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ATV Explorer By: Daniel Fernandez, Marcin Gluc, Alicia Garabedian, Asma Dhorajiwala, Steve Gibala.

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Presentation on theme: "ATV Explorer By: Daniel Fernandez, Marcin Gluc, Alicia Garabedian, Asma Dhorajiwala, Steve Gibala."— Presentation transcript:

1 ATV Explorer By: Daniel Fernandez, Marcin Gluc, Alicia Garabedian, Asma Dhorajiwala, Steve Gibala

2 Look in the background Founded in 1930 “Kids not only want toys to play with, but toys to play with them.” – Herman G. Fisher Hired outside Management help company grow Bought out by Quaker oats for 50 million

3 Strengths Brand Awareness – Largest Market Share 64% – Most Often Purchased Brand 82.7% High Quality Products – Intrinsic play value, ingenuity, strong construction, good value for the money, action Management Structure – Pro Management structure from diverse industries – Financial and Resource backing from Quaker oats Research and Development – Onsite Nursery School where products could be tested – Evaluated by corporate engineers and behavior scientists

4 Weaknesses Conservative Management Structure – Reluctant to produce products beyond $5 ceiling – Reluctant to depart from product line positioning High Initial Cost to develop products – $161,000 per mold, 500,000 unit capacity – $18,000 for tooling

5 Opportunities High Number of Potential Clients – Americans are growing more affluent – Willing to spend money on high quality and good value products – Increasing numbers of 1 st born children New Advertising and Positioning – Differentiate high price products from low cost – Explorer further TV advertising

6 Threats Playskool – Dominates riding toy market 6 products in 1970 Small, unknown Firms – Produce low quality riding toys – $3 -$4 Seasonal Nature of Business – 53% dollar sales – 45% unit sales – November and December

7 Positioning Statement To the parents/guardians of two to five year olds captivated by innovative riding vehicles, The ATV explorer is a high quality interactive children’s riding vehicle that encompasses the values that meet Fisher Price’s criteria of a complete toy.

8 Target Audience To the parents/guardians of two to five year olds captivated by innovative riding vehicles… Not too young, not too old Targeted to parents/guardians because they are the actual purchasers Not all children are interested in riding vehicles 72% of toy purchasers are parents

9 Frame of Reference The ATV explorer is a high quality interactive children’s riding vehicle… Durable Complex figuration Moderate price

10 Unique Point of Difference …. that encompasses the values that meet Fisher Price’s criteria of a complete toy. Qualities: Intrinsic play value – Intrinsic play value – Ingenuity – Strong construction – Good value for the money – Action

11 Maslow's Theory -Child is happy; therefore, I am happy. -Feel like I have done my job correctly as a parent. -My child loves me because we can play together. -My child is exercising while playing. -Playing is essential to the healthy development of my children.

12 Break Even Analysis Break Even Sales in Dollars = [Fixed Cost / Unit Contribution Margin] 66,296 =[179,000 /2.70] Break Even Point of 66,296 units

13 Communication Approach Single Product Launching Strategy Prestige Item that offers high margins to retailers but require elaborate point-of-sale promotions TV Storyboard Commercial to create buzz demand for ATV Product

14 High vs. Low Involvement Low involvement products are products which are bought frequently with a minimum of thought & effort because they are not a vital concern nor have any great impact on the consumer’s lifestyle – What will parents care about? Toy is enjoyable for child Safe, durable & high quality

15 Major Implication Riding toys – highest approximate dollar sales of all toys at retail Higher priced items controlled largest portion of dollar sales Economy is booming – discretionary income is increasing for families Gradual spike in price Hand-me-down toy

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