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Technology Plan for E-Rate Year 2013 Liberty Hill ISD Presented by Bonnie Reichert EDLD 5362 Informational Systems Management Plan for Success.

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1 Technology Plan for E-Rate Year 2013 Liberty Hill ISD Presented by Bonnie Reichert EDLD 5362 Informational Systems Management Plan for Success

2 Agenda Introduction Rationale of District Technology Plan Liberty Hill Mission Statement Liberty Hill Vision for Technology District Profile Needs Assessment Summary National Technology Plan Alignment to National Educational Technology Plan Technology Services and programs in Liberty Hill ISD

3 Importance of a District Technology Plan? Plan for the short term – 1-3 years Focus on applications to help students learn with a result of determining equipment needed Plans should go beyond enhancing the curriculum and define technology use as more than computers Stress integration of technology in all curriculum Promote staff development Technology should be part of daily operation costs – Good business practice Developed by all stakeholders Research driven Focus on a clear vision Be in compliance with state and national requirements to have plans for effective integrations of technology. (See, 1992)

4 Liberty Hill Mission Statement The Liberty Hill ISD, in collaboration with its extended community, will empower students, school personnel, families, and the public and private sectors using appropriate information and communication technologies to maximize learning, productivity and performance, in order that all participants become life- long learners and contributing citizens in a changing world. (Liberty Hill ISD, 2010)

5 Liberty Hill ISD Technology Vision Statement Summary of Liberty Hill ISD Vision Statement Improve education and district administrative functions Encourage real-world use of technology for daily for teaching and learning Use electronic sources and data collection to identify and improve student success Provide anytime/anywhere access to students, staff, parents, and community members for effective collaboration and learning. Facilitate communication between the schools and community through increased use of web applications Strong technology infrastructure to support all district functions. Advanced connectivity resources to enhance problem-solving skills and increase effective communication skills. (Liberty Hill ISD, 2010)

6 District Profile Small Rural community 25 miles North of Austin, Texas 5 Campuses School Enrollment – 2571 Technology Expenditures - $2,865,600.00 Per Pupil - $1,114.59 100% of Classrooms with Direct Connection to Internet Computer Ratios Teacher - 1 to 1 Student - 1 to 3

7 Keys to Improvement As Identified from Needs Assessment Upgrade campus hardware and software as appropriate to equalize technology. Improve learning experiences for all students. Improve preparation and development of teachers. Improve education leader support for all facets of technology Improve the district infrastructure

8 Focus of the National Educational Technology Plan Diagram representing the focus of the new NETP. (Nagel, 2010. p. 3) “The model of learning described in this plan calls for engaging and empowering personalized learning experiences for learners of all ages” (Nagel, 2010. p. 1). The 2010 revised plan focuses on student learning. It is organized into five categories: Learning Assessment Teaching Productivity Infrastructure

9 Goals and Strategies for Plan Improvements Liberty Hill ISD has a comprehensive plan that correlates with the Texas Long- Range Technology Plan (TLRP), the E-Rate rules and regulations of the No- Child Left Behind (NCLB) legislation and the National Educational Technology Plan (NETP). The current plan completed in late 2009 is closely aligned with all the plans and on-going plan revisions provide the opportunity to align to the New National Technology Plan. Correlation between TLRP & NETP TLRP 2010NETP 2010 Teaching and Learning (TL)Learning: Engage and Empower Assessment: Measure What Matters Educator Prep and Development(EP)Teaching: Prepare and Connect Leadership, Administration and Infrastructure Support(LA) Productivity: Redesign and Transform Infrastructure for Technology (I)Infrastructure: Access and Enable Liberty Hill Technology Plan 2010-2013

10 Goal 1 All learners engage in individualized real-world learning experiences that take place in authentic setting and require collaboration and management of complex processes. Objectives: Integrate the Tech Apps TEKS within the curriculum and provide special courses in Technology Applications. TLRP-TL Implement research-based strategies to improve achievement. TLRP-TL Integrate student performance data from district/state assessment with curriculum resources. TLRP-TL Implement innovative programs that promotes parental involvement and increased communication. TLRP-TL "Technology is only a wise investment if it changes something about the way students learn, opens new doors and possibilities, and/or helps engage them in their learning experiences." (Tschirgi, 2009)

11 Alignment with NETP Learning and Assessment Section Goal(Learning): All learners will have engaging and empowering learning experiences both in and out of school that prepare them to be active, creative, knowledgeable, and ethical participants in our globally networked society. Section Goal(Assessment): Our education system at all levels will leverage the power of technology to measure what matters and use assessment data for continuous improvement. Improve access to curriculum through cloud computing and online course opportunities facilitated by Texas Project Share. Provide students with digital portfolio platforms where students can create a learning record that can be used to showcase learning initiatives. Review learning theories to create instruction that is individual, personal and differentiated for each learner. Implement more technology-based assessment practices.

12 Goal 2 All educators are prepared to use modern tools, resources and teaching-learning processes to motivate students to develop their own technology growth and professional learning. Objectives: Provide professional development for teaching and integrating Tech Apps in the foundation and enrichment TEKS through multiple delivery methods. TLRP-EP Provide professional development to ensure that educators meet state proficiency standards and encourage advanced studies for professional growth and training peers. TLRP-EP “In the past few decades, a transformation has occurred in American public education; now, teachers are expected and required to use educational technology in one form or another in their classrooms. (Solomom & Schrum, 2007, p.99)

13 Section Goal: Professional educators will be supported individually and in teams by technology that connects them to data, content, resources, expertise, and learning experiences that can empower and inspire them to provide more effective teaching for all learners. Facilitate an online learning community through the use of Project Share where educators learn and reflect on best practices for using technology in the classroom. Provide incentives for lead teachers to facilitate online learning communities. Provide on-going development of how to use daily technology tools with classroom instruction that works. Alignment with NETP Teaching

14 Goal 3 All education leaders create and secure adequate support to maximize learning, optimize teaching, and facilitate effective operations. Objectives: Promote a comprehensive planning process to ensure technology plans include clear goals, realistic strategies, and critical components such as compliance with state and federal regulations, needs assessment, budget and evaluation. TLRP-EP & LA Implement and evaluate polices and procedures for the effective implementation of technology in the classroom as well as the campus and district. TLRP-EP & LA Support planning and budgeting on the campus and district level to expand learning opportunities and resources to increase student achievement. TLRP-LA “Develop a vision for the future and focus on the vision. Pick out what you can do right now to help your district move toward making that vision come true. (See, 1992, “Vision”, para. 2)

15 Section Goal: Our education system at all levels will redesign processes and structures to take advantage of the power of technology to improve learning outcomes while making more efficient use of time, money, and staff. Spending on technology is focused on how students can learn and not with what. Increase personnel dedicated to the advancement of learning with technology to include administrative, support and education staff. Implement more efficient and more relevant use of assessment data. Implement more assessments that show competency of skills through hands-on demonstrations. Alignment with NETP Productivity

16 Goal 4 A high-standard infrastructure, equitable among all district facilities, that supports all students, educators, and education leaders by enabling high quality access to learning, communications, and management systems any time and anywhere. Objectives: Provide appropriate hardware and software to facilitate smooth district operations for all stakeholders. TLRP-I Provide an ever-evolving, efficient technology system to support all stakeholders. TLRP-I Provide personnel to support infrastructure and curricular goals of the district. TLRP-I “What education can learn from the experience of business is that we need to make fundamental structural changes that technology enables if we are to see dramtic imporvements in productivity. (Nagel, 2010, p.2)

17 Section Goal: All students and educators will have access to a comprehensive infrastructure for learning when and where they need it. Increase broadband access district wide Implement a blended approach for a 1:1 ratio of devices to students. The blended approach allows for students with access to use their own and the district to provide the rest. Advocate for students to become tech support assistants in the absence of adequate support personnel which provides real life learning experiences. Increase trained tech support in alignment with best business practices. Alignment with NETP Infrastructure


19 Summary The National Educational Technology Plan, “(...)calls for applying the advanced technologies used in our daily personal and professional lives to our entire education system to improve student learning, accelerate and scale up the adoption of effective practices, and use data and information for continuous improvement” (Nagel, 2010).

20 References Liberty Hill ISD. (2010, January 18). Liberty Hill technology plan for e-rate year 2013. Retrieved April 19, 2011, from Liberty Hill ISD: n%20Jan%202010%20to%202013%20Final.pdf Nagel, D. (2010, November 9). National ed tech plan puts technology at the heart of education reform. Retrieved May 12, 2011, from THE Journal: heart-of-education-reform.aspx See, J. (1992, May). Developing effective technology plans. Retrieved May 12, 2011, from National Center for Technology Planning: Solomom, G., & Schrum, L. (2007). Web 2.0 - New Tools, New Schools. Washington, D.C.: International Society for Technology in Education. Tschirgi, D. (n.d.). What is the sustainable classroom? Retrieved November 17, 2009, from Educational Technology Support Center:

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