECAmb performance in 2008/09 75% of all category A patients (potentially life threatening) must be reached within eight minutes 76.30%75.15% 95% of all category A patients must be reached within 19 minutes 98.20%96.91% 95 % of all category B patients (need to be reached quickly, but not immediately life threatening) must be reached within 19 minutes 93.40%94.57%

13 A year of improvement Leading the way in improving patient outcomes –Double the national average survival rates for cardiac arrest –Hailed as a beacon of best practice for our FAST track stroke pathway by the Stroke Association –Critical Care Paramedics highlighted as best practice in NHS Confederation trauma report –Continually reducing unnecessary journeys to hospital for patients by finding better, more appropriate care pathways


15 The future Modernisation of ambulance services Simplifying access to 24/7 urgent care Delivering efficiency savings c£40million over next 5 years Delivering system wide savings of at least £4.5 million Agreeing a funding framework that rewards us for doing the right thing Improving staff morale and satisfaction, and reducing sickness.

16 Why become a Foundation Trust? We want: To be accountable to the local population Members and governors to shape their ambulance service To be able to invest in innovation when it is right to do so, without unnecessary bureaucracy The opportunity to act quickly on commercial opportunities To roll out our service development enablers as quickly as possible to improve the service we provide; the financial freedoms around capital expenditure supports this.

17 Thank you for listening, any questions?

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