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Movie piracy: threat to the future of films intensifies.

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Presentation on theme: "Movie piracy: threat to the future of films intensifies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Movie piracy: threat to the future of films intensifies

2 .. -Recent research by ipsos suggest that amlost 30% of the UK population is active in some form of piracy -This cost the Uk audio visual industries about £500M a year -When a film is copied or made available online it reduces the value of that film around the world -Up to a quarter of a million jobs will be at risk by 2015 if nothing is done about copyright infringement

3 Distribution  Piracy impacts more immediately on the independent sector than it does on studios  Distribution companies will not invest in films due to the piracy issue as they don’t know how well the film will sell

4 Production  Some films don’t get produced because distributors are not able to take the risks they used to.  This reduction of revenue caused by piracy has resulted in studios and production houses making less adventurous choices when it comes to films

5 Exhibition  Cinemas are losing about £220M a year at the UK box office due to piracy (2 months income in an average year)  Companies would lose profit due to the decreasing number of people who buy DVD’s because they’re available online.

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